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MARS Training [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter RyanNS
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Hi everyone,

I'm just doing a little more research into MARS.  I've been on the fence the last couple years about considering it.  I'm certainly not against going to sea or fear a long deployment.

I'll be honest and say that a couple people have warned me away from the trade, so that has weighed on my mind as well.  Essentially, that the Navy "eats its young" as one put it.  Is this true?

What are the positives and negatives of being a MARS? 

My understanding is that they don't do NOABs anymore, correct?  So how does the selection process work now?

Out of curiosity, how old are you?  So far, you have applied or asked about almost every Trade/Occupation in the Canadian Armed Forces.  It may be time to make a choice and stick to it.  You are applying for Pilot and ACSO at the moment, but have applied for several other Trades in the past.  Make up your mind.
I'm sorry if you're getting a wrong impression of me.

I'm not just jumping around. I tend to be an open minded person and am keeping the options open. 

The positions I have previously applied for were:

Infantry O - applied too late in the year.

Last year I interviewed for Pilot and Armour O - medical kept me from moving forward at the time.

Honestly, I've looked at the positions that are available to me, given my education and background. I know myself and could see myself in any of the positions I've looked at. I know that certain areas are closed to me because of education, etc, so those are, obviously, off the table.
I'm currently finishing my university as a civilian and will soon be heading out west to start my MARS training. I've heard that at MARS III it gets quite difficult so I'm wondering what should I focus on in preparation? Is there any math in particular I should be focusing on? My degree is in the Bachelor of Arts so if I can have time to prepare my math skills beforehand that would be excellent. I realize it won't be for quite some time yet but I'd rather be prepared and I have an idea of what I have to do. Thanks for any replies.
Look up Radian rule on the internet and practice some of those calculations;

Practice rules of three: If you know a over b, then find the value of  x over c, (a, b and c being known figures). This for Time - speed -distance calculations. If you want to practice that, you can do it while traveling on the highways, when you see a distance sign, look at your car speed and, in your head, calculate when you should arrive at that place. Try calculating to the nearest three minutes at first and work your way to the nearest minute.

Review basic triangle trigonometry: sines and co-sines. Concentrate on understanding what they  represent and then learning quick evaluations for set values (15o, 30o, 45o and so forth up to 90o).

Then additions and subtractions of numbers in a 360o circle, so you get familiar with quickly dealing with changes  of course, particularly those calculations that force you to pass through zero or 360, and dealing with 90o changes left or right or reciprocals, for about turns.
EastCoastKyle said:
I've heard that at MARS III it gets quite difficult so I'm wondering what should I focus on in preparation? Is there any math in particular I should be focusing on?

EastCoastKyle said:
if I can have time to prepare my math skills beforehand that would be excellent.

You may find these discussions of interest,

MARS III Failure Rate 
"Here are a couple of tips that may assist you getting through these courses:"

MARS III/IV math requirements 

Recommended books and math subjects for MARS?

How much math is required for the MARS trade?


Hi all,
This is a question pertaining to MARS training, and what you can do.
So I know for MARS, after you get your BWK, you can specialize in, IMD (Information Management Director), SAC (Shipborne Aircraft Controller), ASWC (Anti-Submarine Warfare Director), SWC (Above-Water Warfare Director) or FNO (Fleet Navigation Officer).
I have two questions about this;

can someone give me a quick rundown of what each specialization does?
are these the only 5 you can choose? I was under the impression there was a number of other D level routes you can take.

thanks everyone!

If you have a question then feel free to post it. But please don't spam the boards by starting multiple threads for the same thing.

The others have been deleted.


Holy shit, I managed to figure out how to merge it without skimming through all of the board's threads.

Thanks for the link, Mike.
I wrote the CFAT today and qualified for every officer position I applied for, and MARS is my number 1. However, I was extremely nervous for the test because I want to be in the forces so bad, and I knew how much was at stake if I bombed it. I qualified, but I definitely didn't do great on the problem solving section (aced spatial, did very well on verbal, mediocre on problem-solving). I am wondering how competitive MARS is, and I want to get a sense of how likely I am to get offered a MARS position assuming I do really well with the interview. I'm up for the challenge and I want this very badly!
MikeApplying said:
I wrote the CFAT today and qualified for every officer position I applied for, and MARS is my number 1. However, I was extremely nervous for the test because I want to be in the forces so bad, and I knew how much was at stake if I bombed it. I qualified, but I definitely didn't do great on the problem solving section (aced spatial, did very well on verbal, mediocre on problem-solving). I am wondering how competitive MARS is, and I want to get a sense of how likely I am to get offered a MARS position assuming I do really well with the interview. I'm up for the challenge and I want this very badly!

Regular Force or Reserve?

If Reserve, basically, you're in. If Regular Force, I imagine it's probably the same, but I can't speak with even a shred of authority. You'll probably do fine. I've met some TERRIBLE MARS officers. SO far you seem to know how to use proper punctuations... so... good luck!
MikeApplying said:
MARS is my number 1.

Change your mind about the Army?

OP: MikeApplying
What happens if you fail infantry training?
MikeApplying said:
I applied for Armour Officer and Infantry Officer as my second choice.

mariomike said:
Change your mind about the Army?

Yes. The navy is what I was always interested in, until I changed my mind for a time. Ultimately, I decided to stick with what I had always wanted to do. Probably looks like flip-flopping a bit, but that's OK.
There aren't a large number enrolled each year (less than 10% of the total enrolment each year are officers) and there is an overwhelming number of people who apply, so most of the DEO Officer positions are very competitive. 

As to the "TERRIBLE MARS Officers" thing, believe me that just because someone does well on a CFAT and scores high enough to be any NCM/Officer occupation they want to be doesn't mean that they will be good at all occupations.  I scored high enough to be any occupation I want and I can tell you that I would be TERRIBLE at most of the Officer occupations. There's only about 4 of them that I would excel in, lol.

Best of luck in your enrolment process :-)
Buck_HRA said:
There's only about 4 of them that I would excel in, lol.

Physiotherapy Officer, Health Care Admin, Pulbic Affairs and CIC?

Lumber said:
Physiotherapy Officer, Health Care Admin, Pulbic Affairs and CIC?
Nope, Yeap, Nope and I don't consider that an occupation ;-)

Log, HCA (due to my my experience in the CAF), and MPO, INT (due to my academic background).
Hi all,

I've made a few posts about applying as an Officer, and specifically for MARS in the navy. I'm very fascinated by this position, it's basically my dream job and earlier this week I qualified for it on the CFAT. However, after reading a lot on this forum I've come to the conclusion that I could possibly be waiting for years to be selected. I'm not the sort of person who would be willing to take just any position just to get into the forces, I know that's a bad idea. But rather than wait potentially for years to be selected for a position, I would rather choose a NCM occupation in the navy that I think I would like and excel at and go in that way and gain naval experience. I could possibly apply after a time to be commissioned if I still wanted to be. I'm thinking of waiting until I have my interview for MARS and then speaking with a recruiter to find out approximately how many openings there are and what the likelihood of being selected within 1 year would be. If the odds aren't that good, I'll ask to change my application to a NCM occupation.

Is this a good idea? Is there anything wrong with this plan? Advice? Ultimately I want to gain military experience, and specifically, naval experience. I want to lead a military life, I want to sail, I want to serve my country. Occupation is important, everyone should be doing something that closely matches their skill set and personality. But I'd rather go in sooner than wait for years. Input would be much appreciated, many thanks.