This is a classic CAF over correction, and it's a shame you can't see it. Our credibility as a military force is directly related to how we look. If you show up with garbage kit, a ZZ top beard and pink hair; you better believe you're not going to be taken seriously. There is absolutely nothing wrong with men having collar-length, natural coloured hair and a beard of a few inches in length.
Like it or not, worldwide military dress and deportment policies are conservative in nature. Even the Nordic countries that allow long hair and beards don't have multi-colour mops of unkept hair.
We are not going to get a recruiting boom, we are not going to get a retention boom, and if you look around outside there's not a whole heck of a lot of people with unnatural hair colouring. We're changing for the absolute smallest of minorities, and it will do absolutely nothing for "inclusion" in the CAF.