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Media Bias [Merged]

I guess the CBC will soon be wishing they hadn't been breaking the Governments balls at every turn.  Reap what you sow.  :crybaby:
Judging by the layoffs and losses at Sun media, it's the Sun and the CBC both falling off a cliff and the Sun gleefully crowing that the Mother Corp is going to hit the ground first.
I am just curious on two things:

1. What would the storyline run by the CBC be if the Canadian Forces had of run out of money and asked the government for a $130 million odd "top up"? The fact that hockey wasn't played this year shouldn't have been a huge shock... prior to 1 April it was widely assumed that a lock out would occur.  The CBC should have done an analysis, identified this as a potential problem area, and planned accordingly.

2. The NDP, who presumably will be criticizing the conservatives for not balancing the budget this year, are then asking for MORE money for the CBC.  Presumably they would be willing to lose the $130 million from some other program so as not to add to the deficit.  What program would they see losing this money?

On a side note- if they want to save $130 million they could start by firing Terry Milewski and George Stromboulopolis
Journalistic safeguards at CBC News
By Jennifer McGuire, CBC News
Posted: Nov 16, 2012 2:04 PM ET


We have clear and recognized processes to flag any issues before they flare up.

If a story might harm the reputation of an individual or institution, result in possible legal action, require the use of techniques such as anonymous sources, or hurt the CBC's journalistic credibility, it is always referred up to me or to the other senior journalists that make up my management team.



Does the term "rose coloured glasses" ring a bell?
Granted that CNews isn't the most unbiased reporting and that is poll is very, VERY, unscientific/subjective I still find it reassuring: Screen cap attached because I alreadyvoted and it wouldn't let me see the results a second time.

If they're hard up for money maybe they could cut back on the car allowances?
Cranky rant of the morning (whilst I sip my coffee): CBC, you are using the US abbreviation for the rank of captain. (Actually, more specifically, they are using the US Army abbreviations.)
See: http://www.cbc.ca/manitoba/features/ptsd/

This is, I suppose, a small quibble, but is it not one of the classic tenets of journalism to "at least get their names right"? Also, this is not some small town rag, but the organization that purports to be our national representatives on the journalism front. And it is not just getting one point of detail wrong in a rushed story about some breaking incident -- it is a major project, studying the CF as an issue.

Does this not reflect poorly on the Mother Corp's current standards? Or am I indeed being too petty here?

Doesn't bother me if that is the only thing wrong.  The only issue I had with that page was the story of the Super Ninja Bombardier they used to have,  but it appears to be gone now.
Wolseleydog said:
Cranky rant of the morning (whilst I sip my coffee): CBC, you are using the US abbreviation for the rank of captain. (Actually, more specifically, they are using the US Army abbreviations.)
See: http://www.cbc.ca/manitoba/features/ptsd/

This is, I suppose, a small quibble, but is it not one of the classic tenets of journalism to "at least get their names right"? Also, this is not some small town rag, but the organization that purports to be our national representatives on the journalism front. And it is not just getting one point of detail wrong in a rushed story about some breaking incident -- it is a major project, studying the CF as an issue.

Does this not reflect poorly on the Mother Corp's current standards? Or am I indeed being too petty here?

We have a whole, named, topic about the CBC here, which deals with more than just the Corporation's political biases.

But you are right: journalists, not just CBC journalists, are, broadly and generally, lazy, careless and poorly informed. There are, of course, exceptions ~ fortunately there are dozens, even hundreds of them ~ but they are too few to change a system that, again generally, supports stenographers, not reporters.

Getting a rank wrong is just a symptom of a greater disease. Journalists are craftsmen, rather like plumbers, who aspire to be professionals, like lawyers, but whose craft has none of the prerequisites to be a professions (a unique body of knowledge which is passed down by other professionals; standards of ethics; a 'closed' disciplinary system; etc). They end up being self important posers who reject criticism even when their blunders are clear.

(By the way, the military is far more a profession than is journalism even though the military is more of a vocation à la the priesthood.)

Wolseleydog said:
Cranky rant of the morning (whilst I sip my coffee): CBC, you are using the US abbreviation for the rank of captain. (Actually, more specifically, they are using the US Army abbreviations.)
See: http://www.cbc.ca/manitoba/features/ptsd/

This is, I suppose, a small quibble, but is it not one of the classic tenets of journalism to "at least get their names right"? Also, this is not some small town rag, but the organization that purports to be our national representatives on the journalism front. And it is not just getting one point of detail wrong in a rushed story about some breaking incident -- it is a major project, studying the CF as an issue.

Does this not reflect poorly on the Mother Corp's current standards? Or am I indeed being too petty here?
You're not being too petty.

You're certainly not alone in wondering about how some journalists and some outlets do their job.  I'm not inclined to be as harsh as E.R. in assessing reporters as a group  ;), given my own history with some, but there are enough such glitches to make one wonder.

Also, it's not just some journalists reluctant to admit mistakes - their bosses & the outlets they work for are reluctant to issue corrections, too.

There are several official online references (one of which is not working) they could have consulted:
Also, The Canadian Press Stylebook gives similar guidance on military rank abbreviations.

All that said, there is merit to this point, too:
-Skeletor- said:
Doesn't bother me if that is the only thing wrong ....
At least they DID give some serious resources to a story worth devoting serious resources to.

Don't be shy about using the CBC's feedback form:
I've passed along the concern - let's see how they handle it.
Not just the CBC. The local rag here (The London Free Press) always fails to use the definitive article when referring to The Royal Canadian Regiment (it is "the" in virtually every article I have ever seen).

Since this has been repeatedly pointed out, it is rudeness more than ignorance. I can imagine the prima donnas  at the CBC also shrugging off critiques like that due to their innate "superiority".
wow, I didnt know that CFB Gagetown was in PEI?

"Richardson is one of the new kids on the block. He signed up in 2003, fresh out of high school, and immediately embraced military life, getting a post-secondary education and going on to receive combat training in Gagetown, PEI"
(found under CAPT Richardsons article)
Alex10370 said:
wow, I didnt know that CFB Gagetown was in PEI?

"Richardson is one of the new kids on the block. He signed up in 2003, fresh out of high school, and immediately embraced military life, getting a post-secondary education and going on to receive combat training in Gagetown, PEI"
(found under CAPT Richardsons article)

Crap!  The Island will sink under all the weight.
Alex10370 said:
wow, I didnt know that CFB Gagetown was in PEI?

"Richardson is one of the new kids on the block. He signed up in 2003, fresh out of high school, and immediately embraced military life, getting a post-secondary education and going on to receive combat training in Gagetown, PEI"
(found under CAPT Richardsons article)
OK, so much for my "glass is half-full".....  :facepalm:
All I know is that the CBC is in love with the Maple Leafs. The Leafs Los the game in a shoot out, but to CBC it was a win in that the Leafs got a point.
Somebody should tell them, that the team they lost to, was one of the teams they will probably be fighting for a playoff spot.
Jim Seggie said:
All I know is that the CBC is in love with the Maple Leafs. The Leafs Los the game in a shoot out, but to CBC it was a win in that the Leafs got a point.

It was a win that they got a point, in the short season every point counts. The 1 point for the tie means they aren't dropping to 9th. Lets not forget the main station hockey night in Canada is on is CBC Toronto, its a bigger market to play to.