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Navistar awarded 1300 truck contract

CDN Aviator said:
So which one are you ?

Encino man, captain america, Kasey Kasem, the coward of Kafji ?

I'm only a son of a huge military family from Bundeswehr and CF , my ancestor was a war hero in 1776-1781 during the battle of Chesapeake and Battle of Yorktown in 1781 the admiral François Joseph Paul de Grasse ,don't need a guy who pilot aircraft for judging me with unknown name. I'm not stupid , a old equipment need replacement for better , that don't need a Einstein brain for know that.

dangerboy said:
Are you saying that the MLVW and Iltis where only used in Germany before 1993? I am asking to make sure that I understand you correctly.  If you are I suggest that you find a new source to get information as I can remember being trained on and using both those vehicles in Canada in 1989 and it had nothing to do with Germany (as much as I wish it did).

They was previously only used for the NATO forces in Germany (Lahr and Baden-Soellingen) some was based in Canada such Leopard C1 but mainly used in Germany.
Seigneur, en effet on a un veritable aristo chez nous. Soyons assez gracieux. Son ligne ca donne de l'expertise.
FMR said:
They was previously only used for the NATO forces in Germany (Lahr and Baden-Soellingen) some was based in Canada such Leopard C1 but mainly used in Germany.


These vehicles were purchased and used Forces wide.  They were not purchased solely for use in Germany.

4 CMBG had other, better, vehicles, that should have also been purchased and put into service Forces wide, but only enough were purchased for the Bde in Europe.  Vehicles like the UNIMOG, which had seen service with the RCAF in France and Germany in the 50's and 60's were used by 4 CMBG in the 80's and 90's.  4 CMBG also had MAN 10 tonne trucks of numerous variants, including Tank transporters.  

So FMR, this is your last warning........You don't have two clues of what you are talking about...


STOP POSTING or I will remove all your posts or you from the site.


Milnet.ca Staff
FMR said:
They was previously only used for the NATO forces in Germany

You were proven incorrect one already....give it up.

FMR said:
I'm not stupid , a old equipment need replacement for better ,

If that is all you had said, it would have been fine. But we all know what you decided to do.

I pitty the FusMR.......

Locked...I think we have to do it with all the topics FMR has participated in so we can get rid of the crap.

Milnet.Ca Staff
FMR said:
(this is for why they try to refit the old fleet for newer and better 7000-MV).

Clearly you don't even understand what is going on in this thread.  These trucks will never leave Canada.
They are not SMP, they are a milcot.

Go read the DND press release again, and quit arguing with people who have actually used the equipment you think your an expert on.
The MilCOTS vehicles are the first element of the Medium Support Vehicle System (MSVS) project. The MSVS project will provide a replacement for the current medium logistic trucks, which have been in use since the 1980's and are reaching the end of their service life. In addition to the MilCOTS, the MSVS project also seeks to acquire standard military pattern vehicles (designed specifically for use in foreign operations). A request for proposal for this acquisition will be issued in the summer.

You have earned yourself a verbal warning. PM to follow.

Canada’s C$ 1+ Billion Competitions for Medium Trucks
Article Link

Just before Canada Day 2006, Canada’s minority Conservative Party government outlined a C$ 1.2 billion (USD $1 billion) RFP for new medium-sized logistics trucks and associated equipment. These Medium Support Vehicle System (MSVS) trucks will become the new backbone of the Canadian Forces’ land transport capabilities, replacing the MLVW trucks (really, US M-35/M-36 designs with some modifications) that are 1950s designs built in the 1980s.

The Bombardier-built MLVWs are reaching the end of their service lives. They also have limited carriage capacity for the extra armor that is crucial for survival in places like Afghanistan. This may explain why the Canadian forces in Afghanistan are relying on their HLVW heavy trucks instead, a set of 10-ton capacity Steyr vehicles related to the smaller US FMTV medium truck family.

