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New Game: Make a wish

Hammer Sandwich said:
But having two snow days multiplies the backlog of "ACTION ITEMS" that need attention, and your weekend is hooped.

I can handle that!!
GRANTED  However the mag wheels on your mobile home have Popped and your back to using Goodwill.

I wish tomorrow was my birthday
Granted.  Nobody shows up for the party because of the short notice, and you don't get any presents.  You cry.

I wish that beer was a claimable expense while on TD.
agc said:
I wish that beer was a claimable expense while on TD.

Granted. But now you have the bender to end all benders blowing $1000 on beer in one week only to find out that you no longer get TD due to a new CANFORGEN and are on the hook for that $1000. (Too soon?)

I wish the Toronto Maple Leafs, the greatest hockey team in the world, win the Stanley Cup this year.
jeffb said:
I wish the Toronto Maple Leafs, the greatest hockey team in the world, win the Stanley Cup this year.

They do.  The rest of the hockey world is blown away.

(There is NO WAY I am queering that deal: after their win tonight, I'm already planning the parade route) ;)

I wish I could plan the parade route for real
Granted. We've gone back in time to 1967. TVs are black and white again, leaving the old jokes in tact (and funny as always)!

I wish the TV series JAG had ended later than it did.
Granted. The JAG is now 80 years old and crippled with arthritis.  ;DThe female JAG has undergone menopause....and isn't hot any longer.

About all these JAGs do now is draw up wills in the JAG old age home.

I wish that we could all get together for a big party!! YYYEHHHHAAA
Granted MP has crashed the party and now thanks to you we've all been written up for public intoxication.

Thanks :salute:

I wish someone else could do the household chores
Granted, however while cleaning, they tripped over a hockey puck and broke their leg, now you have to bathe them in addition to chores.

I wish I had six tonnes of gold
Mudshuvel said:
I wish I had six tonnes of gold

Granted. However, as you're making your escape from Fort Knox, you get shot through the back of the head by their top-notch marksmen. Multiple times.

I wish MTV would cancel all of their "reality" shows, start playing music again, and bring Beavis and Butthead back.
Sapplicant said:
I wish MTV would cancel all of their "reality" shows, start playing music again, and bring Beavis and Butthead back.

GRANTED....but it sucks just as bad as every other show you thought was rad the first time around.......
(I thought I missed you, Golden Girls, but I was wrong.....sigh...) :-[

I wish this computer didn't have "VISTA" as an OS, and I had a new one that could open a wepage in less than twelve seconds!
Hammer Sandwich said:
I wish this computer didn't have "VISTA" as an OS, and I had a new one that could open a wepage in less than twelve seconds!

Granted. Your computer will now run on PupOS, it is powered by puppies and therefore loads pages in a fraction of a second. Unfortunately, a puppy is killed every time you load or refresh a page.

I wish a Canadian team brings home the Stanley Cup this year.
HavokFour said:
I wish a Canadian team brings home the Stanley Cup this year.

Granted! Stanley Cup is back in Canada and the huge party that follows its arrival on our soil looks like the G20 in TO with stores broken into, glass shattered, people in prisons, drug and alcohol abuse to celebrate etc... costing us millions of dollars in repairs and all.

I really, really wish my stupid neighboor would stop listening his music like he's in a discotheque so I could finally get at least ONE good night sleep.

Alea said:
I really, really wish my stupid neighboor would stop listening his music like he's in a discotheque so I could finally get at least ONE good night sleep.

Poof! Your neighbour goes deaf and no longer listens to any music. However, after all this time listening to his loud music, every track he ever played becomes stuck in your head causing you to go insane.

I wish I had a little more Crown, and a little less Smirnoff.  :-[
HavokFour said:
Granted. Your computer will now run on PupOS, it is powered by puppies and therefore loads pages in a fraction of a second. Unfortunately, a puppy is killed every time you load or refresh a page.

Sorry to clog the thread, but..... :rofl:

(It took eight minutes, and almost shut down my computer for that smiley....)

HavokFour said:
I wish I had a little more Crown, and a little less Smirrnoff

GRANTED.....Now in  communist RUSSIA......Rye drinks you!!!!!

I wish people remembered Yakov Smirrnoff....... 

edit for stupidity concerning basic spelling of 80's Comedian names.

Granted We are all having a ball at your expense until we all realize what a party pooper it really is.

I wish I could live on an island.  :snowman:
AfroNinja said:
I wish I could live on an island.  :snowman:

Granted. You now live on a sand island 9x9m in size with no vegetation or wildlife to speak of. Your only companion is a rock you have named George, and you eat nothing but your own peeling skin and drink nothing but sea water. The island is also guarded by a large portion of the worlds population of sharks.

I wish that this wish is nothing but beneficial to my well being.  >:D
Granted. Since it is beneficial to your being, A.K.A, your soul, you have now decided to give away everything you own, and live a simple life as a monk. That means no Superbowl, No TV, No Beer/alcohol, no nuns...

I wish that I will make the range team...
RemembranceDay said:
Granted. Since it is beneficial to your being, A.K.A, your soul, you have now decided to give away everything you own, and live a simple life as a monk. That means no Superbowl, No TV, No Beer/alcohol, no nuns...

I wish that I will make the range team...

Granted.....you do make the range team....as a brass picker upper.....kinda like the Water Boy, but you never get the chance to shoot.....

I wish that criminals would smarten up....
Jim Seggie said:
Granted.....you do make the range team....as a brass picker upper.....kinda like the Water Boy, but you never get the chance to shoot.....

I wish that criminals would smarten up....

Granted. The world is now run by evil geniuses.

I wish tomorrow wasn't Monday.