Seems many on here are more concerned about themselves getting awarded this gong, and not about Veterans inwhich its all about.
WRT to that petition, its grown to around 4300.
I think we should see outside the box here, and looking down here, it did not hurt having such an award created. Comparing it to the 12 yr CD (here the sister medal is 15 yrs --w/bars after 5 yrs) as is the UK) is wrong, as thats not what it is for.
It works here perfectly, and the idea can work in Canada. In my opinion, we should stop thinking of ourselves, and think of others.
Take the time to read this, I did.
Recognition and Honour for our Veterans and Troops
How does one start to bring to the attention of others a much needed long overdue honour and recognition for thousands of Veterans and Troops? Remembrance is for all not just some! I hope a letter of understanding may be the answer in support of a proposed Governor General’s Volunteer Service Medal (GGVSM). It is important to know that the GGVSM Petition to ask for the creation of a new medal has been read in the House of Commons on 12 different occasions but this isn’t enough. We need the petition to be read in the House of Commons again and again and for this we need your help.
To all Canadians, my neighbours, comrades, colleagues, associates and friends, I have struggled with this as it is adamantly important to the success of a lasting legacy for our Veterans…all of them.
As individual Canadians it is within this letter that I ask for your trust, faith and understanding. It is my hope that you will fully comprehend that it is only by sharing the awareness and encouragement of a kind and meaningful gesture of remembrance, “your signature”, that we can accomplish this act of remembrance! This is a vitally important individual commitment of participation for honour, recognition and support. A goal to finally bring about this honour for the thousands of Veterans who voluntarily served our nation yet have not received a single Canadian medal to acknowledge their service.
Since March 1st, 1947, when the issuance of a Volunteer Service Medal for our Troops ceased, it was replaced with…nothing. Thousands of Canadians made the conviction to volunteer to serve and did so with dignity and honour, yet we as a nation have given them nothing to recognize this selfless act. For all, it is a duty that at anytime those that volunteer to serve do so knowing they may and often are called to duty serving anywhere in the world including theatres of war. Some did so and in this act of courage they paid the ultimate sacrifice…death.
For many young Canadians who served and were honourably discharged they received nothing by way of a Canadian Medal to acknowledge their volunteer service. This lapse is critical to understanding the need for recognition. A commitment to serve is part of Canada’s Heritage and a Legacy for the Troops and their families. These young men and women who voluntarily served under the Commanders-in-Chief, the Governor Generals of Canada from 1947 to present were willing to put themselves in harms way. They have yet to be formally remembered for their role in the defence of our freedom and democracy. I know this begs the question why!
For many of us, these medal-less Veterans are our comrades, brothers-in-arms and we share a kindred spirit with them. For others, they are our friends, neighbours, colleagues and ancestors. It should be a matter of esprit-des-corps for them as well as all our Veterans and Troops to have at least one medal honouring them. The proposed solution, the GGVSM would be issued to the thousands of Veterans that have honourably served since March 1947. For all Canadians, this is where each of you as an individual with all the entitlements and rights to Freedom of Speech are asked to help out with this cause and we humbly request from each of you your assistance with in doing three things:
1. That all of you ask your Members of Parliament to have copies of the GGVSM Petition in their Constituency Office in your Riding so that you and all Canadians know where a copy is and have the opportunity to go in and sign it, and
2. That as many as possible go to the on-line GGVSM Petition website and sign the Petition for a Volunteer Service Medal for our Veterans, or get assistance from someone that has a computer to sign the on-line petition, and
3. We need all of you to write individual “(regular post)” letters to (i) our Prime Minister and (ii) your Members of Parliament requesting their support of the GGVSM for the honour, recognition and remembrance of these our Comrades, Friends, Neighbours, Ancestors...our Veterans.
What’s fascinating is what one learns about honour and where it lies when it comes to an approved Canadian Petition such as the GGVSM Petition. Any Canadian can sign it, there is no age restriction. To all, I hope this letter lends a hand towards a deeper understanding of what one signature at a time, one completed Petition at a time and a couple of letters from each of you can do for to bring about the proposed GGVSM for all of our Veterans. Another neat thing is that there is no charge for letters sent to Parliament Hill, no stamps required if you live in Canada, but all other Canadians where every you may be I would surely welcome your support.
With deepest appreciation for your support and understanding,
Remembrance of our Veterans is for all not just some,
Sincerely yours,
Dave W. Palmer, CD