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Has anyone heard from CDA lately on how far along in the DP system is Algonquin for certification/accreditation? Has any trade/Corp accreditation happened?
I'm not sure if it's what you're asking about but for the "1 year" Defense and Security certificate  CF members who have passed basic training (I believe) get credited 9 out of 13 credits (with a $10 admin fee x9 credits to transfer them). 

The 4 remaining courses run about $400 each and courses completed after 31 August will see the member reimburse for 50% of the money opposed to 100%

I've yet to receive an answer if the 1 year cirt can be followed up with something in order to get someone a 2 year general arts and science type diploma. 
ObedientiaZelum said:
I'm not sure if it's what you're asking about but for the "1 year" Defense and Security certificate  CF members who have passed basic training (I believe) get credited 9 out of 13 credits (with a $10 admin fee x9 credits to transfer them). 

The 4 remaining courses run about $400 each and courses completed after 31 August will see the member reimburse for 50% of the money opposed to 100%

I've yet to receive an answer if the 1 year cirt can be followed up with something in order to get someone a 2 year general arts and science type diploma.

What I'm asking is that the intent is that the DP1/BMQ was only supposed to be the start not the end, it was supposed to continue to the entire NCM DP system and then other branch's /Corps would be invited to cert their training as well.  So it's been a year since any updates, has the PLQ/ILP/ALP  etc been looked at for certification?  Towards any program, not just the DSC 1 year, but maybe the BMAS or other programs.
I have completed the One Year Defence and Security Certificate and several courses towards the Military Arts and Science Diploma (DMaSc).  The DMasc was built around the OPME program and so alot of the courses are not being run or are rarely run.  Has anyone heard of any recent developments in the creation of a Year 2 General Arts and Sciences Diploma in Defence and Security?
Had anyone taken the defence and security program from Algonquin college, aka the NCM Pd program,  yet? I am wondering if it is worth it.  Most of it seems to be written off through training and then some basic communication courses. I guess it is good PER  fodder but for someone with a couple of years of college under my belt is it worth time?
When the CF refunded the whole course I would imagine it's better.

IF you get refeunded through the NCMPD program you'll still end up paying $1700 out of pocket for the PER points the cert will give you.
Jarnhamar said:
When the CF refunded the whole course I would imagine it's better.

IF you get refeunded through the NCMPD program you'll still end up paying $1700 out of pocket for the PER points the cert will give you.
It isn't covered 100%? I would assume it would be covered under the regular education benefits.
It is. ILPs are still being covered 100%

Ive got a few guys finishing it right now
Tcm621 said:
It isn't covered 100%? I would assume it would be covered under the regular education benefits.
I had an email last summer stating come August 2014 members would recieve 50% refund instead of the previous 100% refund.  I'd love to be wrong as I'm currently going through the NCM PD program.
I need to have a chat with the BPSO's office, I guess. It might be worth doing for free but it sure doesn't seem worth doing at 50%. Good thing they are making ncms pay, what with their higher pay and all.
Tcm621 said:
I need to have a chat with the BPSO's office, I guess. It might be worth doing for free but it sure doesn't seem worth doing at 50%. Good thing they are making ncms pay, what with their higher pay and all.

Yea. Me and you can be the exact same soldier (time in, courses, skill) but if I can afford this and you can't I'll merit higher, get promoted faster and make more money.
have a look at the CDA's DWAN website. It has up to date info on academic reimbursment. It is currently still at 100% (just had a claim completed for a university course). What they are looking at in the future is a yearly/career cap. Not implemented, possible changes coming summer 15.

Also call your PSO's office, they will tell you the same.

Jarnhamar: you are right, we had this conversation in my shop the other day. On the eme SCRIT its worth a fair bit of points, even more so the year that you complete the courses (double dipping for points). If you can afford, and have the time to complete it, you are basicly buying promotion points. I like the idea of free education, but for it to be as worth as much as it is towards promotion for just a college certificate.....not a fan.

Apologies for the revival.

Has anyone pursued this ?  Did you find it a worth while endeavour ?
Halifax Tar said:
Apologies for the revival.

Has anyone pursued this ?  Did you find it a worth while endeavour ?
I spoke with the BPSO about this program and since I already had some university it was deemed a waste of time and money. It is aimed at people who have no post secondary at all and want to do some.

I am looking at taking some management courses through one of the online universities as they are more in line with the type to find PD I feel I need to progress as a leader.
Tcm621 said:
I spoke with the BPSO about this program and since I already had some university it was deemed a waste of time and money. It is aimed at people who have no post secondary at all and want to do some.

I am looking at taking some management courses through one of the online universities as they are more in line with the type to find PD I feel I need to progress as a leader.

Interesting.  I have a couple of courses from St Lawrence and George Brown College but no university.  This may be a good start a person in my position then.
Spring_bok said:
Has anyone heard of any recent developments in the creation of a Year 2 General Arts and Sciences Diploma in Defence and Security?

I don't know if this is new or not, but I don't recall seeing this information when I started working towards the certificate.


Anybody know a place where we can do part 2 in French,...
Algonquin college offer part 2 but it would be easier for me to do it in French....

thank for your help

Mathieu  :cdnsalute: