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Monthly Pay after deductions - Questions [Merged]

krystofurr said:
What province is used for taxing purposes?  When I use the payroll calc it gives different amts for Ontario and Quebec.

Taxes will be deducted based on your location of employment, Quebec....

Your best off to ask this question here ---->  https://www.facebook.com/groups/canadianforcesapplicants/?ref=ts&fref=ts

As there are people in this group at St Jean right now, who I am sure will be more than happy to share their "wage" experiences with you.
Note: They will no longer be allowing you to take home full pay if you're COMMON LAW. My fiance's platoon/sister platoons were the last this would apply to since the information didn't reach recruiting centers in time for them to be notified. You will now have to pay for barracks and rations.
Don't get ur panties in a knot Stacked.  I'm just trying to get a straight answer.

When you get 6 different answers from different sources it's kinda hard to know what is what. 

I asked on facebook group and the only answer I got was $600 a month regardless of married or single.  I want to know for sure what is what b/c I am paying all bills at home and own my place and am married.  My own recruiting office told me I would be paying $640 regardless as well but I wanted to ask here to see from people who have already been to BMQ recently

I know it's not hard to understand.  But it's difficult to get a confirmed answer.  Thanks for your info though.

The reason it's difficult to get a confirmed answer is that you are asking a bunch of anonymous people on line (ie: Navy.ca or Facebook) and not directing your questions to the people who can provide you with the precise level of information you seem to be expecting.

Unofficial sources are only worth what you paid for them.
krystofurr said:
Because they didn't sound very sure of the amounts.  And I need to be sure.

This sounds so wrong......If you think that joining the CF is going to make you tonnes of monies when you first join; think again.  You don't join the CF to become a millionaire.  Just rest assured that you will no likely have to sit on a claimed corner of Bloor and Dundas with a tin cup.
George, don't assume.  It never gets you anywhere.

I know there isn't alot of money in the military.
It sounds like krystofurr is merely seeking as much clarification as possible, given the responsibility of financial obligations on the home front -- sounds commendable to me.

Hang on. Did I just come across as supportive in a Recruiting thread?!  :orly:

What I meant to say is, you will not always have answers/explanations spelled out for you, and if you can't deal with surprises and inadequate info, then go work at Burger King.  Fuckin' new guys.  ::)

~whew~  ....the universe is in balance again.  ;)
krystofurr said:
George, don't assume.  It never gets you anywhere.

I know there isn't alot of money in the military.

Perhaps I can as you a question then.  At the end of this month what exactly can "I" ( and I mean "ME") expect to see deposited in my bank account?  That is the type of question you are asking everyone here, and you are coming across as an "ass".  Numerous posters have replied and you have been given "general" answers which give you a "round figure" as to what you could "possibly" expect to see.  Until such time as you are enrolled and actually being paid by the CF, DO NOT expect ANYONE to be able to give you an EXACT figure as to how much you will earn. 

Is that clear enough for you?

As for "assume"....You just made an ass out of YOU and me.  If you really want to start to lecture people at this stage of the game, expect the worse.

[Edit to add]

Perhaps I missed your point on the "do not assume" statement.  I apologize.  If you do land up taking the claiming a piece of turf on the corner of Bloor and Dundas, then I was wrong to assume that you can rest assured that you would not.  Sorry for assuming that.
Question has been asked and answered.....now it's just poking between the bars....time to shut're down......
ExquisitelyChic said:
Note: They will no longer be allowing you to take home full pay if you're COMMON LAW. My fiance's platoon/sister platoons were the last this would apply to since the information didn't reach recruiting centers in time for them to be notified. You will now have to pay for barracks and rations.

Perhaps you are trying to help, but comments like this aren't helpful.

The rules and regulations about married and/or common law serving members are not set by the CFRCs.  Full stop.  They follow the policy set nationally. 

If members who are (IAW policy and regs) entitled to R & Q at public expense have monies deducted because paperwork was slow/delayed (it does happen, the CF is a large organization with many moving parts), they will get that money back once the correct paperwork is complete.

Making a blanket statement like you did can be a cause for confusion and panic for some readers.  Something to consider. 

Having said all this, I have worked at CFLRS before and have witnessed a low GAFF at times for Admin issues WRT recruits and some staff.  If a recruit is not supposed to have R & Q deducted, but is anyways, he/she needs to inform his course instructors thru the established Chain of Command asap. 

Also, note that the regulations that pertain to students in training who are married/common law/have dependants are currently under review with more information being expected in February 2013.  Lots of discussion in Benefits Cut thread, including copies of the CANFORGENs. 
Stacked said:
There's you answer then......  The guys at the recruitment centre are experts, and know what's going on. 
I'm not sure why you're questioning what they told you.

CFRC staff are certainly not any different that the rest of us, meaning they are capable of making mistakes.  While they are the experts on recruiting, I wouldn't call them experts on CF admin policy any more than the rest of us are.  I personally know of one CF mbr working at the CFRC who I wouldn't trust with a rubber duck in a bathtub; the mbr used to be one of my subordinates so I can say this with certainty.

Also, with the whirlwind of confusion related to married/common law CF members and benefits while on IR following the CANFORGENs of July and late August, its not hard to see why there is/could be conflicting and confusing information floating around.  If a recruit or potential recruit is looking to confirm how much money they will or will not have going into their bank account, is that a bad thing?  Remember, you were a CFLRS type not that long ago...did you understand everything when you were applying?  How about during BMQ?  Do you understand everything about pay and admin now?  I don't and I've been around a wee bit longer than you.  ;)

I have just been recruited by the CF and I am heading to Quebec for x amount of weeks to complete my BMQ. I am hoping you can tell me my total amount of income by the time BMQ is over. Also, I have heard some talk about each branch's BMQ being done separately, I'm not sure if that makes a difference?
I am going to Borden in Feb. I have no clue what my starting salary is going to be for basic either. I think its around $2751/mth before deductions.