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New Army.ca Swag

:soldier: Hi Mike. I just wonder when did you mailed  the t-shirt & coin, I didn't received yet. I  can't wait to get them. Thanks
I did, yours went out last Wednesday so I expect you should have it any time now.

I was just wondering how long it takes for the hats to be mailed out? Im lookin forward to that day  :army:

Whit3 said:
I was just wondering how long it takes for the hats to be mailed out? Im lookin forward to that day  :army:

Do you have stock in Canada Post or something?  I'd be more excited about the day they arrive, personally. ;)
Good One... Personally I don't have stock in Canada Post, However their are other methodz of delivery which in my knowledge take 2 or 3 business days. I often order products online and they're usually shipped here within the week... and I don't have stock with either of the companys or organizations that supply the product.  ;)
Good news, it's already in the mail. Should be in your hands next week some time.

More Gucci kit ...I need one now! Doing a search to get details on this, how did I miss this?
So my search brings me back to this thread, somebody want to hit me with a clue bat and let me know how I can get one too.
My fault, I'm a terrible advertiser... They're available here.

You can even use your coin case as a pocket protector... perfect!

I've added a couple of new items to the list of Army.ca swag. You can view/order the new items here:


Unfortunately the quantities are pretty low for these items as they've been ordered as a "trial" (and Subscribers had "dibs" on them) but if there's enough interest I can re-order more.

I just received my hat 2 weeks ago...and its awesome!... great job guys....I have a suggestion aswell....Im looking for a hooded sweater, If you guys don't currently have them, it would be a great idea considering the comments i get on my new hat. Thanks for the quick delivery and awesome hat.
Whit3, your timing is impeccable:

My black golf shirt makes me look even hotter than the little picture to the left of this post.....
Doesn't appear to have done much for your modesty, though.


Just thought I would recommend the hoodies. I bought a black one a little while back when they were offered to subscribers. It is a really nice hoody. Looks great on, and I have gotten quite a few questions about the site because of it.

Keep it up Mike!

I just wanted to post a note to give a huge thanks to our Subscribers. Through their support, we are now running at up to twice as fast. instead of running off a single DSL connection, as of this morning, we are running off of 2 load balanced DSL connections. This means that Army.ca will run much faster, and in the event of a connection failure, we can still stay up.

Kudos to our Subscribers for improving Army.ca for us!


(This is a repost, the original was lost in the crash.)