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Medical Take #2


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Yay. Medical attempt #2 goes in the mail today ;D. so now its all a question of waiting AGAIN lol ("hurry up and wait" god I'm sick of that now)2-6 weeks more to end my 9 month march in the application process heck yeah.


Crossing all my fingers and my toes lol cheers
Good luck!  I know how you feel...I'm on my 3rd(!) time submitting my medical; it is now almost 1 year 9 months to the day since I submitted my application.

I hope to God that this is the last time I have to do this; and I hope that they are much quicker than last time.  (It took four and a half months for my medical last time).
Good luck bud, for the record, my second medical only took two weeks to come back.  Last time was a different story, very much like BDTyre's.
Well i just booked my medical. Im hearing nothing but horror stories about doing the medical and people not passing it. What are some things that are making people fail.Does anyone know if the medical is like the one you take for a class 1 license? Im just getting bad news all around from people in regards to the joining process. I was told they want me in bmq for may. 2 months away. Any input would be appreciated. :cdn:
Just wait until you guys start getting army over-40 medicals.  heh-heh. Try and get a female Doctor, their fingers are smaller.  Even so, I think some medical school someplace is teaching them to wrap their entire FIST around the prostate gland.  :o

TCBF said:
Just wait until you guys start getting army over-40 medicals.   heh-heh. Try and get a female Doctor, their fingers are smaller.   Even so, I think some medical school someplace is teaching them to wrap their entire FIST around the prostate gland.   :o


Christ man will you stop with the memory lane trip I am going to have nightmares remembering all this "shit". :D
Then it's like - she wants you to TALK. Sure lady, I'll talk, I'll say anything to get you to get your fist back out into the sunlight.   But no, then it gets worse.. then, as your standing their buck naked, she smiles sweetly and asks   "And have we been doing our self test for testicular cancer lately?" and gives the Testicle Brothers - Mr Right and Mr Left - a squeeze.   Of course, she has no idea how hard she is squeezing, because she doesn't HAVE a pair... and there is a blinding yellow flash, the ears start ringing at 168db, and you come to as you collapse into the doors of the metal storage locker you were standing in front of.  

But, like I say, smaller fingers, so one must weigh the pros and cons in one's head...

GOOD GOD MAN!!!     :o I'm never going to be able to look at a women's hand the same way again.   GEEZ
That is hilarious I'm still laughing as I'm typing!!!!

If your prostate wasn't so big dude, she wouldn't need to wrap her whole hand around it then would she?  ;D

"If your prostate wasn't so big dude, she wouldn't need to wrap her whole hand around it then would she?"

She gave me pills to make it smaller - my prostate, not her fist - but they made me

Good training for the Mefloquin though, I'll admit.


Ooops, almost forgot to pop a smiley.. ;D..Ahhh, I feel MUCH better now...
I hear ya B.McTeer.  I'm in the process since over a year and a half now :blotto:. The problem is the medical test, you know the sweet little urine test that you do just bfre your interview, well it went all okay, exept the result of presence of hematuria (blood), so I did my interview and all.  But needed to see my doctor to check it out and filed papers and sent it back to my RCTING center.  I did that last september.  I thought everything was all good, but NO...While I was trying to wait patiently fr a phone call fr basic, I rcved instead a new letter telling me they wanted another test again, even though the last one was okay... ???  So I got back to the doctor, and he says that he will do more, meaning I had a day surgery to check out my bladder (dam very uncomfortable surgery let me just say that...lol :-X).  Then I had a CT scan fr my kidneys, everything is perfectly fine exept a little malformation meaning I have on one of my kidneys a 2nd tube going to my bladder.
But my doctor and the specialist told me that I'm damm perfectly fine and healthy.  Hopefully they will say the same thing at Borden.  So I sent those results on feb 24th and still waiting...the Quote "Go fast and now wait " is so true. 
I keep my fingers cross.
Good luck to you and everyone who feel like the waiting is too much, way too much long....
Heavy_Duty391 said:
I hear ya B.McTeer.   I'm in the process since over a year and a half now :blotto:. The problem is the medical test, you know the sweet little urine test that you do just bfre your interview, well it went all okay, exept the result of presence of hematuria (blood), so I did my interview and all.   But needed to see my doctor to check it out and filed papers and sent it back to my RCTING center.   I did that last september.   I thought everything was all good, but NO...While I was trying to wait patiently fr a phone call fr basic, I rcved instead a new letter telling me they wanted another test again, even though the last one was okay... ???   So I got back to the doctor, and he says that he will do more, meaning I had a day surgery to check out my bladder (dam very uncomfortable surgery let me just say that...lol :-X).   Then I had a CT scan fr my kidneys, everything is perfectly fine exept a little malformation meaning I have on one of my kidneys a 2nd tube going to my bladder.
But my doctor and the specialist told me that I'm damm perfectly fine and healthy.   Hopefully they will say the same thing at Borden.   So I sent those results on feb 24th and still waiting...the Quote "Go fast and now wait " is so true.  
I keep my fingers cross.
Good luck to you and everyone who feel like the waiting is too much, way too much long....

well my wait ended today when i got a letter say that im good to go with my medical so now im just wait for my unit to call offering me a job. anywho Heavy_Duty391 just hold the course and you will do fine :salute:
you will do fine
Okay, so yours took about five weeks.  Three weeks so far for me.  So hopefully, it could be any day now.
The Canadian Forces must have the most patient people in Canada filling their ranks. Geez. I do think that is a testament to the type of soldiers whom are employed. Good job guys, and keep at 'er eh!

So I sent my 2nd load of papers fr my medic on the Feb. 24th and guess what???
It's a good thing I call 2 days ago to check it out bcse they rcved a response at the end of March and they didnet call me to tell me that everything is all good and that I'm good to go, just need now to wait fr a job offering.
So if you didn't get any news yet, feel free to call them bcse it seams they don't call you unless you failed something.  It gets a lot of weights out of my shoulder.

Take care all and good luck
keep up smiling

some do some don't, depending on how the recruiting center operate.  They might only send you a letter if they need more info....
So check out with your recruiting center.