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New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

Concur!  Nicely said Des, even if I was referenced as an airedale (careful, my bite is sometimes worse then my bark ;))
umm, maybe because you insulted his Oakley's  ???

Oh, and Des, I'm an airdale and know how to read a map, compass and ask directions to the mess hall...don't let the colour of my beret fool you into thinking I've never done field time... :eek:     

last dig shot in jest..
BYT Driver said:
umm, maybe because you insulted his Oakley's ???
I never insulted the Oakley's, just him not wearing them, he was not, how I saw, showing them off.  ;)
Mike Baker said:
I never insulted the Oakley's, just him not wearing them, he was not, how I saw, showing them off.  ;)
Well, that's the only reason I can see why he picked you out...take it easy, it's all done in jest, for poops and giggles  8)

Imbeault said:
Come on Mike, use one of em witty Newfoundlander comments you were born with
Well, the problem with that is my mom only gave birth to me, no witty comments were there.
Mike Baker said:
Why did he only pick on me?  ;D

"cuz picking on any comment by Rice with the word ugly in it is just too damned easy  ;)
Sig_Des said:
"cuz picking on any comment by Rice with the word ugly in it is just too damned easy  ;)

But you still managed a good one using Rice and easy in the same sentence.  Oh, and something about his cuz(in)!  ;D
airmich said:
Concur!  Nicely said Des, even if I was referenced as an airedale (careful, my bite is sometimes worse then my bark ;))

Wouldn't the expression for an ex sailor be "your barque is worse than your byte?"  ;D
Wouldn't the expression for an ex sailor be "your barque is worse than your byte?"   ;D
Now THAT was brilliant IHS  :D
Where can I have a peek at HorM's poker poster face?  Is he wearing his Oakleys?
Sig_Des said:
'cuz picking on any comment by Rice with the word ugly in it is just too damned easy  ;)
That's totally a lie. My mom says that I'm handsome. ...and that I'm cool.

As for the next headline:


CFB Kingston: Where the Petawawa soldiers wished they were posted. (HitorMiss not included with CFB Kingston, batteries sold separately).
CFB Kingston where we can't find a real soldier for our own banner and had to borrow one from Pet!
Oh my Lord...he IS wearing the Oakleys. 
Thanks Rice.
Nice pic HorM  8)
For the record D2 that pic was taken overseas before the issue of the CF ballistic eye wear (not that I wear them anyway) so I needed eye protection
HitorMiss said:
CFB Kingston where we can't find a real soldier for our own banner and had to borrow one from Pet!

  :rofl:  Too true!!!
PMedMoe said:
   :rofl:  Too true!!!

Pfft, the only reason my brother here is on the CFB Kingston poster is that they didn't have enough visible minorities on their PR material. In this case, they went with the "vertically challenged"  ;)
And here I thought you were going with Native....ahhh well at least I'm not FRENCH...speaking of which have you surrendered yet there Des?  ;)