Quote from: Walt on Today at 01:18:16
OK. Retired olive green army guy here. What if the CF/RCN chose these for the gender neutral rank titles:
- Shipmate = Ordinary Seaman (i.e. Bloggins (S))
- Able Shipmate = Able Seaman (i.e. Bloggins (AS))
- Leading Shipmate = Leading Seaman (i.e. Bloggins (LS))
- Master Shipmate = Master Seaman (i.e. Bloggins (MS))
Regarding the upper non commissioned officer ranks, the term "petty" is most likely not to be acceptable, perhaps even derogatory. I therefore propose the following:
- SeniorSenile Shipmate (2)= PO (2) (i.e. Bloggins (SS2))
- Senior Senile Shipmate (1) = PO (1) (i.e. Bloggins (SS1))
- Senior Chief Very Senile Shipmate (2) = CPO (2) (i.e. Bloggins (SCS2))
- Senior Chief Very Senile Shipmate (1) = CPO (1) (i.e Bloggins (SCS1 or GOD!))
Food (or fodder) for thought! Cheers & take care,
Fixed that for you.
To MM:
Not fair MM. I read your response in the midst of a generous mouth full of my beer. There will be some "cleaning up" required before my Wife wakes up in the morning. Fortunately, my keyboard survived the horror.
To SSMax:
Oh Jeeeeze Sir. Please don't start another fiasco. Let's just say/pretend that if it weighs/displaces more than 15 tons, it's painted grey/black, intentionally built/engineered to operate in fresh/salt water, is crewed by personnel of various classifications who wear a Christmas trees worth of badges & insignia on their official clothing/uniform.............it is technically a ship.