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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteelMag
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Hello everyone, In grade 9 and 10 i got what most people would call "low" marks, I got anywhere from 50,60 and as high as 70%. I am currently in Grade 11 and I have put in much more effort into school getting two 80% an two 70%. But I'm afraid that the CF will not be satisfied with my grades. My Physical fitness is very high and I have several hundred volunteer hours(If it matters). Will the Cf look away from the bad grades and give me a opportunity? or will they just not give me an opportunity because my past grades are low?
Your grades are only one aspect of your application.  The fact you sorted yourself out and began to apply yourself in school will help.  It will come down to what trade you are applying for, the specific qualifications for that trade, and how you merit against your peers for x number of openings.
You will never know, until you apply!!!  Nevertheless, you need to complete your current education (ie; Gr 12)!  Some occupations in the CF will require that you have certain High School Courses, especially when it comes to the Maths.  You may want to go down and speak with your local Recruiting Centre just to get an idea of choices for future employment and what their requirements are.

If you have something specific in mind that you want to do, you need to speak with them first.  Another option would be to consult with the Guidance Counsellor at your school who should be able to help.
CareTaker said:
Will the Cf look away from the bad grades and give me a opportunity? or will they just not give me an opportunity because my past grades are low?

A couple of discussions you may find helpful.

Applying to the forces with poor grades 

"Will the recruiters decline me just because of my high school grades?"

Hi guys, just a quick question. I was asking my recruiter/ friends about this, and got mixed answers.

When RMC is calculating your average, I was told that they calculate your average from grade 10~12 and then average it.
so if your average throughout these grades were: 90 , 86, 86, it would be those 3 added then divided by 3.

A friend of mine told me that her recruiter said it was grade 11 marks which were the most important (weighed most heavily).
But you would think that grade 12 marks would be the most important?

Does anyone have accurate information on this?
Globemaster77 said:
I was asking my recruiter/ friends about this, and got mixed answers.

Your Recruiter is definitely not in a position to answer this question and should tell you that.  Academic assessments and calculations of GPA are done by RMC Admissions and no one else.....

You would need to contact them to have your questions answered.
So I spoke to a recruiter recently and I found out that during the selection process, only Gr 10 and 11 marks will be used. They can only take completed final grades, meaning gr 12 marks will not be significant during the selection process. In case anyone was curious.
Unless it has changed in the last year it is as stated grades 10 - 12.  Sons both currently at RMC (in first and fourth year) were both told this and what the average was that was going forward. You should ask the recruiting centre or registrar at RMC if unsure or want to know when it is applicable. (Assume that as both sons were told that they will tell you, but that may not be the case)  They are looking for consistent strong performance not someone who can turn it on only when they feel required.

They were also asked for their first term grade 12 report card, which unless you are in a non-semestered school for all courses will have some final grade 12 marks... and were told that they look at the others as well as half way through the year although do not go into the average.

Not sure how it is done if you have extra courses... if they use those required for your selected degree and the best number to a total of ??    Or if all used for every year. If you have any question with this I recommend that you contact the registrar at RMC and ask.

It is RMC that decides so they would be the best place to seek a definite answer if you need one.
dcs said:
Unless it has changed in the last year it is as stated grades 10 - 12.  Sons both currently at RMC (in first and fourth year) were both told this and what the average was that was going forward. You should ask the recruiting centre or registrar at RMC if unsure or want to know when it is applicable. (Assume that as both sons were told that they will tell you, but that may not be the case)  They are looking for consistent strong performance not someone who can turn it on only when they feel required.

They were also asked for their first term grade 12 report card, which unless you are in a non-semestered school for all courses will have some final grade 12 marks... and were told that they look at the others as well as half way through the year although do not go into the average.

Not sure how it is done if you have extra courses... if they use those required for your selected degree and the best number to a total of ??    Or if all used for every year. If you have any question with this I recommend that you contact the registrar at RMC and ask.

It is RMC that decides so they would be the best place to seek a definite answer if you need one.

Thanks for this. My interviewer told me that during the selection process, they will use your grade 10-11 grades as grade 12 isn't completed yet. They want your final grade 12 marks, but it will not have a massive impact on your selection as all the offers would have been sent out already.
They will use your grade 10, 11 and 12 marks from first semester, as would any other university that doesn't use the early acceptances method.

They will also look at your grade 9 marks and see the progression made between then and now, as well as your entire high school curve.

However, as I say in ever post about academics, they aren't the only important area.
I'm a high school drop out. Reached the end of Grade 12, shy of a few credits. Haven't been to school in 3 years.
Do I have a future in the Forces or not?

Here's a better question:
If I were to be, by some magical chance, accepted into the forces (specifically the Army) is there any possibility of getting a job other than standard infantry?

Possibly; but you have to remember: you're going to be competing against other applicants who may have better credentials. In my opinion, you should finish High school and then apply to have a better chance.

Take a look at the Forces site, there is a list of trades to look at.
Tape said:
Possibly; but you have to remember: you're going to be competing against other applicants who may have better credentials. In my opinion, you should finish High school and then apply to have a better chance.

Take a look at the Forces site, there is a list of trades to look at.

Thanks for the reply.

I do however have the option to take part in something called "ILC". From what I'm told, it's online high school courses spread out across a personal time span (meaning you take as much time as you want).
I can check into it more and get those remaining credits if its a serious drawback in my ability to join.
Sharp said:
Thanks for the reply.

I do however have the option to take part in something called "ILC". From what I'm told, it's online high school courses spread out across a personal time span (meaning you take as much time as you want).
I can check into it more and get those remaining credits if its a serious drawback in my ability to join.

No problem! By the way, how many credits do you still need to graduate?
Sharp said:
If I were to be, by some magical chance, accepted into the forces (specifically the Army) is there any possibility of getting a job other than standard infantry?

Select all the Education levels that you have completed to view the jobs that you are eligible for.

As mentioned, eligible to apply for does not necessarily mean you will get the job.
Tape said:
How many credits do you need to graduate?

Unfortunately I'm unable to give you an accurate number as it's been quite a long time since I've last been in school. If I'm not mistaken, it's probably 3.
mariomike said:
Select all the Education levels that you have completed to view the jobs that you are eligible for.

As mentioned, eligible to apply for does not necessarily mean you will get the job.

Thanks for the reply.

Here are my options. Suggestions?

Sharp said:
Unfortunately I'm unable to give you an accurate number as it's been quite a long time since I've last been in school. If I'm not mistaken, it's probably 3.

That's not a lot of credits. One course is like a credit for you, right?

If you plan on doing "ILC" then you should do some volunteering and maybe work too. So when you decide to join the Forces, your application will stand out more.

Sharp said:
Thanks for the reply.

Here are my options. Suggestions?


Choose the one you're interested in, not have someone choose for you. There are videos in each trade to show you what they do.
Sharp said:
Unfortunately I'm unable to give you an accurate number as it's been quite a long time since I've last been in school. If I'm not mistaken, it's probably 3.

You should most definitely get these credits and get your high school diploma. Getting into the Forces is incredibly competitive these days and not having a high school diploma could/would be a large disadvantage to you.