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"MP's or Provost - An Idea on Roles" and "Replace base MP with RCMP"

If this is so,wear your Red Beret but the same uniform as the rest of us.

Tete Viand 00161 ,Re your comment;Yikes!!  I knew the uniforms were going to have a divisive effect with the rest of the CF but didn't realize it was this bad.  I admit there is a very real danger that the branch is going to alienate itself from it's "clients"

Thank you,you just proved my point by calling me and all in the C.F. "CLIENTS" meaning I and all are already guilty?

See there is the frame of mind we all see.

Rest of who, Earl?  I didn,t realize everyone wore the same thing all the time......
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Rest of who, Earl?   I didn,t realize everyone wore the same thing all the time......

Not the black Uniform, we are all wearing the relish now except the Navy which granted are different
due to their duties at sea.,but Army and Air Force all wear the same.
The M.P. uniform is some say dark blue,bollocks it's black and along with the change in colour has come attitude. ;)
Spr.Earl said:
Not the black Uniform, we are all wearing the relish now except the Navy which granted are different
due to their duties at sea.,but Army and Air Force all wear the same.
The M.P. uniform is some say dark blue,bollocks it's black and along with the change in colour has come attitude. ;)

Ahhh! yes Spr.Earl, thank you, since its origins from Provost's to its present day status as MP. It has suffered the slings and arrows of comtempt and ridicule from those who either have a problem with authority or are misinformed or misled.

But to-day you have out done all those who have gone before you, we are now described as EVIL.
This being due to a universal distinct Police Attire.

I'm sure you have won the hearts and minds of all who Serve and Protect, especially the Military Police.
FastEddy said:
But to-day you have out done all those who have gone before you, we are now described as EVIL. This being due to a universal distinct Police Attire.

He never said you were evil, he said you had an attitude, and it's showing.

FastEddy said:
I'm sure you have won the hearts and minds of all who Serve and Protect, especially the Military Police.

Civilian Police aside, I wasn't aware you had either. ;)
Spr.Earl said:
Thank you,you just proved my point by calling me and all in the C.F. "CLIENTS" meaning I and all are already guilty?
Nope, as in meaning you are the community that we provide MP Services to.  I put it in quotes to emphasis the civie speak that has become all too pervasive in the CSS trades and since we've gone to a civie pattern uniform on patrol and that was what was currently being discussed...  Anyways, you've obviously taken it in the sarcastic manner in which it's used to refer to miscreants, my apologies for the confusion.
MP 00161 said:
Nope, as in meaning you are the community that we provide MP Services to.   I put it in quotes to emphasis the civie speak
I can't say I like "clients" for MPs or civillain police.  It implies a service to individuals where the civillain police should be providing a service to the community as a whole.
Spr.Earl said:
Case in point is the new Uniform,what's with the black?We aren't the States and you are not SWATor JTF.
I and others I have talked and see your Uniforms as representing somthing evil,a threat which is not us as a Military at home.If you want to be a Police Force dress like one,a policeman is supposed to be a friend,a guardian,invisable untill needed.get rid of those SS uniforms.What ever happened with the old Red Beret just being enough to identify a M.P.?

Attn. recceguy, I think the inference is quite clear.

As for your clever retort, just another stone thrown as usual.
Personally I'm quite dissappointed with the new "black uniform" the Branch turned down all MY ideas which would have made it much better and less intimidating for our "clients". Your right Earl the all black concept is too much we do look like the SS. I suggested a brown shirt instead of the black with a nice black forge cap, black riding pants and boots, with a red identifying armband, riding crop, monocle and long leather overcoat for inclement weather.
Jumper said:
Personally I'm quite dissappointed with the new "black uniform" the Branch turned down all MY ideas which would have made it much better and less intimidating for our "clients". Your right Earl the all black concept is too much we do look like the SS. I suggested a brown shirt instead of the black with a nice black forge cap, black riding pants and boots, with a red identifying armband, riding crop, monocle and long leather overcoat for inclement weather.

;D ;D ;D
FastEddy said:
As for your clever retort, just another stone thrown as usual.

Eddy, you really gotta learn to chill and read the emoticons man. ;)

As to all the rest. Well, what can I say. I have some friends that are MP's. I consider them professional and fair. I have met many others that on first glance, would also seem to fill the bill. On the other hand, I have also met quite a few, that as with all trades, are total gluebags not fit to wear the uniform let alone "serve and protect". Your trade is not pristine, you've got bad apples and your wasting your time denying it.
You guys should know by now we (MP) have absolutely NO and I mean NO sense of humor :rage:
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Anyone got a pic for those of us not in the groove?

If your interested there is an excellent web site with all kinds of pics and history on the MP and there is one pic of the new dress. http://www.mpmuseum.org/index3.html
recceguy said:
Eddy, you really gotta learn to chill and read the emoticons man. ;)

As to all the rest. Well, what can I say. I have some friends that are MP's. I consider them professional and fair. I have met many others that on first glance, would also seem to fill the bill. On the other hand, I have also met quite a few, that as with all trades, are total gluebags not fit to wear the uniform let alone "serve and protect". Your trade is not pristine, you've got bad apples and your wasting your time denying it.

I don't believe I have ever denied that fact or have indicated that any LEA is Lily White. On reading a great number of quotes and replys which were favourable to the MP, this fact was also never denied.

But by the same token that applies to all other Branch's of the Service whether pertaining to Skills, Attitudes, Performance or reference. However, such short comings are not Harbored with such Hostility and at every opportunity displayed verbally or otherwise.

The Short Comings or Actions of other Branch's effect and impact on us all equally, but seems to pass as just water under the Bridge.

As for Emoticons, a pointed and un-complimentary statement, followered by a smiley face, does not change the contents or inference (i.e.= This is what I really mean, But I don't really mean it Ha. Ha.).
And thats why no one can talk to guys like you. No sense of ha ha, and always looking for a fault.
mover1 said:
And thats why no one can talk to guys like you. No sense of ha ha, and always looking for a fault.

You see, you selected to reply to a statement that could be manipulated into a jab.

The quote was to answer several of "recceguy's" statements and to suggest that smiley faces are not the best indicator of inference of a unkind remark.

I think you might be confusing "Seriousness with a lack of a Sense of Humor". And why would that prevent you from speaking to a LEO ?. 

Hmmmm. I think someone has issues ::) So not much sense in trying to be lighthearted anymore. I guess I'll just bow out. I find being to serious 24 hrs a day just makes me cranky.
So, are we actually going to discuss any of the valid ideas put up here by other members, or are we going to argue about clothing?
Infanteer said:
So, are we actually going to discuss any of the valid ideas put up here by other members, or are we going to argue about clothing?
Oh sorry about that Inf.,my fault as I digressed but as you see we are seen as clients.

I personally would like the Queens Cowboys to take over the true POLICE work in the C.F. and the  M.P.'s deal with the Miliatry side of their job i.e Mobility etc..
Leave the real Police work to the RCMP. as the M.P.'s can't do it.
