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Navy wants reality show to push recruitment drive


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Navy wants reality show to push recruitment drive
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) wants to woo a television network to develop a reality program about life in the Navy to push along a major recruitment drive.

The ADF has a target of adding 6,000 extra members by 2016 and has been allocated almost $22 million in this year's federal Budget for marketing job opportunities.

Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston has told a senate committee hearing that the Defence Force faces major competition from the tight labour market.

He says a TV show would reach a young and eager audience.

"We're seized with a need to use everything at our disposal to project a very positive and very realistic image into the wider community at all levels," he said.

That may be either a brilliant idea to reach the target demographic or a surefire method to expose the RAN to ridicule.
I think it depends on how the show will be presented and edited (montage en français) .

Édit : Is it the correct spelling for the verbs (tense) ?
It can't possibly be worse than the Dutch show based on organ transplants and vying for a position to receive an organ. 
niner domestic said:
It can't possibly be worse than the Dutch show based on organ transplants and vying for a position to receive an organ. 

+ 10

The donor is a lady who has brain cancer. One of the producer said that the 3 people competing
had 1/3 of receiving it, which is higher then on the transplant list... Did'nt stop me for questionning it.
Yrys said:
+ 10

The donor is a lady who has brain cancer. One of the producer said that the 3 people competing
had 1/3 of receiving it, which is higher then on the transplant list... Did'nt stop me for questionning it.

Yeah this is really pushing the envelope...I won't be watching such garbage.
Theres a show over here coming out really soon, all about a Royal Australian Navy Patrol boat. I'm not a big navy fan, but i am a big fan of seeing .50cals blasting away at something, even if its on water. For this reason i shall be watching the show. That and to do what any member of the forces does while watching a show on the forces, complain that they're not doing things right!
It seems like it'll be a big recruiting puller, from the shorts i've seen its full of action, excitment, romance and basic gaff to fill an hour a week. Looks pretty good i suppose.
Discovery Channel had a mini-series (6 episodes, if memory serves) about US Navy SEALs during their BUD/S phase. The exact name eludes me and I don't have my portable hard drive handy, but but as the name included "Navy SEALs" it shouldn't be too hard to find if anyone's looking for it. The premise was basically following a class of SEALs from when they got to BUD/S until they graduated and went on to whatever the phase is that comes after that. It wasn't a "reality show" in the classic sense where the winner got money and fame; it was more of a documentary, really.

Still, something along those lines would be interesting to see.
If memory serves, it was called 'Navy SEALs: Hell Week' and it was GOOOOOD.

A Dutch TV contest which purported to show a dying woman choose a patient to receive her kidneys was a hoax.

The "donor" in the show was in fact an actress - though the three people vying for an organ were real patients in need of a kidney transplant.

The three knew that The Big Donor Show, which aired on Friday, was not real. The producers say it was made to highlight the shortage of Dutch donors.

Before the hoax was revealed, the show had attracted widespread criticism.

"We are not giving away a kidney here, that is going too far even for us," presenter Patrick Lodiers said at the moment when the fake donor
was apparently about to reveal her choice of patient.

The 37-year-old "donor", identified only as Lisa, was to make her choice based on the contestants' history and profile, and conversation with their family and friends.

Viewers were invited to send in their advice by text message during the 80-minute show.

"We have only done this cry for help because we want to solve a problem that shouldn't be a problem," a producer told a news conference after the show.

Dutch relieved but ruffled by kidney hoax

It became the most controversial Dutch TV programme ever, and a talking point from Brussels to Berlin.

Could BNN's Big Donor Show really be as "crazy" and "unethical" as it was cracked up to be?

Broadcaster BNN kept its cards close to its chest, and during the programme's final moments it became clear why.

Lisa, the terminally ill woman who was giving away her kidney as a grand prize, turned out to be Leonie, an actress.

