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Medical Rejection: How to Appeal? [Merged]

DrSize said:
God I should type mine up, I got rejected because i have too much muscle mass if you can believe that
Now that's one I haven't heard before, what did your letter say exactly?
Hey I can understand this rejection stuff.  I got rejected because of a slight wheeze in my lung.  I wnet and got a pulmonary function study done it has now come back great so I resent in my app.  Hopefully this time it'll be okay (no asthma and lungs work fine!) 
I had to go get checked out because of allergies also. Heck I am mildly allergic to like 100 things. They tested me with this little "needle" thingy that pokes you with like 50 needles at once, then they watch to see how your skin reacts. Then they know the degree to how allergic you are. I sent in the test results and I'm fine, sign in Dec 9th. Don't sweat this at all. Just do it and send it in ASAP.

Hey guys,
I'm kinda going through the same thing right now. During my application, the medic told me to go and get a letter from my doctor because I had asthma when I was younger, to make sure I wouldn't have any exercise induced attacks. So I did this, totally confident that I was fine, as I've played football since I was 12, and I play Super League rugby now. My application came back two and a half months later requiring a follow-up interview. On the front page of the health section, I had checked "yes" to the question about 'do you or have you ever had any kind of disease', and on the second page the medic wrote his report after he had listened to my lungs and read my doctor's review and that the asthma wouldn't be a problem in his opinion.
So I go in for the interview, and the interviewer opens my application, and says "Oh, I see I am supposed to ask you about your asthma, but it looks as though all the information is here..." and he looks at me confused. I explain that I sent in my doctor's report with my application, and he says "Well, it looks like whoever received your application didn't even open it up and check the second page. How long have you been waiting for this to come back?" I say "Two and a half months." He apologizes, and says that he doesn't need to continue with the interview.

And then I go home and start waiting again.

Anybody ever heard of anything like this? Any idea what I should do next?
Thanks, Mike.
Speaking of the board does anyone know when the next one is? Regualr force Infantry?
Anyone :P it's driving me up the wall not knowning because the sir at the RC doesn't know either (may sound strange but he didn't know). This well give me a general idea when I hope to be sworn in.
There is a related thread "Allergies in the CF" on I believe pg. 3 in the recruiting forum you may want to read. The reason for concern is with some allergies such as seafood, bee and wasp stings ect. there is a possibility they may become much worse with each further exposure. Thats why they requested further testing to determine the situation. And yes there are people in the forces with allergies that require carrying an epi-pen but they would be on a medical category. But it is not likely they would process a application for someone to start on a category. Although they may not release a serving member they probally won't enrol someone in this situation. Same would also apply to diabetics. Medical conditions for serving members at times require a remuster.
Go ahead with the testing and hope for the best. If it is bad news at least you will have the proper knowledge of your situation which could possibly save your life.

Best Wishes

You'll be fine.  I had/have mild asthma also.  At the time when I applied they weren't as stringent, so they never even asked me to see a doctor about it, the medic just accepted my statement that I hadn't had any asthma problems for 3 years or so.  They seem to have started getting more picky since then....what happened with you was probably just plain stupidity on someones part, but now that you've had the physical and they've gotten a letter from your doctor as well, you shouldn't have any more problems.
Is crab meat so prevalent in the Forces' food that it is even a problem?  Maybe I don't want to join after all... ;)

As for the asthma thing...don't get me started on that.
Just out of curosity (this is a long one).... Whats the turn around time like when your medical closed your file but then you got the doctors note and additional information ettc.  My medical closed my file October 5 but I provided all the extra information in to the recruitment office on November 15th.  Before that it took me 3 1/2 months to hear anything from the medical.  Is it going to take this long again?  Also,  am I going to have to go through the whole application proccess again?  One recruiter said no (cause if the paperwork and security clearance are under a year then theres no need to redo if nothing has changed), and another one told me I'd have to go through it all again.  I know I'll have to do the physical again (no problem there!) cause mine was done almost 6 months ago.  I live in Edmonton if that matters at all and I'm going to try for infantry, combat eng., MP.  BTW my medical came back because of a slight wheeze ( I did a PFS and it came back excellent).  Last but not leasest what are my chances of my medical coming back good (my doctor provided all the reports and letter stating that I am in excellent health no employment rest. etc)?  This has been a lifelong dream for me and I can't seem to get straight answer anywhere.

PS I really hope that all this information isn't posted on another forum here cause then I'd feel like a real idiot!
Your medical won't go any faster the second time around.  The first time, mine took about 2 to 2 1/2 months; the second time it took 4 1/2 months.

I had to fill out another application form even though it had been less than a year, but the only thing I had to redo was the fitness test.
I never really understood what the different V levels were.

I am -4.75, -4.00 (almost blind without glasses) and was classified V3 2 yrs ago when I went to CFRC.   @ that time I'd prolly be in the -3.00s somewhere.

edit...I think you need v1-v3 for any of the combat arms.
that is correct dingbat.. hence the reason i was dropped from the combat arms...grrr....  :threat:
wow, i don't know what happened to me then... 4.75, 5.25 -- I think i remember it was determined by seeing a big "E" on the vision screen. I don't quite recall the method that was used to determine the V score, anyone remember?
It's basically read the letters off the wall.

Lol..."take off your glasses and read off the top line." my response....silence...

is there a difference between the medical board and the selection board?  and if so, if you are set for the selection board, does this mean that you've passed the medical board?
The medical boards and selection boards are completely different.  However you cannot get to the latter without clearing the former.  Your CFRC probably won't send your file to the selection boards until your medical has cleared.  Venero, the medical will take longer if you have any major outstanding issues, first they will be looked over by the MO at bordon, then if need be they will send the file to an appropriate specialist, this is where the wait begins because the CFRC's are not on the top of the priority list of the specialists.  Good Luck.
spenco said:
The medical boards and selection boards are completely different.   However you cannot get to the latter without clearing the former.   Your CFRC probably won't send your file to the selection boards until your medical has cleared.   Venero, the medical will take longer if you have any major outstanding issues, first they will be looked over by the MO at bordon, then if need be they will send the file to an appropriate specialist, this is where the wait begins because the CFRC's are not on the top of the priority list of the specialists.   Good Luck.

In short, one would not be put to the selection board unless after receiving clearance from the med staff?