The ability to work as a team presupposes the ability to not put "me" first. The baseline is that a person who doesn't intend to be dramatic doesn't start by doing dramatic things.
This is a bit of a stretch, I am going to have to say.
We already have enough "me" aspects of our organization that demonstrate we can be a group of individuals united in a common effort. If we weren't, every Vandoo, Royal, and Patricia would be rebadged to generic RCIC numbered battalions and open to posting plots around the country. Same with RMC Grads vs DEO, CFR, UTPNCM, CiviU folks.
We spent 50 years undoing numerous Unification Era "advances" because they weren't individual enough for some folks. You break it down all the way to trade, Pl, Section, fire team... we all want something that we can identify as being unique to our experience.
Uniform dress isn't uniform in the sense that we intermingle as a CAF (many Blue, White, and Green shirts on my last parade, all dispersed within the ranks), we all have different bits and bobs hanging off of them, and yes, even our physical appearance even before 6 Sept 22 is different based on gender, religion, or even personal preference.
This is just widening the Arcs we already have. It's not going to turn every CAF Member into some free thinking anarchist, nor are we going to actively recruit or attract those kinds of folks (very few anti-establishment types actively seek government employment...).
This is a tempest in a teapot in the grand scheme of things...