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MMA Anyone?

Sak is great.  He has trouble with W. Silva.

Wow... nobody predicted that 1. I must say though, the way they went about bringing back Chris Leben was fairly creative. Nate hurts foot, cant fight anymore. What do we do? Make him assisstant coach, then allow him to decide who comes back, and of course its gonna be his good buddy Chris  ;D

I was surprised in his change of attitude on returning... fairly classy if you ask me. 1 things for sure, Koscheck is feeling the heat now that the guy he's been shadowing has hit the road.

Cant believe Rafferty made it on the show in the first place, what a sad performance. Scared to fight in the first place, then he doesnt last more than a few seconds. Utterly sad...

I'm sure I could have lasted longer than him!

Anyone see the Ring Girls in the back? Apparently they were crying when Diego was brooking Rafferty on the ground...
What's this about the ring girls crying ? why would they do that?

And make talk about a once sided match holy crap! That Diego is a friggen machine.

And cheers for Chris Leben coming back .. I never get tired of that guy.

Did you hear that in his last fight (or one before it, I can't remember) in Sportfights I believe, that he actually landed a punch that broke the guys jaw?

I think Koscheck should thank his lucky stars that Leben seemed punch-shy during their match, because his striking skills are simply incredible.
I've actually been conversing with Jens Pulver "Lil Evil", who has ended a fighters career with a single blow. Although not the greatest thing to claim fame to, it shows what a mean left hook he's packing  :o

Diego's punching seemed a little soft to me, very little "snap". He's definatly a ground pounder...

The crying ring girls was hear-say, I'm yet to see a repeat to confirm it.
**Its determined that my original thoughts here are wrong**

SPOILER- if you dont want the outcome of TUF spoiled, dont read.

I've got some photos that have led me to believe that Chris won the contract.

First, Chris pre or post fight (with Nate Quarry in the background)

Secondly, Randy Couture interviewing Chris. (post fight)


Thirdly, Chris getting a belt. Whats interesting, is Nate Quarry is there... ;)

Lastly, Chris knocking the bejesus out of Mike Swick.


AND, just cause I love the guy.


But how could he have won the TUF UFC contract if the final episode is live and has yet to be shown?
Exactl, I was wrong ::)

As well, I also learned that because Randy Couture is there, is because him, Chris and Nate are al on Team Quest. As well, he's knocked out Swick prior to TUF. My bad
I was surprised when I first learned that they were all on Team Quest.. I checked out their webpage a few days ago and ... Chris Leben .. personal trainer?

Hm... so then I saw Nate on there but they had no information about him.

Was Nate a part of Team Quest before TUF? I couldn't find out because they didn't really have a well designed webpage to be truthful. I found that The Pit, Liddells website for their training dojo, was much much better. They had some really nice knowledge of Hawaiian Kempo and the history behind it and members etc.

You checked it out yet?


If you don't want to learn Hawaiian Kempo after reading it's history section then ... wow is all I have to say, it sounds pretty spectacular (though I wonder how similar Chinese and Hawaiian Kempo may be).
Ahh, good news. I just learned that there are Ninjitsu, Karate and Jiu Jitsu clubs on base. Quite convenient...
Dunno about karate and ninjitsu although ninjitsu, if not the very watered down kind .. would be pretty sweet. I would really like to learn it one day (outside of Canada of course..)

The Jiujitsu .. what kind is it? Not that it should matter really, but if it's BJJ you're going to miss out on just about all of the throws/joint locks that samurai style Jiujitsu from Japan has.
it really doesnt specify which style. Either way, I plan to get involved because if not anything, develop and perfect the basics like armbars, triangles, etc. Brazilian has always seemed more like a wrestling, never really kept my eye out for samurai but I wil now. Im not exactly interested in karate, and Ninjitsu is fine and dandy, but I dont want to kill my opponent...just submit him. ::)

I found this cool.
Steve said:
Dunno about karate and ninjitsu although ninjitsu, if not the very watered down kind .. would be pretty sweet. I would really like to learn it one day (outside of Canada of course..)
Ninjitsu ??? Are you guys actually serious? Someone out there is teaching people how to be a NInja at his day and age? What do they teach you? I can just imagine the class outside target practicing with throwing stars and blow darts. Sorry, I have been in martial arts for 18 years and have yet to meet anyone in their "right mind" who teaches Ninjitsu.

The Jiujitsu .. what kind is it? Not that it should matter really, but if it's BJJ you're going to miss out on just about all of the throws/joint locks that samurai style Jiujitsu from Japan has.

BJJ will teach you joint locks and throws. Again, I have never heard of Samurai Jiu Jitsu, and the name alone doesn't much sense. Samurai are warriors that killed with thier blade and never hit the gound to fight, the only thing that would hit the ground is thier lobbed off head in battle. :-\
I didn't mean to really bud in here guys, but maybe do a little research before joining any club and giving away your hard earned money on phonies!

