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New Feature: Daily Challenges

mission proficiency; you know the points you get when you successfully complete a mission and at 100 the mission 'levels up,' get 170 of those.
crooks.a said:
I can confirm this now, as I just got the challenge incentive.

It is the percentage for completing a mission. Just do around 20 or so missions (go back to Canada...) and you should be able to get it.
crooks.a said:
Just do around 20 or so missions (go back to Canada...)

I can repel a sustained attack, but I just failed Maple Guardian?  Even electronically, Wainwright blows  >:(
zipperhead_cop said:
I can repel a sustained attack, but I just failed Maple Guardian?  Even electronically, Wainwright blows  >:(

I just failed DAG.
Did I spill ink all over my file or something? How is that even possible?  :crybaby:
You slept in and missed your flight...

You had to run to the heads and lost your spot in the DAG line-up...

You handed your paperwork to an incompetent Div Officer, who lost it on his desk for 3 months....

Your Elcan went down on you and you dumped your PWT...

You tripped during the run-down on your PWT and clogged your barrel....(gopher hole)

All kinds of reasons why your DAG process or an ex could get pooched...

I just did the 6 equipment proficiency levels  challenge, giving me  1000 points, then I bought 50 points of stuff in the QM and I lost the 1000 points for some reason. Could anyone explain this?
Allons-y said:
I just did the 6 equipment proficiency levels  challenge, giving me  1000 points, then I bought 50 points of stuff in the QM and I lost the 1000 points for some reason. Could anyone explain this?

I don't see you being awarded the milpoints at all. Is your FB account linked to Army.ca?
Mike, Great work.

This adds a whole new layer of strategy to the game.  If you are careful about your Milpoints and the Medal incentives you can quickly stack some incentives in order to raise your stats.  Today, I decided to focus on the challenges in order to get over the 5000 level in Milpoints that gave me the incentive to get +10 max CR, by doing that it pushed my Max CR over 100 allowing me to purchase the incentive for +10 Attention to detail.  Now I am within reach of the next level and should be able to level up later this evening once the new challenges come out.  This new feature just makes the game play even more interesting, for me it added another level of strategy.
Mike,  Can you please confirm that we can only win each specific daily challenge one time.  Example:  one of today's challenge is for 6 equip proficiency levels.  But if you get 12 levels, you don't get the MP bonus again.  The reason I am asking this is regarding this user: http://army.ca/milpoints/?user=7365
airmich said:
Mike,  Can you please confirm that we can only win each specific daily challenge one time.  Example:  one of today's challenge is for 6 equip proficiency levels.  But if you get 12 levels, you don't get the MP bonus again.  The reason I am asking this is regarding this user: http://army.ca/milpoints/?user=7365

Looks like you found another bug! Or at least the banned user found a bug.  ;D

Edit: You cannot stack with the Time Spent Playing challenge, I have 37,838 / 7,702 and it hasn't reissued the bonus.
PuckChaser said:
Edit: You cannot stack with the Time Spent Playing challenge, I have 37,838 / 7,702 and it hasn't reissued the bonus.

I noticed the same with the time challenges or msn proficiency, but I didn't want to accuse anyone of anything until proven.  I am only up to 6 on the equip so I haven't been able to notice if it restarts or would do the 6/7 thing.
Another interesting find, mich. I checked the logs and all 4 of these entries are for exactly the same second. So it's possible that the log just got confused. But I've checked with the user directly to see what happened.

When things are working correctly, you're only supposed to get a challenge reward once, no matter how many times you double/triple/etc. it.
I've done a search and I can't figure out how to link my FB to army.ca so I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
Allons-y said:
I've done a search and I can't figure out how to link my FB to army.ca so I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
ingame under the 'PER' tab, there are check boxes just after the set of stats
Allons-y said:
I've done a search and I can't figure out how to link my FB to army.ca so I was wondering if anyone could help me out.

Mike will have to do it manually. He hasn't implemented the ability to link FB accounts to Army.ca accounts after you created your character in game.
Allons-y said:
I've done a search and I can't figure out how to link my FB to army.ca so I was wondering if anyone could help me out.

PM me your Facebook account name and I'll link them and merge the balance.

At first I didn't think that the Daily Challenges would be that attainable, but today I was able to get all three. With the extra milpoints i was able to get the equipment owned incentives and really increase my max CR. Now I will be able to do many more missions each day and really gain some CE. Great feature Mike, it really makes the game a lot more interesting.
Mike,  love the game!!  But these daily incentives are killing me.  I barely got any work done all day, I was too busy playing.  ;D