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Messed up rapper.

mikewalker28 said:
Honestly birhard, with ALL due respect towards your post, frig his rights man.
All this kid is going to end up doing is A) getting him self killed or B) getting half his family deported.
I honestly don't know a thing about 'law' or 'politics' what I do know though is if your going to breast feed, then your mother sure as hell deserves some respect, and if that respect isn't there, move the frig out of the house. Before big brother - dad comes down on your *** hard.

Getting half his FRENCH CANADIAN family deported? To where, exactly? And getting himself killed? By who, exactly?

mikewalker28 said:
Ahhhh! man I'm gonna be done with this post, because i can forsee my self being banned from army.ca if I get into this anymore, 4:30 AM and I'm going to skip breakfast and hit the heavy for the next 3 hours after seeing this

And did I really just get called speed-racer and sparky, lol

Yes, you did. And you should have skipped this post and the others. As Brihard said, if you can't wrap your head around the basics of the laws of this country, and react like that (with such ignorance to boot), please seek another profession.
mikewalker28 said:
And don't ever compare me to a piece of garbage like that again, the BIG difference between me and him is I would give up EVERY freedom I have, and my home - personal, To protect my family and loved ones from people like him, and his terrorist friends he preaches about, this fucking coward's preaching 'murder' to civilians, there are ways to be pro - anti war in a PRODUCTIVE mannor, I can understand a Taliban sympathizer. or anyone that is ANTI war, I my self think war is messed up and hate the idea of murder, but come on man. should this REALLY be tolerated, how is it going to look, when he goes to the next extreme i.e suicide bomb. If he's got the BALLS to be so bold in his music and pubic about it, we'll whats next, how is he going to top that, it's amazing to think. That no one is actually taking into consideration of what this guy might be capable of and the contacts he's going to make now, especially after the media blows this up.

ARGH!  :threat: :threat: :threat: :threat: :threat: :threat: :threat:

You mad or something?

Done now?

Hope so, because the points others made to you are valid and do not deserve such anger in return. Hmmkay?

Calm down.



mikewalker28 said:
See the double standard our society has ? I just proved my point in this post, As birhard stated. 

You're obviously very excitable and cannot control what it is you type. I see by your posting history that this isn't the first instance of such.

You also completely lost me

Which where just shut down in an indirect mannor bye "scott staff"

Define this for me: private site.

But hey, as long as we live in a country where homebread terrorists can recruit through rap, disrespect our soldiers, and i get my *** chewed we'll to hell with it.  :salute:

And to you
I'm ignorant, for not tolerating some one that raps about terrorism, and is doing a CD release party on 9/11 to promote his "art" ?
I need to seek another profession, do you even know what I do ?
I live in the MIDDLE OF NO WHERE, and take tourists on 4 day guided hikes up the side of a mountain, I don't think you have to worry about my opinions getting very far..

You're ignorant for acting like a child here.

Now, if you're done, like you said a few posts ago, I'd suggest you go handle that poor heavy bag before your fingers run away on themselves again and you post something that will get you into the warning system - like another shot at me doing my job here.

I've got no dog in this fight and couldn't give less of a fuck about what some barely talented rapper, a genre I do not enjoy, does with his funding. But I do not accept the foul rhetoric which you post and the manner which you post it. That's called holding this forum to a higher standard than your new bestie has been held, eh?

Think about that, calm down and relax.

mikewalker28 said:
I'm ignorant, for not tolerating...

I think that pretty much sums it up. While you don't have to agree with this situation - and I would wager few or none here do - ranting on the Internet resolves nothing. You can express outrage without going off the rails. We encourage reasoned debate about the issues here, not frothing at the mouth and chest beating to make a point. Might be a good idea to read and understand our approach for a bit longer before jumping headlong into another rant.

The Boss is always so much nicer than I am...

Thanks, Mike B.
This topic's open for posting. Please leave the previous situation alone and carry on.

Surely we can conduct ourselves reasonably moving forward and a lock isn't required.
We'll it turns out, justice can be served in the way of informing admins of contraversal content on members websites, promoting terrorist acts, apparently with a well written plea to VortexSolution.com the hosting company of manu militari in montreal, can result in closer of a website!

What I dont understand is, this kid was born May 21, 1979 in Quebec, he's a CANADIAN! has tured in India, Greece and the Middle East. promoting his "art" and has made $110,000 in four years from a group called MusicAction, a gov funded musical historian group.

The amount of freedom in ones freedom of speech is directly proportionate to how much grief and drama what someone is saying causes the medium in which it's being said on.

every kid in north America probably grows up at one point telling their parents it's a free world and they can do/say what they want until they discover

saying some things to some people get you a punch in the face
saying some things get you in trouble with the authority.

You can say say whatever you want but expect a reaction of some sort.
ObedientiaZelum said:
The amount of freedom in ones freedom of speech is directly proportionate to how much grief and drama what someone is saying causes the medium in which it's being said on.

every kid in north America probably grows up at one point telling their parents it's a free world and they can do/say what they want until they discover

saying some things to some people get you a punch in the face
saying some things get you in trouble with the authority.

You can say say whatever you want but expect a reaction of some sort.

Yup, for sure- but where the state becomes involved, that 'reaction' must have grounding in law, and in this case the law is pretty clear that the state shall leave well enough alone. That's what we've democratically decided. We are all free to scream ourselves hoarse over this, but talk of criminal charges and such is grossly overboard.
Money for nothing and Chicks for free..........Was that song by Dire Straits not banned not too long ago? 

Do you know how many chicks took offence?

Brihard said:
and in this case the law is pretty clear that the state shall leave well enough alone.

A clear law, any clear law, is never more than one lawyer away from being a not-so-clear law.

CDN Aviator said:
A clear law, any clear law, is never more than one lawyer away from being a not-so-clear law.

You greatly oversimplify how easy it is for law to come into question. Generally speaking when uncertainty comes in it's in the appeals stage, or when a defense is raised on constitutional or Charter grounds.

Since S. 319 of the criminal code - incitement of hatred - quite explictly deals only with certain categories as 'identifiable groups', and since 'members of the military' in no way fall into that, there's no room for a credible application of this particular offense in this instance. As I said earlier, the precedent was already set when Salman Hossein was not charged for his comments about the military being fair game- though later he fled the country before being indicted for advocating genocide of Jews.

Prosecutors seldom if ever apply sections of the criminal code in a novel manner; rather when a 'new' type of behaviour becomes something we wish to prosecute, the law is amended legislatively. Criminal code offenses are rarely stretched, and there's certainly nothing unique or new about this circumstance that might lead a crown attorney to do so.

I stand by what I said- there is no evident case for criminal prosecution on any count. All he did was express himself in a manner that pissed many people off, and because Sun turned this into another one of their blithering crusades by misrepresenting facts a whole bunch of folks are now going off half cocked without actually looking into it themselves or seeing what was actually said or shown.
CDN Aviator said:
Of course, as i am not a lawyer. Are you ?

No, I am not a lawyer, but I did spend four years in school studying this stuff from numerous legal angles, plus what I've looked into on my own both during and since then, including a lot of digging into free expression issues. When the Hossein situation came up I made sure to look into the incitement of hatred provisions of the criminal code before articulating my views on that. I'm boned up enough on criminal, constitutional and Charter law to be fully confident in what I've said, and I'm prepared to discuss specific case precedent.

I am not able to practice law. I am able, however, to give a pretty well informed opinion on this very specific issue.
Brihard said:
I am not able to practice law. I am able, however, to give a pretty well informed opinion on this very specific issue.

That's why i was asking. Thanks.