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New CF Fitness Policies Coming

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Well, it appears that threat of action has spurred some soldiers here in Edmonton to act.

I have witnessed an inordinately large number of "larger" troops in the gym/pool/fieldhouse since Christmas leave, many complaining amongst themselves about the "unfair" and "unreasonable" requirements that the "fitness Nazis" are coming up with - so maybe Gen. Hillier's new plans are having an effect, if grudgingly, on our military.

This could be just a yearly increase, due to new year's resolutions, but maybe, just maybe, we are turning a corner here!
As an aside, this is coming in at a good throttle at least in my unit (Pres) -parade night pt sessions - with emphasis on circuit training, and running - small armoury with large number of stairwells that need to be ran, and outside Pt - Don't know if its just that our CO loves fitness himself - or a further directive....
But is an excellent idea as such - and I'm wondering how many other units will follow suit? I say this as fitting in the "whose PT level is in the needs to keep working at it category".
Saw the CDS in the gym here in Ottawa on Monday, doing a couple bench presses.

I love leadership.
Ok, all this talk of fitness over the past few days gave me the idea to "test" myself against the other army( USMC, BRITS, US ARMY) standards, so on day one I did max PUs, situps, pullups on a 2 min time line plus a 2.4k run, and on day 2 I did the same but I did a 5k run( approx 3miles).  My results were good for the CND, US and Brit army, and I scored 2nd class( which is still above the min, Pull ups really bad for me) for the USMC.  I am a 240lbs fattie, that works really long hours( civvie) so what is the excuse of some of the members of the CF, if I can meet these standards anyone can.  Are the "new" standards really that extreme that I have to train harder? I think not( but I will just in case).  Fitness can be painfull, but as a member of the "ARMED FORCES" should you not expect a little discomfort every once and a while.

rant off.
North Star said:
Saw the CDS in the gym here in Ottawa on Monday, doing a couple bench presses.

Just a couple??  ;D

Did you rag on him for it?  ;)
Fitsumo....your preaching to the choir here.And no I'm well over level 2 for the USMC standard,as are most other people on this board.If you wanna brag I know a couple of these guys here are fitness machines.And yes your right theres no reason not to meet the minimum requirement....also no reason not to top the testing.

  No real change at my work place,and I think the influx to the gym GO!!! would proably be the new years resolution guys trying for a week until it hurts, and quiting again until Jan 2007.

  I'm using the sar tech pt standard as my own personal fitness testing excluding the swimming.It's a good standard in my mind.What are you guys using for a personal guage?

The only people that fall under that specification would be people who haven't taken their PT test yet this year or are overdue for a test, no?
If you can not reach level 6 on the run, do 19 push up, 19 situps, and get a grip on 90(It think thats the min) you are hurt bad or have serious problems.  Like having  heart attack walking up the stars problem.  My personal view is that if the military is going to foot your medical bills 100% that they dam well should have some say.  It is not like the CDS is going to enforce a harder test, just enforce the one we have.
"Fitsumo....your preaching to the choir here.And no I'm well over level 2 for the USMC standard,as are most other people on this board.If you wanna brag I know a couple of these guys here are fitness machines." ( from rcac_011)
Sorry, my intention was not to brag, FAR FROM IT, I was trying to make a point that the standards of fitness are achievable for anyone with the drive..  There are people on this board ( ie paracowboy, GO!!, etc that I am sure are fitness gods)  that would kill any standard put in front of them. 

On another note, rcac_011  can you PM me and explain the 450m shuttle from the SAR tech pt( how is it broken down, ie what are the intervals for the shuttle).

rcac_011 said:
I'm using the sar tech pt standard as my own personal fitness testing excluding the swimming.It's a good standard in my mind.What are you guys using for a personal guage?

I think you hit the nail on the head: if you can meet the lowest standard, work to the next highest standard, and so on, until you are at the best shape/intelligence/knowledge level attainable, within reason (being obsessive about anything comes with its own hazards). Striving for the lowest standard, in any undertaking is, in my mind, the bane of society in a larger picture, and the military in particular. The fact that "we" have accepted that as the "new normal" (in the past) says something about "us" as a group (and I think you fella's understand that I am talking about the "Royal We", versus the people reading this forum).

