I’m taking bets on how long Musk and Trump will be aligned and not at each other’s throats, because egos.What are you going to do when Musk and Trump purchase Canada?
50/50 that they’re friends by the time of the Inauguration?
I’m taking bets on how long Musk and Trump will be aligned and not at each other’s throats, because egos.What are you going to do when Musk and Trump purchase Canada?
Is it because of sin? It’s sin, right?Many folks still dont get why America is getting Trump, Gaetz, Gabbard, or RFK. And it’s hilarious to watch.![]()
“The US Govt - brought to you by McDonalds”
It's really weird. I hope Trump gets his laughs and moves on to something more productive.“The US Govt - brought to you by McDonalds”
I even typed that while my internal head-voice was saying it in the Idiocracy announcer’s voice for “Ow my balls”
Nothing odd about it. After he took Twitter away from the people who dominated it and showed signs of moving right in his politics, a few people started openly musing over ways to punish him and his businesses (mainly his businesses). He picked a side a little bit, and then was forced to pick a side heavily to look after his interests. He's not close to all government; he's close to Republican-dominated government.I'm a fan of Musk but his sudden coziness and proximity to the US government seems very odd. Probably concerning.
perhaps we should look for another buyer?What are you going to do when Musk and Trump purchase Canada?
China enters the chat.perhaps we should look for another buyer?
Ask yourself where he got the money for Twitter. You ‘might’ find some Russian money there…China enters the chat.
It's really weird. I hope Trump gets his laughs and moves on to something more productive.
I'm a fan of Musk but his sudden coziness and proximity to the US government seems very odd. Probably concerning.
Is it because of sin? It’s sin, right?
Charles Wesley is best known as one of the founders of Methodism in the eighteenth century. In 1735, along with his brother John, Wesley traveled from England to Georgia, where he served as secretary to James Oglethorpe and as chaplain at Fort Frederica.
John Wesley
A founder of Methodism, John served as the Anglican rector of Christ Church in Savannah until 1738. He also hoped to convert the Creek and Cherokee people, but was unsuccessful. John was forced to leave Georgia after refusing communion to Sophia Hopkey Williamson, a woman he had courted before she married someone else.
The Province of Georgia (also Georgia Colony) was one of the Southern Colonies in colonial-era British America. In 1775 it was the last of the Thirteen Colonies to support the American Revolution.
The colony's Corporate charter was granted to General James Oglethorpe on April 21, 1732, by George II, for whom the colony was named. The charter was finalized by the King's privy council on June 9, 1732.
Oglethorpe envisioned a colony which would serve as a haven for English subjects who had been imprisoned for debt and "the worthy poor." General Oglethorpe imposed very strict laws that many colonists disagreed with, such as the banning of alcoholic beverages. He disagreed with slavery and thought a system of smallholdings more appropriate than the large plantations common in the colonies just to the north. However, land grants were not as large as most colonists would have preferred.
- consciousness, by which each man has a perception of himself and of all that is going on in his own mind (Metaph. Syn. pars i. cap. 2)
- the sense of beauty (sometimes called specifically "an internal sense")
- a public sense, or sensus communis, "a determination to be pleased with the happiness of others and to be uneasy at their misery"
- the moral sense, or "moral sense of beauty in actions and affections, by which we perceive virtue or vice, in ourselves or others"
- a sense of honour, or praise and blame, "which makes the approbation or gratitude of others the necessary occasion of pleasure, and their dislike, condemnation or resentment of injuries done by us the occasion of that uneasy sensation called shame"
- a sense of the ridiculous. It is plain, as the author confesses, that there may be "other perceptions, distinct from all these classes," and, in fact, there seems to be no limit to the number of "senses" in which a psychological division of this kind might result.
i especially like her stance on abandoning Japan to China.Are you having your own Awakening? (I'll get back to that).
This article comes closest to defining the situation for me, as I see it, so far.
Gabbard Is a Dream Come True for Foreign Policy Realists
Interventionists haven’t forgiven her for her opposition to Syrian intervention.www.theamericanconservative.com
We are moving back to the days of Realpolitik, Kissinger and "He may be a bastard but he is our bastard" (variously attributed). The underlying sentiment is that order is better than chaos and that it is easier to redirect an ordered society towards a moderated position than it is to create a moderate society out of anarchy.
