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"MP's or Provost - An Idea on Roles" and "Replace base MP with RCMP"

My mistake, I thought that they were starting to get more civilian's to do policework for their militaries. A question though, how do they compare in relation to law enforcement on bases???
Futuretrooper said:
A question though, how do they compare in relation to law enforcement on bases???

It is outside my lanes to comment on law enforcement in other nations militaries......but then you question does not make any sense either......compared to what?.
What I meant was how do the MP's here in Canada, compare to their counterparts in Great Britian, Australia, and the United States. I am unknowledgable on the topic which is why I'm asking about it as it hasn't been brought before on this forum from what I've read.
Futuretrooper said:
I can see that, but with the current situation the RCMP is facing would it work.  ...  As well the MP's are I think that 7th largest police force in the country, that would be alot of bodies to fill.
I'm sure if a force transfer program were offered, some (many?) MPs would be willing to transfer to the RCMP, complete a "delta" trg package at the depot, and then be dispursed through the force.
That's a good idea. Maybe putting the MP's in for example a new Division that would work on CF Bases around the country and the world.
MCG said:
I'm sure if a force transfer program were offered, some (many?) MPs would be willing to transfer to the RCMP, complete a "delta" trg package at the depot, and then be dispursed through the force.

This is under the assumption of course that many MPs would meet the RCMP entrance standards, and be able to pass an RCMP course.
Of course, however from what many have told me for physical standards the RCMP isn't extremely tough [PARE]. As for other standards such as the RPAT, I think it would be harder to make the switch as many know that the test standards vary in each division. What could be a pass in Alberta could be a fail in Ontario. As well to the best of my knowledge MP's could and should be able to pass Depot with little problems as they have the necessary training.
By reading the rest of this and other threads on the topic of the MPs, you will find out that the entrance standards are lower, and that the MP's do not study the same material as the RCMP. In addition to this, for many aspiring LE candidates, the MPs are the employer of last resort, having been turned down by municipal and national forces before.

The MP trade was never intended to do police work. MP duties include the guarding and handling of PWs, route marking and security and base security. The  efforts that have been made to make the MPs into actual police officers have been somewhat un successful, leading to the creation of this forum in the first place!

In short, the MPs may wish to become RCMP, but I doubt the Mounties want them!
I don't believe so, I've heard some applicants to municipal police forces say that the RCMP is a last chance police force. As well some of us that are interested in the MP's are so because we would like the chance to become part of the military as well as law enforcement. I was involved with a youth program to get more young people interested in Law Enforcement, and we had a presentation from CFNIS. In short some services do in fact will give MP's a lateral transfer. Whenever I've talked to recruiters at EPS they have said they have just as much respect for the job an MP does as they do any other police officer in Canada.
GO!!! said:
By reading the rest of this and other threads on the topic of the MPs, you will find out that the entrance standards are lower, and that the MP's do not study the same material as the RCMP. In addition to this, for many aspiring LE candidates, the MPs are the employer of last resort, having been turned down by municipal and national forces before.

The MP trade was never intended to do police work. MP duties include the guarding and handling of PWs, route marking and security and base security. The   efforts that have been made to make the MPs into actual police officers have been somewhat un successful, leading to the creation of this forum in the first place!

In short, the MPs may wish to become RCMP, but I doubt the Mounties want them!

I don't know ! but you seem to protest too much, the first thought that comes to mind, is SOUR GRAPES.
GO!, it is quite obvious you have a hate on for MPs, and you have some firmly entrenched misconceptions about the trade which you are unwilling to drop no matter what facts are presented to you.   This is understandable as I have no doubt there are many out there who still subscribe to the stereotype of the infantryman being an uneducated heathen for whom the Army is the employer of last resort after the EI has run out.   Even though I know this is not the case, it never ceases to amaze me how hard some posters try to prove otherwise.

Contrary to your mistaken interpretation of why this sub-forum was created, it happened because I requested it as a means to consolidate the MP threads and to provide a location for those interested in the Branch to ask questions and discuss various aspects of my trade.   What I fail to understand is why you have decided that this is a forum where you can troll and post misleading and/or outright wrong information with impunity.   If an MP were to go into the Infantry forum and start debating the effectiveness of the training and experience levels of CF infantry simply on the basis of "from what they heard", "from what they read", "from what they saw in a movie", the results would be quite predictable and if they kept at it, they would make their way through the warning system very quickly.  

As is pointed out to everyone else, anyone can come here and read what is posted and a casual reader has no way of filtering out what is fact and what is fiction so posters are required to only post information that they know is factual unless the thread is clearly "opinion" in nature.   Unless you are willing to actually do some research and start backing up your statements with hard facts and references, please stay in your lane and cease with the disinformation campaign.
I totally agree with you on what you have to say MP 00161.
GO!!! said:
By reading the rest of this and other threads on the topic of the MPs, you will find out that the entrance standards are lower, and that the MP's do not study the same material as the RCMP. In addition to this, for many aspiring LE candidates, the MPs are the employer of last resort, having been turned down by municipal and national forces before.