Under the new plan, the Canadian Forces will purchase up to 2,300 new medium trucks. What are the requirements? The configurations and numbers? Is this a welcome arrival that fills a critical gap? A mistake that will leave Canada out of step with shifting trends? Or a politically-driven move that falls into the “something, and hence better than nothing” category? Or all 3? DID has answers, as we report on the slow-moving MSVS program’s 3rd Letter of Intent, and first purchase…

If You Could Read My Mind: Medium Truck Requirements
Go-Go Round: Contracts and Updates [updated]
Appendix A: It’s Too Late, He Wins – Issues and Analysis (July 1/06)
If You Could Read My Mind: Medium Truck Requirements

FMTV Load Handling System
(click to view full)A competitive procurement process will select the contractor for the new truck fleet, with requests for proposals being released to industry for all elements of the project. The acquisition contracts will also have economic offsets – for every contract dollar awarded, the contractor will be expected to commit a corresponding dollar in economic activity in Canada.

“The procurement process will be fair, open, transparent and in line with this government’s Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan,” said Minister Fortier. The Department of National Defence will procure 2,300 vehicles, associated components, logistics and training support at a cost of approximately $1.1 billion. It is estimated that 20 years of contracted in-service support will cost an additional $100 million.

According to the DND backgrounder, the project aims to procure approximately:
More on link
In the end there was only one bidder:

Call me Cassandra:

From today's Toronto Star:

Firm lays off Canadians, sells Ottawa U.S. trucks

The Canadian Auto Workers is criticizing the federal government for awarding a $254 million contract to a U.S. company to build trucks for the Canadian Forces at its plant in Texas while it is laying off workers at its plant in Chatham.

"Somebody has to explain to us why Canadian workers can't build military trucks for the Canadian military," said senior CAW executive Bob Chernecki, referring to a defence department contract to Illinois-based Navistar International Corp. to build 1,300 medium-duty trucks for the Canadian Forces.
Somebody has to explain to us why Canadian workers can't build military trucks for the Canadian military," said senior CAW executive Bob Chernecki, referring to a defence department contract to Illinois-based Navistar International Corp. to build 1,300 medium-duty trucks for the Canadian Forces

Somebody has to explain to our union leaders how canadian workers built military LAVs for the American military,"  referring to previous defence department contracts to GM Diesel to build LAV25s for the US Marine Corp and Stryker personnel carriers for the US Army....
I have seen these trucks over here (Afghanistan) with the ANA and they seem to be holding there own here. Those guys load the crap out of then and the truck hauls it all. Even seen a couple survie a blast but yeah I know we aren't buying them because of that. The thing that has inpressed me the most on this truck is the A frame on the front. Every truck they have recived has one. And I have taken a gander at the ANA trucks and looks like we are getting a very good truck A/C, Air seats, raido. And they tell me they have had then up to 110kmh. 401 to Petawawa here I come.

Rob  :cdn:
"It's clearly unacceptable to use Canadian tax dollars to have these vehicles built in the United States," said Lewenza's letter to MacKay.
source: http://www.thestar.com/News/Ontario/article/570638

As already pointed out above, that is not a well thought out statement, and raises a serious double standard.

Using the CAW thinking, do we cancel the $274 million 1300 truck contract to Navistar defence because they can only be built in Canada?

That seems to imply we should give up the $4 Billion 2131 vehicle US Army contract in London Ontario. After all, US army vehicles should
be built in the US.

In addition to that,  are the US support contracts.  September 2006 was easy to find using Google.

Sept 29/06: A $5.3 million modification to a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for OPTEMPO Miles for Pre-Deployment Support of the Stryker Brigade Combat Team. Work will be performed in Sterling Heights, MI (15%), and London, Ontario, Canada (85%), and is expected to be complete by February 2007. This was a sole source contract initiated on Sept. 26, 2006 (DAAE07-02-C-B001).

Sept 29/06: A $27.6 million modification to a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for “procurement of repair parts in support of the reset effort which involves maintenance and repair of desert damaged vehicles.” We haven’t heard this referred to as RESET work before, though it is an aspect of fleet maintenance. Work will be performed in Sterling Heights, MI (20%), and London, Ontario, Canada (80%), and is expected to be complete by Sept. 30, 2007. This was a sole source contract initiated on July 28, 2006 by The Stryker Brigade Combat Team in Warren, MI (DAAE07-02-C-B001).

