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My Name is Earl


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Directing Staff
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With the real possibility for Hurricane Earl to make it to the East Coast, this is a good time to remind people to review their 72 hour plan and check to see if things like batteries, fresh water and prescriptions are good until next week.

Please remember your pets when planning for an emergency. They need fresh water, food and care during the 72 hours as well.

I know additional actions were taken in preparation for Hurricane Juan. Are similar plans in place for this weekend?

edit to correct spelling of Hurricane and decided to have some fun
There is a plan to send the ship's to sea if it looks like the hurricane will directly impact Halifax. Looks though it won't get that bad. We spent the day getting the ships ready and arrange duty watches for the weekend if need be. Tough going in 34 degree heat :P
"Earl" went through St-Martin's island and made a huge mess there. Soon after it was "over", my parents got a call from the people taking care of our house on the island. There is no more garden, the road to go up the house "flew away", windows and other things were totally shattered and the boat... well they don't know yet!
My parents living in Miami, in a waterfront house, are now wondering if they'll have 2 houses, gardens and boats to repare... thanks to "Bad Earl" as my mum named it ;)

Needless to say that after having gone through a few of these over the past 10 years, my father is now wondering if he won't just get a "chalet" in the mountains ;)

Everyone there has been preparing with food, fresh water etc... for a few days now.

Your parents have TWO houses?  Do they want to adopt a slightly-used 43 year old son?  I can speak a bit of French, if that's a requirement, and I won't even ask for an allowance!  I'd only like to "visit", and of course I'd help repair mom and dad's house!  ;D
Technoviking said:
Your parents have TWO houses?  Do they want to adopt a slightly-used 43 year old son?  I can speak a bit of French, if that's a requirement, and I won't even ask for an allowance!  I'd only like to "visit", and of course I'd help repair mom and dad's house!  ;D

... and a bit more.
And they are actually very "romantically thinking" that I will bring them a son in law on a golden plate by enrolling in the CF. So... Technoviking... are you single?  >:D


P.S.: I can now clearly hear the Mods thinking to themself: "thread in serious derailling here" ;)
Alea said:
. So... Technoviking... are you single?  >:D

Oh jeez. Clumsy me! Here I was thinking I was on army.ca; must have clicked my eHarmony.ca bookmark instead!
Alea said:
P.S.: I can now clearly hear the Mods thinking to themself: "thread in serious derailling here" ;)
Okay - MARLANT actually stood up OP LAMA which is done each hurricane season. It essentially designates work parties, worker bees and SMEs in the event of a 'hurricane event'. I think some embarrassing lessons were learned in the immediate hours following Juan.
Personally, I have been following these storms on:
and have found it to be one of the more accurate for forcasting. Admittedly, the timings for Earl's landfall don't jive with Cindy Day's evening forcast on ATV earlier this evening.
Nemecek said:
Oh jeez. Clumsy me! Here I was thinking I was on army.ca; must have clicked my eHarmony.ca bookmark instead!

Check Navy.ca better background and you can readjust to the saltier talk better.  ;)
Pat in Halifax said:
I think some embarrassing lessons were learned in the immediate hours following Juan.

I learned one - cell phone coverage in the Horrormocto area sucked ass then - I was the last guy in 2 RCR to arrive when they activated the IRU.  I was out shopping for a few hours after work and got home to a gazillion "Where the (add your own expletive) mesages on the machine.  Oh well, ended up on rear party.

I sure hope that every one in that neck of the woods will be alright sounds like your in for some rough weather .
Everthing tied down or put away; first thing I did though was to make sure my cooler was full of brown bottled necessities... ;)
Just need to strap down your lawnchair, put on a seat belt, kick back with your potables and watch the fun  ;D.

8:00 am and Earl appears to prefer NS over NB (stupid storm doesn't know what it's missing!!!)  Anyway, I have water, food, batteries and candles to last me three days.  Oh, and of course I have some Crown Royal (you know, "just in case") ;D

Wish me luck!  Looks like only some wind and rain.
Most of the Emergency Measures organizations have removed candles from their emergency kit recommendations.  After Juan hit Nova Scotia, there were more deaths from fires started by candles than there were from the actual storm. 
Occam said:
Most of the Emergency Measures organizations have removed candles from their emergency kit recommendations.  After Juan hit Nova Scotia, there were more deaths from fires started by candles than there were from the actual storm.
This from the Government of Canada website:

(This is in addition to basic supplies)
Two additional litres of water per person per day for cooking and cleaning

Candles and matches or lighter (place in sturdy containers and do not burn unattended)

Change of clothing and footwear for each household member

Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each household member

(etc). The emphasis marks are mine; however, they do stress not to burn them unattended.