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Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

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Setting: Arty School, Ph 3
            Practicing for MAPS PO check

            DS: 2Lt Bloggins, do you have a large rubber band?
            2Lt: No, Warrant.
            DS:  I suggest you find one, wrap it around your head, and snap yourself the f*** out-ov-er".

"Qu'est-ce que f***?" hahahhaa i say that all the time, gotta love franglais
Similar story:

The Setup:

Inspection time @ St Jean, and questions about the 10 principals of leadership were popping up. NCdt Bloggins was 0 for 4 on the questions, so the Pl Cmdr decided to dumb it down for the struggling lad...

The Jack-up:

Pl Cmdr: "What's the name of the base commander?"
NCdt: "Ummm, General Ber___"
Pl Cmdr: "WRONG"
NCdt: "Colonel Mar___"
Pl Cmdr: "WRONG"
NCdt: "Chief Boud___"
Pl Cmdr: "WRONG"
NCdt: "Lieutenant-Corporal Baribeau!" (said with 100% confidence)
Pl Cmdr: "F#&* me, Bloggins, you're not the CDS! You can't make-up ranks!"

Unknown if he actually passed the inspection...

What, no Jimmy Cox stories?      ummmmm, he's out now, right? Better check on that before I post more.
Mortar guy and Strike;

I was in BOTC summer '94 as well. I'm a civilian now but I'm going to have to dig up my old course t-shirt to find out which platoon I was in (C company I think). We had this WO who would start swearing in french under his breath at the start of inspection and wouldn't stop until it was over. I learnt more of the french language from him then any french language instructor I've ever had. I vaguely remember our officers name was captain Park...
I vaguely remember Capt Park! I was in 9 Platoon, C Coy (which I only know because I checked my t-shirt).

cdnaviator said:
Nah....he would be able to remember why he was about to jack you up any longer than the first or second word. he tried to crap on me for being late once and about mid-sentence he asked my why i was so damned early !!

He's living in Kingston now. Retired a couple of years ago. I remember him from my JLC/JNCO
I like this one. :)

Of every one-hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there,
eighty are nothing but targets, nine are real fighters...
We are lucky to have them, they make the battle...
AH but ONE, one of them is a Warrior...
he will bring the others back

Heraclitus c. 500 B.C.
Do say I say, not do as I do.

Former Section Commander 2003
The food is horrible, the girls are ugly. I want to go home.

-Unknown Roman Soldier, carved on Hadrian's wall
Battlestar Galatica (Webisode 6)

Col Tigh: We're at war. War is messy. People get killed. Good people. Nice people.
Get that through your head or get out. We don't need any crybabies in this outfit.
Pain is a sign of weakness leaving the body!

US Marines, I think.
The Reserve Pension is targetted for Mar 2007 - CFPMP Website.

Could not resist posting this.
Never blame your horses in defeat, nor congratulate yourself in victory.

Old Cossack saying, and a favourate of mine.
The idea of war is not to die for your country,
it's to make the other poor bastard die for his.
There are 3 types of leaders...

Those who makes things happen,
Those who watch things happen, and
Those who wonder what happened

    From  WWII history book:

    "Uh oh.  BOHICA!"

    -Bend Over, Here it Comes Again.