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MARS Training [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter RyanNS
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I told that MARS had 50 openings.  Does anyone know why it is so high?  I only ask because I am considering applying due to my interest in Marine Navigation.  I read about the Trade on the Web Site but know nothing else.  Thanks for your input.
Don't think this is anything new.....my MARS II intake in summer 1979 of three "divisions" of 25 trainees might have netted 40 trained MARS officers by the time training was completed in 1982. I was voluntarily reclassed fall 1981 after two plus years of trying, they were so short of trained naval officers.
When I chatted w/ Recruitment on-line, they told me that MARS was greatly understaffed.  I'm just wondering if there is any major deterrent with this trade.
It can be difficult to deal with the awe with which others regard you.  ;)
Privateer said:
It can be difficult to deal with the awe with which others regard you.  ;)

Lol!  ;D

Hehe when I had my interview I was told MARS training was very, very difficult. I never did find out why though. Anybody know?

abo said:
Lol!  ;D

Hehe when I had my interview I was told MARS training was very, very difficult. I never did find out why though. Anybody know?

have you done a search on here or on goodle to find out why?
Ex-Dragoon said:
have you done a search on here or on goodle to find out why?

I have indeed! And found most of my answers now.


Thanks - some guys at the Recruiting Centre are better at photo editing and have done a better job - just don't have that copy right now.
MARS said:
Thanks - some guys at the Recruiting Centre are better at photo editing and have done a better job - just don't have that copy right now.

Good show.  Here's another one:

Q:  Why don't sharks eat MARS Officers?
A:  Professional courtesy.
I have a couple of questions about the MARS Officer program and Basic Officer training (i think it is called BMOQ)

First of all, I am currently applying as a MARS officer in the Naval Reserve at Scotian in Halifax Nova Scotia.

I am kind of concerned about Basic Officer Training. I just completed my fitness test, and I passed with 22 push ups, 19 sit ups (truth be told, I could get more, I just thought I was going to pass gas in front of my instructor) and I had to do level 4-5-6 of the step test, finishing with a V02 max of 46.801. To be honest, I am not in the greatest shape, I am 5'11'', 245 pounds, so I am a little overweight, although i do some weight lifting, nothing serious, so the 245 is not all fat. The real problem lies in that I almost never do any cardio. I am planning on starting a cardio workout to prepare for Basic in the next couple of months, but I guess i'm just looking for a confidence booster if anyone can tell me by the info above that I will still make it through.

Second, is just a question about the MARS officer program, as I have heard that it is very difficult to complete. If anyone could tell me what is difficult about it so I can see if I have those problems and work on them if I do, then that would be great. Also if anyone knows the locations of where I do the training (the entire training, not just basic) that would be great, as I am hoping to be able to do some of my training in Halifax, where I live

Thank you
I'll skip the stuff about BMOQ. 

As for the MARS training itself, in general there will be unit training (the weekly parade nights) at SCOTIAN.  All summer training until you get your Bridge Watchkeeper's Ticket is done at NOTC VENTURE in Esquimalt/Victoria, with the possible exception of sailing on an east coast MCDV (homeported out of Halifax.) 

The "tough" part of MARS training isn't specifically the material, it's the speed that it's presented and the speed that you need to digest and then apply it.  Multi-tasking and prioritization is also a huge aspect of the trade that can be hard to grasp at first.  Before actually going on BMOQ, there's really not much you can do to prepare, but once you've done it and are doing unit training, work on mental math and block reports.  I'm pretty sure those haven't changed in the new curriculum  :D
By the sounds of things your doing alright with regard to PT, just keep at it and keep improving.  Go into BMOQ with an open mind and prepared to work hard and you should be just fine.  From my experience, you will most likely (always subject to change) do BMOQ in Victoria, where all of your MARS training will be conducted.  Once completing BMOQ you go on to a 6 week naval environmental training course that will introduce you to the Navy, including two weeks at sea.  That will likely be your first summer of training.  The NETPO course (naval environmental training) is not difficult, and is actually a lot of fun, I'll be completing the Reg force version on Friday.
My best advice to prepare yourself for MARS 3 is to work on your mental math, particularly trigonometry and compass calculations.  A little prep work in advance will save you in the long run. 
That said, take it one step at a time, get through BMOQ then worry about the rest, work hard and have fun.  You'll be getting paid to do a lot of very cool things.

MARS is a challenging trade that is not for everyone. The pressures you see from the get go is perhaps not seen anywhere else other than te cbt arms. The majority of the people you will work for a type A personalities and demand success. The pinnacle of you career is being a CO of a ship and to attain such an honour you will need to achieve many career milestones. You stay up many hours and you do not enjoy much in the way of time off while at sea. However there is not other career that lets you enjoy such ports as Tokyo, Pusan, Phuket, Sydney Aus, Wellington NZ, Brisbane, Darwin, Freemantle, Fiji, Capetown etc.... Those are just a few of the places I have visited in my career.
Tokyo, Pusan, Phuket, Sydney Aus, Wellington NZ, Brisbane, Darwin, Freemantle, Fiji, Capetown

AH! Another West coaster... always flaunting their destinations about...  :P