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My Story


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So Here goes my Story.

Monday Morning, I walk into The CFRC, with the papers in hand. Due to being underage, I spent the entire weekend with my mother, Pleading, begging, Cajoling, and any other adjective, to get her to sign the papers to allow me to Join Infantry (reg Force). I walk in, hand my papers to the CPO sitting at his desk. Minding my sirs and Mams as they walk past.....Including a B.General.

Only to find out that all this has been for not.....due to the fact that my adoption hadn't gone through yet, so my Birth Last name(the one I use for legal documents), and my usual Last name( The one I have abided by since I was old enough to know the difference) were mixed up....they couldn't do anything with me yet.

Monday evening, I get a call from a MCpl, saying that if I bring in my Birth Certificate, my Sin, and my Proof that I am getting adopted, she would at least start the process.

Tuesday Morning, I go into the office, with said three pieces of paper. MCpl. Peers, My new favorite Person, then tells me, that she personally called the Court Registry this morning, and that the documents are indeed 100% true, and everything will go along as if nothing was amiss.

Wednesday Evening, CPO calls me, to inform me he wants to see me in his office tomorrow morning at 0900. I show up at 0845, thinking that being early would show I was eager. Instead it showed that I enjoyed showing up the CPO inform of his boss by beating him there.....needless to say, he was not impressed.  He asked me what I was doing Thursday the 7Th of June, I claimed nothing, so he told me to be here at precisely 0900, for the CFAT.

So here is my start...my foot in the door so to speak.
Congratulations, sounds like you're headed in the right direction.  Good luck on the CFAT.
ReadyandWilling said:
Instead it showed that I enjoyed showing up the CPO inform of his boss by beating him there.....needless to say, he was not impressed. 

I don't get it.  So you get a little attitude for showing up early and this makes the CPO think you enjoy making him look bad?  Sounds like a bit of a funny character myself.  Especially when you are still a "greasy civi".

Timings in the military are a silly thing as you may soon find out.  Some will tell you to arrive at the top of the hour, and give you an ear full when you're not 15 minutes early.  ???  Some will tell you the same and get mad that you are too early for a timing.  The fun is figuring out who prefers what.

A saying I once heard when someone said, "15 minutes prior to the timing you were given" was "If you showed up 15 minutes early on the battlefield, you could be in a world of hurt."

Good luck and enjoy "the game" some of us like to play.

PMed said:
Congratulations, sounds like you're headed in the right direction.  Good luck on the CFAT.

Thanks, I am pretty Nervous about it, Math was never really my thing.
ReadyandWilling said:
Thanks, I am pretty Nervous about it, Math was never really my thing.

Don't get too worked up about it, it's not meant to check if you're a math genius.  As long as you know the basics from high school. 
The Recruiter said fractions was something big to know. So, I might brush up on them, other than that I should be relativly ok.
Good luck, don't get too caught up with some of the minor details, Go through the process and enjoy the time at home with your loved ones. When you get accepted and sworn into the CF, you'll spend little time with them for awhile.

Once again. good luck.
All the best, you're much closer to realizing your dream than I am.  And when you get accepted and pass infantry training (notice I said "when" not "if", think positive), wear the uniform with pride. :salute:
It's always good to be at least [notice the emphasis I put on the bolded text] 5 minutes early. If you can, be 10 minutes early.

good luck and enjoy your ride.
Good Luck Man, I remember My CFAT. Just do as many IQ tests as you can on the Internet and get a good nights sleep. Dont Take much worry  :salute: :salute:
Take advantage of the on line practise tests.  http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ppc/gct1_practice_test_info_e.htm  I believe that the test -2 is the one recommended. Take your time and work quickly but accurately. Let us know how you make out.
My Story Continues.....

Went into my CFAT at 0900 knowing that I had to be in Supreme Court 1000. I was nervous as Heck, but relatively OK. I walked into the board room, sat down and listen to the instructions carefully, making sure I caught everyword said. Started with part A, the language part, I thought was easy. Part B, Spatial.....I thought for sure I bombed. It got to a part, where I was circling things because I hadn't circled that answer in a while. Part C, Problem Solving, I was Very confident. I handed my test back, only to be told to be back at 1100 for my interview.

I went to court, got my legal matters squared away 100%, so all is well there. Went back into the CFRC for my interview, to be told I qualified for any trade, and I got 100% on the language and the Problem solving, but did, I quote "abysmal" on the spacial. I just laughed.

Interview went well, and found out that all I need to do is pass my Medical, which they have to fly me down to Edmonton for because we don't have a medic up here, and I am accepted. I should be on the beginning of September Basic course.

Thanks for all the advice and support guys, Cant wait till I can call you guys my peers.
They have to fly you down to Edmonton? For a medical? that's insane.

good luck.
Mybe they could fly a doc overthere to do a fews medicals at the same time...
I am the only one in Yellowknife going through the process, I think. Becuase they kept refering to me as the one to bring up there numbers.
Thats awesome, congrats! I'm going to BMQ the around the same time, maybe i'll see ya there! Good Luck.
I just got a call this evening, and they have a Medic who is flying to Whitehorse, and he is stopping here to do my Medical. Saturday June 23 at 0800. Should be fun. I am just nervous cause of how messed up my feet are.