The MP trade was never intended to do police work. MP duties include the guarding and handling of PWs, route marking and security and base security. The  efforts that have been made to make the MPs into actual police officers have been somewhat un successful, leading to the creation of this forum in the first place!

In short, the MPs may wish to become RCMP, but I doubt the Mounties want them!

Buddy, where do you get your info from?  The MP's were created to police the military but i'm sure you knew that.  It all started with the Naval Shore Patrol then slowly filtered out to include the Royal Canadian Air Force Police, and the CproC.  They combined sometime later to become the Canadian Forces Military POLICE. I somehow doubt that they put the Police word in there for shits and giggles.  The entrance standards are as tough as any police process, as you may already know..  People get turned down from civi forces all the time and get picked up by civi forces just as quickly.  There's nothing wrong with the training considering it is a higher standard than any police service in Canada and unlike you, I and many others have the facts and experience to back that up. 
Personally, I wouldn't slightly consider joining a police service that doesn't pay their recruits for training. Maybe someday you'll remuster and change your mind  :dontpanic:

I find it amusing you say that the entrance standards are lower considering the MP's are one of the only police services in Canada that actually REQUIRE college/university education related to policing i.e. Police Foundations, Law and security, criminology and have a three day assessment program along with going through basic training.  Most police services have a high school requirement only and train you for a maximum of 3 months for some police colleges.  But if you feel safer having a university graduate with a doctorate in Modern Art or Opthmaology policing your streets in civi land, then by all means fill your boots...
Quote from GO!!,
By reading the rest of this and other threads on the topic of the MPs, you will find out that the entrance standards are lower, and that the MP's do not study the same material as the RCMP. In addition to this, for many aspiring LE candidates, the MPs are the employer of last resort, having been turned down by municipal and national forces before.

The MP trade was never intended to do police work. MP duties include the guarding and handling of PWs, route marking and security and base security. The  efforts that have been made to make the MPs into actual police officers have been somewhat un successful, leading to the creation of this forum in the first place!

In short, the MPs may wish to become RCMP, but I doubt the Mounties want them!

MODERATOR NOTE: GO!!...unless you have some "facts" to back these assumptions up then I suggest you stay in your lane. Consider this a warning.
It's also interesting how many well thought out suggestions as to the alternative service delivery, the service that MPs provide, anecdotal evidence and documented facts you manage to dismiss under the aegis of "an isolated incident" or "not all MPs are like that".

The requirement for a police foundations certificate was an easy way around the dropping of the requirement of previous service, to prevent the qualification of 17 year old MPs.

Just ask yourselves, "why are we, as a trade, scoffed at by 50 thousand other members?" Because of your high level of training or competence? It's the same reason I've beaten three of your tickets in court, the same reason DUIs on the base so often go unpunished, the same reason one troop crashed his SUV, filled with stolen weapon components while drunk and high, and only get a 129 to stick  - YOU WERE WRONG!!! 

Anyway, keep up the great work.

<slams door, leaves thread>
GO!! The Military Police Compliants Commission will be holding an open forum at the LTF in Edm on the 9th Sep at 1400 hrs, maybe you should attend and air your concerns.
GO!!! said:
It's also interesting how many well thought out suggestions as to the alternative service delivery, the service that MPs provide, anecdotal evidence and documented facts you manage to dismiss under the aegis of "an isolated incident" or "not all MPs are like that".

The requirement for a police foundations certificate was an easy way around the dropping of the requirement of previous service, to prevent the qualification of 17 year old MPs.

Just ask yourselves, "why are we, as a trade, scoffed at by 50 thousand other members?" Because of your high level of training or competence? It's the same reason I've beaten three of your tickets in court, the same reason DUIs on the base so often go unpunished, the same reason one troop crashed his SUV, filled with stolen weapon components while drunk and high, and only get a 129 to stick  - YOU WERE WRONG!!! 

Anyway, keep up the great work.

<slams door, leaves thread>

Many people do not respect any type of authority when they are caught doing something wrong and will try to take the emphasis off themselves by attempting to make their crime or situation look like the fault of somebody else.  Accept responsibility for your actions, you stated that you have had quite a few run ins with the MP's so I consider your opinion biased and tainted.  Tickets get beat in civi land as well...  I call bs on your three tickets though.  And unless you're at every base and there to witness every DUI that happens on every base, then you couldn't reliably give me the statistics could you and expect anyone here to believe that unfound statement?
Should the military police be considered equal and empowered like any other law enforcement in Canada, like local police, OPP, RCMP, etc. when they are not on any CF base or other CF property?  ....In my opionion, with the shrinking numbers of man power in almost every section of law enforcement and the growing population with it's growing problems, and all the other situaions,  I say WHY NOT! If these guys are trained officers then there are certainly specifique duties that they can perform...Right now we need all the intelligent law enforcers we can use...The debate is opened in this forum...