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N.S. man creates first Canadian military action figures

Hammer Sandwich said:

Does anyone in Halifax/Dartmouth know where they're selling these?!?!?

I need one!
(or 8....might as well get en entire section, right?)

Don't know if they're available in HRM yet - Masstown Market has them I know. It is worth the drive...
Redeye said:
Don't know if they're available in HRM yet - Masstown Market has them I know. It is worth the drive...
A few other spots in NS, too....
milnews.ca said:
From the web site ....
.... here's the list o' dealers for the moment in southern Ontario & NB:
.... I.C. Optical
173 Main St, Dartmouth, NS

Heavenly Crumbs Bakery
178 Pictou Road, Bible Hill, NS

Masstown Market
**Price will vary at this location**
10622 Hwy 2 Debert, NS
(902) 662-2816

Miller Optical
East Side Plaza
Bridgewater, NS
902-543-3937 ....
Sadukar09 said:
Toys on Fire is 5 minutes away from where I live. Gonna check tomorrow and see if they have any.

Well worth the purchase....apparently they're going like hotcakes.
The graphic designer guy was on the radio this afternoon, and says they're almost out...all figures have been distibuted.

I know I.C. Optical (173 Main St, Dartmouth, NS) had quite a few, but the lady said she had 10 calls by the time I got mine, and only ONE was for an eye appointment!
And that was @ 1100 this morning.

I hope to hell there's some left tomorrow.
I received a similar email reply in which the company stated that they felt that the Soldier Fund accurately represented 'Soldier On' and that their packaging is 'bilingual'.
Simian Turner said:
I received a similar email <snip> and that their packaging is 'bilingual'.

With the exception of no accent on "Heroes", and "first collector's edition" not being repeated in French, the packaging is GTG.

Thanks for the pix HS.

I note the French translation says our "Blister Pack Vandoo" with a Vandoo cap badge is a member of the Canadian Navy.  Some initial run bugs left to iron out.
milnews.ca said:
Thanks for the pix HS.

I note the French translation says our "Blister Pack Vandoo" with a Vandoo cap badge is a member of the Royal Canadian Navy.  Some initial run bugs left to iron out.

Fixed that for you Tony.....

So when is the action figure of the JAG that can fly CF18s, assault with JTF2, jump with CSOR and steer a sub coming out?  ;D
Jim Seggie said:
So when is the action figure of the JAG that can fly CF18s, assault with JTF2, jump with CSOR and steer a sub coming out?  ;D

Give it a few months, the guy we the figure is modelled after is on BMQ right now.
CDN Aviator said:
Give it a few months, the guy we the figure is modelled after is on BMQ right now. waiting to age out of Cadets right now.

I thought it would have been funny if the nametag said Numpty or Bloggins or Doe. 

Then I thought it would be fun for kids to just write their name on the nametag, so not every guy in the fight would be named Sperry.

Hammer - you could always hope that you hold a similar fortune in your hands like the original GI Joe prototypes:
"The Hasbro prototypes were originally named "Rocky" (marine/soldier) "Skip" (sailor) and "Ace" (pilot), before the more universal name G.I. Joe was adopted. One of the prototypes would later sell in a Heritage auction in 2003 for $200,001."

I would suggest that they intentionally did not use the proper unit name so as not to avoid legal and financial considerations. 

I wish them well perhaps we will see them on a future episode of Dragon's Den.
FlyingDutchman said:
Those eyes look kinda creepy.  What is the poseability like?

Agreed on the creepy eyes.
Shoulder joints, elbows and knees are articulated.
(Just as well made as GI Joe-style figures)

Simian Turner said:
Hammer - you could always hope that you hold a similar fortune in your hands like the original GI Joe prototypes:

I friggin' opened one dude up, and then realised the "ID discs" contained behind the figure had a serial number of the run of 2000......condition no longer mint on that one.
Ordered 6, two of each on Sunday shipped on Tuesday arrived in Wawa on Thursday. complete with numbered ID tags. look good. 4yo has one set box it the basement for the others.
I want to know when he'll make the "I can't go on ex" doll or "I can't deploy but I got some neat kit" figure....