P.S. If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you doing the swimming? The reason I ask is because I started swimming as a means of improving my overall fitness (crosstraining), and it is a good way to give your body a break from the same old, same old (assuming you are doing a lot of running). If it's because you can't swim, I won't be so obvious as to say you should learn (though you should learn  ;D ), but you can use the pool to do your workouts: water running (using the little "life belt" riggin's), shallow end circuit training using the board thingies (the proper name escapes me.... APS strikes again). I know that the normal pool timings available to us (in Gagetown, I was/am doing my pool training over lunch hour (during the Military Noon Swim), as that was the only time convenient/avail). You can only work with what ya got.....

I only excluded the swim due to logistics....bringing shampoo and all that stuff.Lame excuse?I'm the guy who also gets to the base and has to turn around because I forgot my i-pod.Then my wife hands me my mil i.d saying "you might need this" (know it all).

  Have you been back in the pool since Christmas is over?Just wondering how the water/people percentage is now that it's cold.According to the darn running track everymorning it's proably packed.Took one look at the track today and went outside for 10km.

  Fatsumo, you can find the standard here at army.ca just search sar tech.That and the coopers test are great.Also the new army fitness manual test is pretty good.Only thing I hate is the jumping (which is a plot from "the man" to keep us short guys down).I was embarrassed by a level two in that.But if you get the running times its a pretty good gauge.23 min per 5km is pretty easy.I cannot get the 2.4 yet,I'm stuck at 9:50-9:55 range,down from 11:40 3 months ago.

  Sort of like forest gump I just started running....60 pounds later here I am 210 down to 150).I'm going to be a new father soon,what I dint understand is how these guys go home to their families where their kids have nothing to look up to.No role models.

  Apparently psp has a program to build you up to jtf2 or sartech standards.This is coming from a sartech I've been talking too lately,haven't checked with my psp staff yet.

  Going on course next Monday,I'll post back to tell you how the p.t is.I'm hoping for some good stuff but from what I heard the pt on the PLQ is hit or miss.I was thinking shouldn't pt be crazy on this course (just mod 1-5) to make sure the future mcpl's are "fit to fight?"
rcac_011 said:
I only excluded the swim due to logistics....bringing shampoo and all that stuff.Lame excuse?I'm the guy who also gets to the base and has to turn around because I forgot my i-pod.Then my wife hands me my mil i.d saying "you might need this" (know it all).

Have you been back in the pool since Christmas is over?Just wondering how the water/people percentage is now that it's cold.According to the darn running track everymorning it's proably packed.Took one look at the track today and went outside for 10km.

Don't forget your shampoo and soap (and ID) while on course  ;D. Your room-mates might appreciate it....

Haven't used the pool since before Xmas (says the guy who is chastising the guy who doesn't go: Do as I say, not as I do!!! ). Last year it was somewhat crazy at this time of year (New Year's resolutions and all). It thins out big time come Feb. If you can (which I have the luxury of doing: RHIP) show up at exactly 1130 (when the Mil Swim starts) and hog a lane, or show up at around 1215, but keep in mind it is Endex at 1245hrs, unless the PSP staff like what yer packing in the Speedo's  :o

Good luck on your course.


There are people on this board ( ie paracowboy, GO!!, etc that I am sure are fitness gods)  that would kill any standard put in front of them. 

:-[ Due to a rather serious injury, GO!!! has not done PT in three months, and finds the trek to get chips arduous, but has vowed to return...
"Fatsumo, you can find the standard here at army.ca just search sar tech."
( its FITSUMO, but hey fatsumo works too ;))
I did the search that is why I asked about the 400 meter shuttle run, just wondering how its broken down.

GO!!, sorry to hear about your situation, injuries blow.
FITSUMO ;D its 50m sorta like the beep test.(sorry about the fatsumo thing,just word association I guess!)the whole test is one part right after the other.