Sept 22/06: A delivery order amount of $23.6 million as part of an $89 million cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for Stryker new equipment training and fielding support for the Stryker family of vehicles. Work will be performed in Fort Indiantown Gap, PA (45%), Schofield Barracks, HI (35%), Fort Wainwright, AK (5%), Sterling Heights, MI (5%), and Vilseck, Germany (10%), and is expected to be complete by Dec. 31, 2007 (DAAE07-00-D-M051).

Sept 11/06: A $13.1 million modification to a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for repair of Stryker Vehicles returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Work will be performed in Doha, Qatar (80%), Sterling Heights, MI (10%), and London, Canada (10%), and is expected to be complete by June 30, 2007. This was a sole source contract initiated on March 31, 2006 (DAAE07-02-C-B001).

Sept. 11/06: A $7.3 million modification to a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for Repair of Stryker Vehicles Returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Work will be performed in Sterling Heights, MI (12%), and London, Canada (88%), and is expected to be complete by Dec. 31, 2006 (DAAE07-02-C-B001).

Sept 6/06: A delivery order amount of $22.1 million as part of a $4.86 billion cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for 1” slat armor and headlight extension kits for the Stryker vehicle. Work will be performed in Lima, OH and is expected to be complete by June 30, 2007 (DAAE07-00-D-M051).

Sept 6/06: A delivery order amount of $6.8 million as part of a $4.81 billion cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for the retrofit of remote weapon stations for the Stryker vehicles. Work will be performed in Sterling Heights, MI, and is expected to be complete by Dec. 31, 2006 (DAAE07-00-D-M051).

Sept 1/06: A delivery order amount of $15.8 million as part of a $4.8 billion firm-fixed-price contract for the air conditioning kits for the Stryker Vehicle. The troops working in Iraq’s 120 degree heat come summertime will really appreciate that one. Work will be performed in Auburn, WA and is expected to be complete by March 31, 2008 (DAAE07-00-D-M051).  

Robbie said:
I have seen these trucks over here (Afghanistan) with the ANA and they seem to be holding there own here. Those guys load the crap out of then and the truck hauls it all. Even seen a couple survie a blast but yeah I know we aren't buying them because of that. The thing that has inpressed me the most on this truck is the A frame on the front. Every truck they have recived has one. And I have taken a gander at the ANA trucks and looks like we are getting a very good truck A/C, Air seats, raido. And they tell me they have had then up to 110kmh. 401 to Petawawa here I come.

Rob  :cdn:

Some how I doubt we would be getting the A-Frame as a pic of the MND from the news conference shows the trucks with a brush guard on the front. Something like we had on the old Ford and GMC Dump trucks but it does appear that they will have winchs though.


NFLD Sapper said:
Some how I doubt we would be getting the A-Frame as a pic of the MND from the news conference shows the trucks with a brush guard on the front. Something like we had on the old Ford and GMC Dump trucks but it does appear that they will have winchs though.



I was trying to get a picture of the "Canadain Truck" or some stats on it but the internet connection over here is so SLOW.  Well thanks for cruching that eye candy for me.. :P

Where to start....The CAW will say and do anything....will talk out of each side of their mouth in the same sentence.  I have alot of dealing with them....  :crybaby:

Also I think the best outcome here is that International is able to keep the Chatham plant open and keep investing the Windsor R&D center as IRB credits.  If they close the Chatham plant it will never reopen.  But if they keep it on life support it can ramp up then the economy and the Class 8 market improves.  Also Chatham can not build this product.....they could if you want a .5 billion program....

St Thomas (Sterling)  builds a truck close in size but they are closing in a month or two.  This order would keep that plant open extra week. 

  The CAW proposes we set up, or modify, an assembly line in Canada to turn out 1300 trucks?  I'd love to see the premium Navistar would tack on to the price of those to cover the additional overhead.  :o

I was trying to find photos for it as well and couldn't.  So then I thought that I would just try to find the video for it.  Usually some news organization has a camera crew at these announcements but I couldn't find a thing.  If anyone has a link to the MND making this announcement on video, please post it.
guess the MsM didn't find this item interesting enough to have a film crew present.

Criticizing the Gov't is much more palatable activity.... isn't it ?