Well, seeing as you're apparently not a sailor, I can understand your basis for comment.
Right now and now for the foreseeable future, we have a manning issue. Again, our vessels are not merchant vessels. We do more with our ships than just go from port to port delivering goods and cargo. They (merchant ships) are not as manpower thirsty as they're not busy running ops rooms with various watches, carrying out boardings on target vessels, humanitarian missions ashore, RAS, going into harms way and therefore needing damage control/casualty clearing teams to deal with those events and I could go on. Right now, we're robbing Peter to pay Paul to get ships to sea. Davies dream will be coming on line far in advance of the Queenstowns, AOPS or CSC, as those projects get closer to completing ships, they'll require manpower for those projects.
Yes, they both (merchant/naval) float around on the augie in ships. But, how they do business is very different and each requires a different method of getting their respective business done.