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Name The Weapon!!!

You bet!

I posted an Owen on here a few pages ago! I wish i was in your time zone still. I'd have killed that one! Bloody stinking Canadians and their bloody stinking different hours of sunlight  :P
Hale said:
I posted an Owen on here a few pages ago! I wish i was in your time zone still. I'd have killed that one! Bloody stinking Canadians and their bloody stinking different hours of sunlight  :P

The Flat Earth Society still wouldn't be able to solve that problem for you.  ;D
I'd forgotten about this but just as a by-the-way thing...
The photo of the Owen posted above is one i got to handle a couple of years ago in the Melbourne Museum. They've got a treasure trove of old gats and after moving into the new museum didnt have anywhere to put them so created a big armoury to store them. Mum knew a man who knew my love of guns who knew people who worked there, who in turn let us in and showed us around. Pretty exciting stuff for a wee 10 year old!
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that the photo of the owen is the one at the museum, i'm pretty sure the photo used to carry the caption "courtusy of melbourne museum".

Doesnt everyone here love guns! ;)
That looks like a Lee Enfield to me.
A lee-Enfield? Wow...why? Apart from it being bolt action there is not really even a passing similarity.Thats a huge NO. Sorry
Hale said:
A lee-Enfield? Wow...why? Apart from it being bolt action there is not really even a passing similarity.Thats a huge NO. Sorry

Not just a no, but a huge NO...  :(
I was going to say "humungous NO" but i thought that was getting a bit Keanu Reeves on you! Lol. Nah, sorry but Enfield isnt even in the same ball park. Keep looking though.
I'd say it was a Type 38 6.5 mm Arisaka rifle.

To be honest I wouldn't have known that without Google  :-[  so thanks Google and I-6  :D

I thought 38 intially (first impression) -- but the finger groove on the stock is skinnier on the Type 30 than the 38
There is a notch on the top of the stock just behind the finger groove that isn't there on the Type 30. That's why I said Type 38.
I don't know how to post pictures so please feel free to post another one  :)
I'll just blame the crappy photo  ;D

  Between the two of us I'd say we got it.
This is one of the British expediant home defence weapons, Hobart leaps to mind, but I think he was the guy that designed the special tanks.
Infidel and Jantor, i bow to your recognition skills. It is indeed the type 38 6.5mm. A rifle used by the Japanese. Its interesting about this is that when Japan first entered the war and Australian troops went from North Africa to Papua and the rest of it, they were told that the round was so small and the rifle so weak that they would be able to scrap the round out with a pocket knife! The men were sceptical with what turned out to be good reason.

Now lets get the ball rolling again!
