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Medical Rejection: How to Appeal? [Merged]

Hey folks, if you read the title of the topic you might be thinking that I'm asking for advice regarding the appeal process, but rather I'm asking how you could make an argument to get a second review of my file.  I know the military doesn't owe me anything and that I'm not a special snowflake, so that's not the point I'm making. What am asking for is advice on how to proceed, since I'm not alone in thinking the decision was made poorly.  If any of you could spare a few moments, I'd really appreciate the advice/feedback.

I got the letter of doom stating that I'm medically unfit because of a condition I have known as Raynaud's, which basically means I have bad circulation in my hands. During the medical I brought this up with the med officer who then called someone in Ottawa to ask about the way people with my condition are evaluated, and was told that it's evaluated case-by-case. This is further backed up with the way the condition is outlined in CFP 154 (the common medical standards document) as seen here http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-policies-standards-medical-occupations/dermatological-conditions.page (under section 10 part e. iv). After the medical, the officer pointed out that I had prior enlistment into the reserves, and while I wasn't officially diagnosed with the condition at the time, I've had it for my whole life.

Naturally, the medical officer gave me a form to have my family doctor fill out. When I read what she filled out, she gave me best case scenario stating that my condition was mild, required no form of medication other than gloves (such as those in the standard kit) in cold environments (-10 and below), and said I would still be a good applicant.

The problem is that despite doing what the military asked by having this form get filled out, I was still denied. When I was called by a med tech that received my file and explained the situation to him, he said he was also confused why I was declined. I was cleared as medically fit 6 years ago, my condition requires gloves in the standard kit in colder environments (no medication), and I gave them a best case scenario form filled out by my doctor which should have made the difference in an evaluation that apparently is made "case-by-case". I can't shake the feeling that whoever did the final evaluation looked at the condition on my file, did a quick read up on it, and made a decision without consulting what my doctor had even written down.

Is there any way I could request a second review as stated in the letter under the appeal process? So far, it seems the only way to do that is to provide some sort of evidence on how my condition wouldn't affect me, however my condition isn't something well documented. I'll be trying to book an appointment with a specialist later (which will probably get booked a few months from now) and hope that maybe they'll be able to do some sort of test I could use as proof of the mild severity, but in the mean time is there any advice you guys could offer on what I should be doing? If you managed to to get to this point, thank you for giving me part of your time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

tl;dr: considered medically fit 6 years ago, got diagnosed with a condition I've had all my life after prior enlistment, did a new medical earlier this year and was requested to get a form filled out since the condition is evaluated case-by-case, brought in a best case scenario form filled out by my doc, got medically declined despite best case scenario for case-by-case evaluation, unsure how to progress.

So I applied for the military in august and got to the medical phase of the process, but due to Single sided deafness I was denied, this is the only career that I see myself doing and have no other passion. Could I appeal this decision? The medical officer told me that I could still apply why?

Thanks in advance!
When you clicked through all the registration stuff, eager to post your question,
you missed one key point... but wait!
No matter how much of a rush you are in posting your question, you ignore the caution at the bottom of every page of the site...
UNOFFICIAL, not part of DND
You missed the site rules we will not answer personal medical questions.

Despite all of this, you place your confidence in your future career with random strangers online.
Hey folks,

After two years of process, I now finally have learned that my application to me a CF member has been refused for a failure to adequately meet the CEMS. I fully understand the rationale, and would have chosen similarly had the roles been reversed.

I have been invited to appeal and have reassessments done in a few months, but I have decided to stop wasting taxpayer money on the process and get out of the way in favour of those applicants still in the pipeline.

I am profoundly disappointed, and searching for ways to be okay with this situation. However, like several have pointed out, the CF does not owe me a job, nor am I required to like the decisions taken by its members.

I just have to get on with the job.

thanks for the information I have got from this board. Mods, kindly remove my profile and account. I have no reason to come back.

good luck, everyone. Check six often, and when in doubt, empty the mag......

No shame in not being selected.  You should be proud you even tried. 

