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Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

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I'm paraphrasing but the gist is clear:

During a fierce thunderstorm at bmq, while marching with c7's the MS said: "If any of you have decided you don't want to be here any more just hold those lighting rods up high"

and same MS after having to order, in his opinion, too many bootlaces.....'if you're not going to use these things to tie together and hang yourself why should I keep going through the hassle of ordering them?"

aaaahhhhh he must have really loved us lol
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."
              -Steve Prefontaine
"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself"
              -D.H. Lawrence
"Youre all a bunch of f*cking assholes, you know why? cause you dont have the guts to be who you wanna be. You need people like me so you cant point your f*cking fingers and say thats that bad guy. Well you aint never gonna see anyone like me ever again. So say goodnight to the bad guy."
                -Tony Montana
"Have balls and have heart. The will to get what you want in life is all you need. Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog."
"Believe in the reality that you are far greater than you have ever imagined possible"

I really like the ones existance wrote as well.
ExistancE said:
"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do."

"Act in the valley so that you need not fear those who stand on the hill."

"A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer."

"The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour."

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."

"Fight like you train, train like you fight"

"Twelve highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion."

I'm a quote collector, therefore I'd appreciate knowing the origins of any maxims posted here.

And, under the heading of "sleepless at 0330 hrs ... again ..."

"Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death."
-- Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

(from an essay):
Samurai had no fear of death. They would enter any battle no matter the odds.
To die in battle would only bring honor to one's family and one's lord.

Samurai usually would rather fight alone, one on one.
In battle a samurai would call out his family name, rank and accomplishments.
Then he would seek out an opponent with similar rank and do battle.

The samurai's life was like the cherry blossom's, beautiful and brief.
For him, as for the flower, death followed naturally, gloriously.

"Engage in combat fully determined to die and you will be alive; wish to survive in the battle and you will surely meet death."
-Uesugi Kenshin -

Many men feel that they should act according to the time or the moment they are facing, and thus are in confusion when something goes beyond this and some difficulty arises.

The man whose profession is arms should calm his mind and look into the depths of others.  Doing so is likely the best of the martial arts.
-- Shiba Yoshimasa (1350-1410)
  Ideals of the Samurai (pg. 48, 50)

Without knowledge of Learning, one will ultimately have no military victories.

One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds.
Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness.
-- Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420)
    Ideals of the Samurai (pg. 59, 60)

Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit.
No matter whether a person belongs to the upper or lower ranks, if he has not put his life on the line at least once he has cause for shame.
-- Nabeshima Naoshige (1538-1618)
    Ideals of the Samurai (pg. 115, 118)
A couple I hear durring my PT:

"There is no 'can't' in Canadian!"

"Ignore the pain. You control your body, your body does not control you."

"There are many brave and strong-minded people whom one wouldn't follow on any account - because one doesn't know what they stand for, or where they are going."

"The beginning of leadership is a battle for the hearts and minds of men."

"A leader must be one who can be looked up to, whose personal judgement is trusted, who can inspire those he leads, gaining their trust and confidence."

"The intellectual definition of leadership is the capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose, and the character which will inspire confidence."

"There is no point in having the capacity if you haven't got the will to use it."

"Leadership can be developed by training. Soldiers are more likely to follow those in whose military knowledge they have confidence, rather than one with much greater personality but not with the same obvious knowledge of his job. Responsibility brings courage; one has less time to think of one's own fears and thus a greater degree of resolution. Training received from superiors gives confidence in one's ability to deal with any situation."

[Paraphrased] "Leadership is based on truth and character. A leader must have the force of character necessary to inspire others to follow him with confidence. Character is knowing what you want to do and having the determination to do it, in a way which will inspire confidence in those around you or for whom you are responsible."

"The final test is how you feel when leaving an interview or conference with him. Have you a feeling of uplift and confidence? Are you clear as to what is to be done, and what is your part of the task? Are you determined to pull your weight in achieving the object?"

