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New Promotion System

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"Now on the other hand you can have cadets who WORK in professional ways".  I think that's the appropriate explanation.  Well said.
ouyin2000 said:
also, it is possible to send someone to their first year of camp, as a 15 yr old to CL, and not just Basic

yup... Happened to 2 cadets in my core this year... Just hope you are lucky if your 16 and not get sent to basic like my sgt haha
ArmyBoi69 i think it's an age thing, there's people in my corps that have been in for 3 years and I'm the same rank and star level as them and i joined last year. Why? Because i'm older and un like them i dont have the full time to get to higher levels, so i was allowed to challenge tests and get promoted faster. As for them getting the same rank as you right a way did you consider that possibility that maybe they transfered from another corps? if your whining about little things like that maybe there's a reason your still only a private ::)
Let's relax and tone it down a bit guys.

Professionalism is the embodiment of an attitude. It's how you give and take direction, criticism, discipline, etc. It doesn't matter what you do in life, you can still be professional about it.
I agree with Armyboi here,
Most responses he gets are almost always negative. Give and you receive. Which actually lately he has been receiving, but not giving.  :D
OK, point that Armyboy hasn't risen to the bait lately taken, now, does anyone have anything else to add regarding the topic?
I joined when I was 13 (in February), got promoted to LAC in September the following year, then Cpl at christmas that same year, then got shafted for my Sgts, which i got the next christmas, which leaves me with my FSgts which I got about 6 weeks ago.
I joined when I was 12. Got double promoted to Cpl. at end of first year. I got MCpl. at Christmas of year after, and just got my seargents mid last year, and my WO.'s this year.
My core has come out with a new system where you have to apply for a promotion, like applying for a job, then you have to do a test (out of redstar fundamentals, and for higher ranks, you also do the leadership definition section), then theres an interview, the interviewing board for me was the RSM, CO, a CI, Air Cadet Capt. that i didnt know and a Civilian i didnt know) anyways, I think its good if your in a situation where you do an excellent job, but dont get promoted because the higher ranks look at all the bad points rather than good, it gives everyone a fair chance, level playing field so to speak.

- Shawn
Our corp does it similar to that. We have to apply for our positions. Cadets choosing Platoon Commanders and above all had to get interviewed.
I chose Platoon 2ic. I would never have thought I would actually be chosen for Plt Cmdr and be promoted to Warrant.
ARMYboi69 said:
I find that system to be very unfair >:(

I want to be noticed because I've done 8 hours of standing selling poppies.   I want to be recognized because I did the vigil when it was optional.   I want to be seen because I have never missed a night of Cadets or a weekend Exercise.   I want to be recognized because of what I have earned.   I DON'T want to be recognized because I came to the Corps when I felt like for a year ::)

Cadets have to be selected because they are comitted to the Corps and they are mature people who will only do the Corps good.

Thanks for selling poppies and standing a vigil. Is that what you wanna here.

Trust me troop you have been noticed.

keep up the Great work  :cdn:

All will come in time army boi all in time...many times people who didnt deserve promotions were promoted over me...this doesnt stop me and all I do is keep doing what I do...although my CO not promoting me then saying Oh my god Burrows is less than 15 minutes early for *insert function* is kind of cruel...although its all in good humour...both the officers NCOs and myself know I do good work and thus I may not be a sgt but I get all the taskings which require a head rather than a rank.
Hey, I just want to say I have only been promoted twice in 4 years but that just happens its better to be a lower rank and better trained than a higher rank and poorly trained.  So you may say the system is unfair but Cadets isn't all about glory it's a system to develop youth leaders withing Canada.
I was a Cpl for about a year, and after I got shafted for my Sgts, the new Cpls respected that I had more time in then them, so they would listen and respect me as though i were a higher rank. Its not just the rank on your sleeves, but also the way u carry yourself. If you always fussing over and fixing little things on your subordinates that seem to go unnoticed by everyone else it makes you look better and the cadets will look at you with reverence.
couldnt have said it better myself mandal..
Okay, I think that this new promotion system is bull.  I can't believe that something so stupid would be implemented!!  Seriously, I am outraged!!  I've been a Cpl for almost a year because promotions in my corps were hard to come by, because we were very small.  At first I was not please being a Cpl for a year, but it has also taught me alot of things.  With this new promotion system, I could easily make sergent at the end of the year.  I wouldn't want that, I want to work hard and earn my rank.  Also, this would give some undeserving cadets in my corps a chance to get somewhere they don't belong.  I'm gonna ask my admin officer tomorrow night to shed light on this.
Army boi, I've heard your story and can completely relate.  As I've already said, I've been a cpl for almost a year now, and even though the other corporals don't respect me, I certinly do have the respects of my NCO's and cadets.  You want to know what you can do to stand out, try your hardest at things when your not with your corps.  For example, summer camp.  I went to vernon for CL and I did the best in my platoon, and I had some pretty tough compititon.  That got me a nice shiny plaque and a great course report.  Later in september my training officer congradulated me.  So I was recognised for that, and because I've done so well I've gotton a posistion on parade.  I'm now on color gaurd, and my warrant just dosn't let anyone on her gaurd.  So all I'm saying is just try your hardest, make yourself noticed, and take part in extra training, or even just show intrest in it.  For exaple Pre-NSCE.  But for now, all I can say is good luck and just be happy with the rank you are now.

I can also relate. I was double promoted to Cpl. at the end of my first year along with some of the other top candidates. Then at Christmas the following year I got MCpl. I was MCpl. up until mid-late last year. The I got Sgt. and WO. This year.