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New Promotion System

  • Thread starter Thread starter RGauthier
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I just got in from cadets tonight where I was told that a new ranking system is now being put in place. Promotions are no longer based on a Cadets Merit, ex. volunteer work, corps commitment, etc. but that it is just based on the star level you have completed. people who are green star qualified automaticly get Private, and so on. in order to get MWO and CWO you have to have held the previous rank for 6 monthes and have NSCE. With this system the corps quotia system is obsolete, you can have as many MCpl's Sgt's , WO's .etc as CO's want in the corps. I was just wondering, what do you guys think about this new system?

later all  :salute:

Cadet Master Corporal R.Gauthier
If that is indeed the new system then  I can see the corps structures out there going to hell in a handbasket soon.  The quota is there to maintain an even number of leaders to subordinates.  It ensures( if done correctly) a good instructor to trainee ratio.  I hope that this is not the way of the future as we will have a very large number a senior ranks in a very short time.  To many chiefs and not enough Indians.  This is just my opinion but I like the quota system and I think it works.  I can see however that cadets may like a new system like that in the first post because it ensures that you get rank if you hang around and do the courses.

Cheers!! :cdn:

The Army Guy
No you cant.

Look into the ERCO's and see what they say. You have a maximum of position per quota of the corps.

TRue enought that green star goes with private, red with cpl and the rest...BUT to be a WO and up you need to have at least, one CLI and the rest goes to merit.

Thats how I work.
I agree with it from private to master corporal, but for Sgt and above I do thing it's stupid, for the reasons that you stated Army Guy. I believe that you should earn Senior ranks, not have them handed to you. and I saying this even thought this new system got me promoted tonight and may get me promoted to Sgt next weekl. but stiill, it's the ethics, THE ETHICS!!!  :-\

oh btw SunnyK it's a new system that is currently being instituted nationally within the Army Cadet Corps. Every Corps is being changed to this promotion system <according to my reliable sources.

the REgional CIC Officer for Nova Scotia, my CO and my corps Admin officer.
Tren said:
Promotions are no longer based on a Cadets Merit, ex. volunteer work, corps commitment, etc. but that it is just based on the star level you have completed. people who are green star qualified automaticly get Private, and so on. in order to get MWO and CWO you have to have held the previous rank for 6 monthes and have NSCE. With this system the corps quotia system is obsolete, you can have as many MCpl's Sgt's , WO's .etc as CO's want in the corps. I was just wondering, what do you guys think about this new system?

You might want to re-check your notes from that meeting.    ;)


That would be the same kind of minimum standards before receiving a promotion that exist for Sea and Air Cadets. Yes, promotion up to and including Cpl are just based on star level (not unlike the promotion to Cpl in the CF) but Summer training is no longer a mandatory requirement for promotions   - we don't want to penalize a cadet because he's unavailable for summer training or the Corps couldn't find a slate for him.  

Maybe your Corps had a very weird promotion system and your CO just told that from now on, your'e going to do things the right way ? (I had to do that speech to my cadets last year : not fun...)

There is indeed a new system coming into place for rank structure. However, it simply means that there will be less importance put on rank, and more put on a cadet NCO's job (ie section commander, plt WO). Essentially, the regions are now supposed to endorse the platoon/company system that everyone is familiar with at camp, depending on unit numbers. Of course there is a chance that this total focus on job and not rank will create dysfunctional units with very slack junior NCO's.
Sounds like the old ways back in the 80s.If you had a Position you got the rank...
My understanding has been that summer camps are no longer prerequisites for rank.  The only prerequisite is Star Level.  This does not mean ranks are automatically awarded, Promotion to MCpl and above are also based on merit (since there is a limited number allowed for each cadet corps).
so what is the required amount of Mcpls??
because our corps jsut had a co's parade and we now have 22 MCpls...and 6 Sgts

ps. Zedic_1913, are you Keane or his brother?
Q Y Rang,

You can use this http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/4003A_e.pdf to explain you're question.
Hope it sheds some light.
I wish it was half that easy. One thing I have learned through cadets that isn't in the training manual is that there is always politics. No matter how hard you try to make the perfect corp. You need to understand that as much as people say that promotion is based on merit or qualifications, its not true. Myself and my friend go on FTXs with other corps to offer our skills. One corp we went out with had 7 people in the same family.One Major, one Captin, and 5 cadets. It was horrible.
I'm not saying its necessarily a bad thing to have people from the same family in the same unit....However I'm saying its very rare for anything good to come of it. Even if they are decent people and function souly on merit they will still be accused of favouritism by jealous people.

I know this doesn;t apply to some but it seems that a few have not gotten what I have been saying. there are no longer a set number for the amount of ranks you are aloud to have. Corps can now have an unlimited number of each rank as long as the cadet has completed the required star level.
I never heard of it, but ill find out more about it, thanx

Mcpl. Papke
1787 RMRANG, Salmon Arm B.C.
This is bad because your have a lot more cadets a ranks which will destory the chain of command.
I don't understand why it was changed. Promotion based on qualification and merit made much more sense. To me at least. Any one agree?
:cdn: :salute:
Hell, I wouldn't have it any other way. MCpls and down I can see no set limit. Sgts and up, yes, definetly, there should be a limit. It only makes sense! A corps of 20 cadets with 10 Sgts or over. That makes sense... ::)