"Get your major purpose clear, take off your plate all which hinders that purpose and hold hard to all which helps it, and then go ahead with a clear conscience, courage, sincerity and selflessness."

"The ability to concentrate is essential in a leader; the constant exercise of this ability makes him a disciplined human being, enabling him to simplify a problem, to discover the essentials upon which all action must be based and the details which are unimportant."

"A leader's private life must be above all reproach. The most powerful factor is the sincerity of the man, his example and influence. If a man's private life is not above reproach, those he leads will cease to respect him, will withdraw their confidence so that his leadership loses its effectiveness."

"It is always a good thing to persuade the soldier that what you want him to do is right."

"Military command has always required technical skill and spiritual power and quality. Great commanders have had a profound knowledge of the mechanics of war and the stage-management of battle."

"Military command is, fundamentally, a great human problem and no good results will follow unless there is mutual confidence and sympathy between the known commander and the regimental officers and men - the former being seen frequently in the forward area by the soldiery."

-- Montgomery
"There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you still get the same soaking"---The Hagakure, Yamamoto Tsunetomo.

I read "The Hagakure" prior to going on my QL3 031 a few years back and man did it help knowing that no matter what you'll still end up wet. now on every exercise when the Senior NCOs are using phrases like "When it ain't raining, it ain't training" or the popular Vandoo quote: "Rain is the infantry's sun." I know why... :cdn:
"Fight like you train, train like you fight"

Ok, ive seen this around the forum before i somewhat other forms, is this qiote not supposed to be "As You Train So Shall You Fight"?
Or are there many different versions of this?
Yea, though I walk through the valley of Death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the meanest son of a bitch in the valley....
Gunnar said:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of Death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the meanest son of a ***** in the valley....

I LOVE this one!!! ;D
aesop081 said:
2- "Remember that no matter how good-looking she is, someone is tired of putting up with her shyte"

Rolling on the floor laughing me arse off!
"Don't give the SOB the satisfaction of knowing he got the best of you!"
(Something like that, Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge)

"The more you Sweat in Training ;
The Less you Bleed in Combat"
(Tac Gear Advertisement)
"Get busy living or get busy dying" it's from the shawshank redemption but its a great quote.

"LIfe sucks get a helmet" one of my all time favs, I heard it from a buddy of mine who is in the army.

"It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees" I think this one is ghandi, but feel free to correct me if i am wrong.
Blakey said:
Ok, ive seen this around the forum before i somewhat other forms, is this qiote not supposed to be "As You Train So Shall You Fight"?
Or are there many different versions of this?

Yup - it's a recurring theme ...

The Romans are sure of victory ... for their exercises are battles without bloodshed, and their battles bloody exercises.
-- Josephus, 37-100 A.D.
from our then Coy clerk to a less-than-stellar young private while on Ex:
"There is a difference between having a vagina, and being a vagina. I fit the former category, you the latter."

(Of course, she didn't use word "vagina".)
bossi said:
I'm a quote collector, therefore I'd appreciate knowing the origins of any maxims posted here.

And, under the heading of "sleepless at 0330 hrs ... again ..."

I'm fairly certain the first one is By William Blake.

Act in the Valley... was listed as a Danish Proverb
One more minute... listed as Noreweigan
The others were listed as Japanese and of course the last one was listed as a Scottish Proverb... Just found them floating around the net.

Not sure about the fight one. Might have seen it on a t-shirt even.
camochick said:
"It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees" I think this one is ghandi, but feel free to correct me if i am wrong.

Actually I believe that Dolores Ibarruri said that in 1935 or 1936.
Thanks for the attribution!

"In the World War, nothing was more dreadful to witness than a chain of men starting with a battalion commander and ending with an army commander sitting in telephone boxes ... talking, talking, talking in place of leading, leading, leading."
Major-General J.F.C. Fuller, Generalship: Its Diseases and Their Cure, 1936