WRT The Great Awokening
White liberals are embracing progressive racial politics and transforming America
The Great Awokening, explained.www.vox.com
The Great Awokening was presaged by the Great Awakening, and the Second Awakening, and the Third Awakening and the Fourth Awakening. The Awakenings.
The First Great Awakening - 1730s and associated with the rise of the Methodists
The Second Awakening - 1790s and associated with the Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists
The Third Awakening - 1850s and again associated with Methodists but also with Pentecostals, Nazarenes, Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science
The Fourth Awakening - 1960s and associated with Billy Graham and Jesus Freaks.
All of these movements were religious movements tied to the Revival Meeting - large outdoor meetings with lots of song that were literally big tent meetings. Everyone was welcome. There were no litmus tests for ideology. Everyone was welcome to take communion or get baptised.
All of them were also social movements that crossed race, class and gender lines. Women, the rich, the working class, blacks and whites all celebrated together. And a common element was the Brotherhood of Man.
The Fourth Awakening was all about the Civil Rights movement
The Third Awakening was all about John Brown's Anti-Slavery Crusade and the US Civil War
The Second Awakening was all about the Abolitionist movement, and Somersett and Knight, about Wedgewood's "Brother's Keeper" Medallion and Burns's "A Man's a Man for a' That", and about John Graves Simcoe's declaration outlawing slavery in his new province of Upper Canada.
The First Great Awakening was typified by John Oglethorpe's experimental society in the Colony of Georgia, specifically established to give the under-privileged of Britain a fresh start in an Enlightened society. Slavery was expressly outlawed in Georgia's original and founding charter. Georgia is also associated with Wesleyan Methodism.
Oglethorpe's ban on slavery lasted exactly as long as his governorship. When he left the colony the neighbours moved in from the Carolinas and brought their practices and laws with them. This included slavery. The Stewart Cavaliers, the Carolingians of Charles I, son of James the VI and I, had always been amongst the keenest supporters of slavery - starting with making slaves of Scots to keep the coal pits and salt pans humming. One of the few ways that Scots could make money that could be taxed.....digression.
For me the current Awokening follows those previous Awakenings. The common thread is less religious than it is cultural. The common thread is the Revival Meeting and the sense of fellowship and the desire or need to feel part of something greater and to feel that something worthy is done. Frances Hutcheson explained all in the 1720s- happiness is to be found giving pleasure to others.
Religiously the crowd moved from Catholicism, to Anglicanism, to Presbyterianism, to Methodism, to Arminianism, to Deism, to Spiritualism to outright Atheism and Agnosticism. Religiously the tendency was to more toleration and allowing everyone to find their own way to their own supreme being if they saw the need.
Culturally the need for belonging, the need to feel worthy, morphed in the purely political and the cause.
The corollary to the Awakenings of course must be that in between the Awakenings society must be asleep. The passions of the Awakenings pass. They can't be sustained. On the other hand every one of the Awakenings has left indelible traces on society. Call it Enlightenment of call it Progress.
I'm waiting to see how long the bromance between Trump and JD lasts. You got old man Trump (who may be suffering from dementia) and a young ambitious Vance. Not a good combination.I’m taking bets on how long Musk and Trump will be aligned and not at each other’s throats, because egos.
50/50 that they’re friends by the time of the Inauguration?
Lasts? As in present tense?I'm waiting to see how long the bromance between Trump and JD lasts. You got old man Trump (who may be suffering from dementia) and a young ambitious Vance. Not a good combination.
Sorry, "last." Does that sound better?Lasts? As in present tense?![]()
I think the writing was on the proverbial wall even before the campaign ended.Sorry, "last." Does that sound better?
You got old man Trump (who may be suffering from dementia) and a young ambitious Vance.
Vegas bookies must be having a time right now.
Well they likely remember what happened last time they did this…
Oh look - my complete lack of surprise.
China won't let us go unless the price is excellent. Also Prime Minister Xi Jinping, oops, I mean Chairman Trudeau may not want us discussing the arrangement openly on army.caChina enters the chat.