  I think I'll hold out on the speedo's part for the pool,swam in too much cold water as a kid....iceburgs...seals pointing and laughing.But I'll have to check out the pool when I get back,give the knees a rest.Maybe I'll practice in the slurry pit by the main gate of petersville, looks clean ;D.

  Pack kit day for me, not gonna run tonight.(That is until I change my mind after supper).


I was surfing the web to find a copy of the CF Army Fitness Manual when I came across something a little disturbing and since I didn't see it discussed yet I thought I'd post it for feedback and opinions:



Forces exercising less, failing fitness tests 
Last updated Jan 6 2006 09:02 AM AST
CBC News
Many members of Canada's Armed Forces are failing fitness standards that aren't as tough as they were 20 years ago.

In 1984, a male soldier was required to do 30 pushups. Now it's only 19. Women in the service had to do 38 knee pushups in 1984 and are now required to do nine regular pushups.

Even with the new standards, the military says roughly 10 to 15 per cent fail.

"There's no question that the standards have been slipping over the years for a variety of reasons," said Dan Middlemiss, a defence analyst.

A recent military survey suggests members of the Forces are exercising less and gaining weight.

About 3,000 members filled out an anonymous health and lifestyle survey in 2004, sharing information on their height and weight, and diet and exercise habits.

Twenty-one per cent are obese, an increase of three per cent since 2000. But the obesity rate in the military is still slightly below the national average.

"There is concern that the prevalence of obesity is going in the wrong direction, that the trend in physical activity is going in the wrong direction. And we've got to reverse that," said Dr. Jeff Whitehead, head of epidemiology at the Canadian Forces Health Services Group in Ottawa.

Nearly half of the respondents are unhappy with their weight. But while activity levels are dropping, dieting seems to be a popular solution. Forty per cent reported changing their diet on their own in the past year with the goal of losing weight.

Whitehead said the survey results, which were compiled in December and have yet to be released, may have contributed to a new emphasis on military fitness.

Just before Christmas, Canada's Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Rick Hillier, issued an order freezing promotions and pay raises for personnel who cannot meet the Armed Forces' fitness standards.

All 60,000 members can expect to have their physical fitness level tested by this spring.

and this one:

Forces must be fit to fight, Hillier says 
Last updated Jan 5 2006 08:16 AM AST
CBC News
Canada's top soldier, Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier, says members of the Armed Forces must pass a fitness test or face serious repercussions.

Right now, soldiers must take an annual 20-minute physical test; male soldiers under 35 are required to sprint and then do 19 pushups and 19 sit-ups.

Roughly 10 to 15 per cent of those who take the test don't pass or are medically excused.

Until now, failing the test had no impact on a member's career.

But CBC News has obtained an internal directive from Hillier that says a soldier's career will now come to a halt until the fitness test is passed — no promotion, no pay raise and even the possibility of dismissal from the Forces.

Hillier said Canada's military is now conducting operations worldwide and every member must be fit and up to the challenge.

"I am convinced that adherence to a physical fitness program will not only increase strength, energy and endurance, but also improve and individual's ability to cope with mental and emotional stresses," Hillier wrote.

"This is leadership business, and I expect the support of leaders at all levels to ensure the CF [Canadian Forces] is fit to fight."

Hillier's directive was sent out just before Christmas to senior officers, who will inform the troops and enforce the new policy.

Those who fail the test can expect a warning, compulsory fitness classes, or even an appointment with an employment counsellor.

"The idea is to bring everybody up to a required level of fitness. We don't want to unnecessarily fire people because they're not fit," said Karol Wenek, director of military employment policy with the Department of National Defence.

The military plans to have the physical fitness of all 60,000 members tested by this spring.

Feedback on this should be interesting... :cdn:

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Since I work at NDHQ, I can tel you that feedback on this is quite interesting. ;D 

and now, back to the gym!

Yes, I dare say, the gym here in CL is very busy these days.  I expect it to slack off again after the current round of express tests is over.  Maybe I'll be able to get on my favourite machines again.
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