Prime Minister Jan-Peter Balkenende, for one, must have heaved a sigh of relief.
Hale said:
Theres a show over here coming out really soon, all about a Royal Australian Navy Patrol boat. I'm not a big navy fan, but i am a big fan of seeing .50cals blasting away at something, even if its on water. For this reason i shall be watching the show. That and to do what any member of the forces does while watching a show on the forces, complain that they're not doing things right!
It seems like it'll be a big recruiting puller, from the shorts i've seen its full of action, excitment, romance and basic gaff to fill an hour a week. Looks pretty good i suppose.
If the navy recruit Lisa McCune, I'm transferring in.
I think the type of "reality" show they are referring to here is a documentary series. NOT a big brother style "vote this dibby off the ship" garbage. What do you think the RAN is?

I'd like to see it. Even if just so my mates back home will ask fewer ridiculous questions. which i think is a general representation of just how little society knows about the navy and naval life, which is probably a major piece of the weak interest there is in joining the puss.

And of course I cannot wait for Sea Patrol to come out.
Watched the first episode of the show. Wasnt that bad. I dont know how the Navy works and i dont pretend to, but things seemed a little bit too relaxed rank wise. None of the older folk are really getting into it, they seem to be just rolling along, its the younger cats who seemed to me to be making an effort.

The only character i'm going to really like i think is Jeremy Taylor who plays Buffer. He used to be on Heartbreak High, i met him once and in my book is a complete legend. He's the dude with the shaved head. He has phrase of the episode with, "Dont call me Sir, i work for a living". I thought that was hilarious and showed that someone had actually done a little research. If anyone will be rocking the .50 it'll be him, and that makes him alright in my books!
What did you reckon cobbler? They do the senior service justice or is it a total wank?
Hale said:
Watched the first episode of the show. Wasnt that bad. I dont know how the Navy works and i dont pretend to, but things seemed a little bit too relaxed rank wise. None of the older folk are really getting into it, they seem to be just rolling along, its the younger cats who seemed to me to be making an effort.

The only character i'm going to really like i think is Jeremy Taylor who plays Buffer. He used to be on Heartbreak High, i met him once and in my book is a complete legend. He's the dude with the shaved head. He has phrase of the episode with, "Dont call me Sir, i work for a living". I thought that was hilarious and showed that someone had actually done a little research. If anyone will be rocking the .50 it'll be him, and that makes him alright in my books!
What did you reckon cobbler? They do the senior service justice or is it a total wank?

Well it wasn't without fault, but i liked it. Some of my oppos disagree though. each to his own i suppose.

On a patrol boat things are pretty relaxed between ranks, relaxed in general actually, so thast wasnt unrealistic.

When the XO threw up on the boarding they got the smell of Foreign Fishing Vessels correct. I havnt yet come across one myself but from what im told at night you smell them ling before you see them. Its procedure after coming back from boarding one to throw the coveralls straight into the wash and go take a big tubs to get the smell out of your skin.

The PO saying "dont call me sir, i work for a living" was classic senior sailor, ive never met one who doesnt love an oppurtunity to say it. The line was a bit corny, dont know what the public would have thought but it just got laughs in the wardroom i was watching it in.

There were a few innaccuracies, things that would never be said or done, but thats okay in my opinion.

Bottom line was that whilst it wasn't totally realstic, no tv show is. And it isn't made to appeal to naval personnel, its aimed, and rightflly so, at Joe Civilian. And I think they'll like it. And hopefully they start wanting to join the navy en masse, we could use a hand and more bodies to relieve us.

First episodes are always abit tedious, introducing characters and situations, next week im sure things will really get going.

2 million viewers, thats 1 in 10 aussies, and I've heard it's been sold to about 100 countries already. Not bad.

I came across this, somebody crossed sea patrols intro credits with JAGs theme song, and it matches...wierd

Looks half decent. Wouldn't mind seeing it, but it's on when I'm not home. Bugger.