Most importantly (in my mind anyway) there are many very important ways in which our amazing society needs support that do not require membership to the Canadian Armed Forces, so hold your head high and continue to help out the country and civilization so the CF has something worth defending. 

Best of luck.
BorisK said:
No shame in not being selected.
That's right.

If you really do want to serve, there are plenty of other ways.

Good luck in the future.

I thought you had already sworn in and started basic? Sorry to hear the news though aike others have said, there are still ways to serve so be proud that you made it as far as you did and best of luck with what you decide to pursue next.

I have questions regarding my current application in the military, and was wondering if anyone has gone through a similar thing, and would be able to help me answer my question.

I first sent in my application to be a Traffic Technician in the Air force in September of 2014 in Quebec, and I have gone through all steps of the recruiting process. Everything went well except during my medical I indicated that I was was Hospitalized for 2 weeks during the summer of 2014 because I had contracted viral pancreatic from a visit to the Philippines. So the person doing my medical told me they needed a note from my doctor saying the virus was cured, and it wouldn't effect me in any way. I was informed it was a rather quick process once he received my documents from the doctor, he would just have to mail it out to Ottawa and a military doctor there would approve it. I was told it shouldn't take more then a week or two once Ottawa has the documents. I called my recruiter in mid November and he confirmed that Ottawa had received the papers. So I assumed it would take a week or two then i would be put on the merit list ( they told me everything else including reference and security checks where done, they just needed confirmation from Military doctor in Ottawa to merit list me). So I just called this Friday ( January 9th 2015) to check the statues of my file, assuming I was on the merit list but they told me Ottawa never checked my file yet, and I still wasn't merit listed. So I am wondering how long could it take for Ottawa to review my file? Has anyone gone through a similar situation with additional medical papers?
Yes many people have been given either overly optimistic response times or experienced delays.  This is not unusual, and you are not that special.

In fact there are many many individual threads and topics of regarding the various wait times and delays people encounter.  I suggest you start reading them.

I've applied for the army reserve as an infantry in nb and passed everything including the cfat except the medical and been placed on medical hold due to a bend in my spine. I sent the required documents to Ottawa the same day I was examined by a medical officer. That was in december 2014 and im waiting for the doctor in Ottawa to say I'm ok and this is January 19th 2015, I need the doctor to say I'm ok before I can be enrolled. I'm wondering the wait time on this cause the enrolment ceremony is January 22nd only a few days away.
Fpseelground said:
I've applied for the army reserve as an infantry in nb and passed everything including the cfat except the medical and been placed on medical hold due to a bend in my spine. I sent the required documents to Ottawa the same day I was examined by a medical officer. That was in december 2014 and im waiting for the doctor in Ottawa to say I'm ok and this is January 19th 2015, I need the doctor to say I'm ok before I can be enrolled. I'm wondering the wait time on this cause the enrolment ceremony is January 22nd only a few days away.

What does the Army Reserve Unit that you are trying to join have to say?  Did you ask them yet?

Just a guess, but given what limited info you have provided and doing the math (Med Dec 14, extra info needed, maybe sent Dec 14, Xmas Holidays, Recruitng System Software change, extra info probably not sent til Jan 15, 2 weeks for review, 1 week to be mailed back, etc, fudge factor, etc).........I'd say the answer will be back in early Feb.
I'm just concerned because I've read a few threads saying how it took them months and I'm really looking forward to this experience. My doctor filled out the documents by saying he doesn't see why I wouldnt be fit to complete my training so I'm hoping the doctor in ottawa feels the same way. But yeah, obviously Christmas break was a big obstacle for the wait time but I'm still confused about all these terms like 'merit list'. I'm hoping someone could shed some light on the whole situation. And as far as the recruitment office said, they only said to wait and they have no idea what so ever how long I'll have to wait.
Fpseelground said:
I'm just concerned because I've read a few threads saying how it took them months and I'm really looking forward to this experience. My doctor filled out the documents by saying he doesn't see why I wouldnt be fit to complete my training so I'm hoping the doctor in ottawa feels the same way. But yeah, obviously Christmas break was a big obstacle for the wait time but I'm still confused about all these terms like 'merit list'. I'm hoping someone could shed some light on the whole situation. And as far as the recruitment office said, they only said to wait and they have no idea what so ever how long I'll have to wait.