Good advice, I plan to call and determine What the classes entail ( and what level I can obtain training with them), and whether anyone from the club participates in compititions. That alone should help in their credibility.

Like I said before, seeing Ninjitsu in the Petewawa Club Listings got my attention, but I want to submit my opponent, not kill them :)
Boy, would it ever suck if Forrest is out because of that cut. Alex sure came out with guns blazing...

(I have now come to the conclusion that Sam, is a Nancy)
There is no samurai Jiujitsu quite obviously .. but the samurai did use it in combat and develop it. Most notably are the locks and such - especially kote gaeshi (I believe thats the one) which is the wrist locks.. any samurai who was unarmed for some reason would rely on wrist locks and breaks and whatever else to disarm their opponent and (hopefully) gain control over their sword.

The takedowns/trips/off balancing and what have you were designed to kill an opponent quickly .. it's hard to fend off a samurai wielding an insanely sharp katana when you're on your back after all.

To be perfectly truthful, JJ was born out of Chinese grappling arts which were eventually incorporated into the fledgling JJ, but it was the samurai who truly refined it into a deadly combat art. With the end of the feudal era and the demise of Shogun ruled Japan, the samurai still had to teach combat but in less violent ways due to maiming/death rates in peacetime. This was, generally, during the Tokugawa military rule of Japan (Edo period) which made it peaceful this way. It adopted pressure point strikes incorporated from Chinese arts and more and more empty hand style methods of combat due to weapons restrictions.

During the Meiji Restoration, near the late 1800's/early 1900's, most forms of Jiujitsu were banned (fearing a popular uprising of skilled combatants) and the fighters that remained loyal to the art began to teach in other countries and JJ eventually began to spread out from there.

That's what I was talking about. I have done my research.. All Jiujitsu can trace it's base history back to Japan and the samurai - there are more to it than just them but that's where it gets kind of deep. Technically, all jiujitsu is "samurai" to some extent. So basically I usually break it down into two divisions: the Japanese "samurai" JJ, or the Gracie Brazilian Jiujitsu.

The style I personally learn is Jibun Booei Ryu Jiujitsu, and the dojo or instructor is most certainly not phony. However there are hundreds of styles of JJ, most don't have a tremendous difference but there are some that are rather surprising. As far as BJJ goes, they may teach joint locks and throws, but practitoners of BJJ themselves have told me that it is somewhat lacking in standup locks/throws. Not to criticize it because it is devastating as a ground grappling art, but after reviewing Gracie's take on BJJ, I'm inclined to believe these guys.

Now that that's out of the way.. If Forrest has to be cut because of that stupid cut, I'll be pissed. He's one of my favourite characters and to leave because of some stupid cut over the eye? Man just let him fight.. I never liked this aspect of sportified martial arts or boxing, it just irks the hell out of me..screw the commission, let the fighters take the risks.

As far as Sam ... let's say he didn't take the clothes from the other fighters themselves.. then who took the supplements? What if it isn't Sam .. what the hell then??
I feel sorry for Chris, he just keeps getting handed bad cards I guess. It was a nice elbow, but even though Kenny Florian cut Chris good, it doesnt void the fact that he had his ass kicked the entire first round and part of round 2 up until the cut.

I just learned I may be aquiring a co-op in Sept. at Rebellion JJ here in Toronto, http://www.rebellionjj.com/

Anyone familiar?
Chris just keeps getting dumped on lol.. I feel bad for the guy - but Kenny did take advantage of the situation. Chris may have been kicking his ass but it was Kenny who capitalized on a weakness.

That being said .. Chris ends up going ... Bobby may come back ... Forrest may go? I FEEL RIPPED OFF
Steve said:
Chris just keeps getting dumped on lol.. I feel bad for the guy - but Kenny did take advantage of the situation. Chris may have been kicking his *** but it was Kenny who capitalized on a weakness.

That being said .. Chris ends up going ... Bobby may come back ... Forrest may go? I FEEL RIPPED OFF

Although Im going to keep watching, I cant help but feel that my intrerest in the show has dwindled.

What I find ironic is Koschecks outcry over how its unfair to let Leben return after he beat him, yet got his panties wet when his role-model Southworth returned...
Really? It's dwindled?

With the upcoming Diego vs Koscheck fight I haven't been more excited since Leben vs Koscheck
Steve said:
Really? It's dwindled?

With the upcoming Diego vs Koscheck fight I haven't been more excited since Leben vs Koscheck

I just want to see Koscheck get his ass kicked, but my interest in them fighting really isnt as strong as watching Chris have a go.