Your best bet........deal directly with the Reserve Unit that wants to hire you.  They are the ones who are driving your entire process at this point.

Hopefully it all works out for you and that paperwork gets through the system quickly.

Good luck....

"The rules aren't arbitrary - they're there based on likely reactions, both physical and mental, that are likely to occur under demanding conditions in potentially remote areas with limited access to skilled medical care, all based on what we know about the natural progress of these disease processes and how they're treated.

Could you advise as to the correct process to follow based on the following situation given the context of the response from MM above?
The Recruitment Medical Evaluator has ruled that the principals of universality of service have not been met because of following with a psychologist for a year in 2013 and a perceived risk of recurrence of symptoms, especially if subject to the stresses of a military environment.

This is in contrast to the form filled out by the psychologist that did not feel a risk of recurrent symptoms was likely due to the isolated difficult event that took place in 2012 (betrayal of a best friend). No mental diagnosis. No ongoing medication was Rx. There have been no residual symptoms due to the appropriate counseling that followed in 2013. It is my personal belief that through perseverance of difficult situations a person can become mentally stronger and more capable to face future challenges.

To support the appeal, I plan to get a current psych evaluation done and submit either an appeal based on this new information or a secondary review because of contrasting differences in the Recruiting medical office report from the psychologist report. I did not think that seeing a psychologist to help with a personal issue would have such a ripple effect.

Could you tell me a bit of the differences in the appeal routes and any other reports or patient information that may be helpful to the Recruitment Medical Office? Would disclosing what happened, beyond the content of originally requested psychologist follow up letter help to give context ?
I don't know if anyone on here can answer my question with certitude, but here goes. When you're in the process of joining the military, and you've done the medical and they tell you they need to send your file to Ottawa for review because of a few medical issues, does the military doctor or doctors who review your file only consider the medical part of your file to make their final decision on wether you'll be declared medically fit or not ? Or do they also consider other things that are part of your file, like how you scored on the cfat or whether you were able to easily pass the force test ??

Thank you in advance.
Lol nooo....medical means medical....everything is evaluated separately. Why the heck on earth would they look at your CFAT scores when they assign you a category, right?

I had my medical done July 6th, 2015. As I wear glasses and as they detected hearing deficit from my listening exam, they gave me two papers (1 for the eyes and the other for the hearing)......and the next day, I got both of them done and had them faxed back to my CFRC.

......One week later (July 13th, 2015) ......I asked them and they said they already assigned me a medical category......so everything could go really quick!

I guess what I'm trying to ask with my questions is when they review your medical file in Ottawa, do they also consider in their final decision how well you've done so far in the recruiting process (meaning could they be more lenient if they see that you're a very good candidate versus if you're an average one), or if they only solely look at the medical aspect. I guess probably only the people who have worked there could answer my question, or the people who have been told about this from the recruiting authorities....
You could be a super star candidate, but if your vision is V5, then your vision is V5. They don't make exceptions to the rules.
Kaya1981 said:
I guess what I'm trying to ask with my questions is when they review your medical file in Ottawa, do they also consider in their final decision how well you've done so far in the recruiting process (meaning could they be more lenient if they see that you're a very good candidate versus if you're an average one), or if they only solely look at the medical aspect. I guess probably only the people who have worked there could answer my question, or the people who have been told about this from the recruiting authorities....

This was answered very succinctly here -
kelsia said:
Lol nooo....medical means medical....everything is evaluated separately. Why the heck on earth would they look at your CFAT scores when they assign you a category, right?

Your medical category has ZERO to do with your scores...though a diagnosis of low intelligence may well correlate with your aptitude scores, the medical file is what's looked at.  That exam is to determine MEDICAL FITNESS FOR ENROLLMENT - that's it, that's all.  If you don't meet the Common Enrollment Medical Standards, acing your CFAT won't do dinky doo for you.

Sorry to be blunt, but I'm not going to give you the answer you want to hear.
