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Manitoba bus stabbing/ beheading

Odd, first thing that came to my mind was "Holy fuck!  Some nutbar cut a guy's head off on a Greyhound?  That's all kinds of wrong!"  Maybe that's just me, though.  I really don't feel a deep seated need to know the "why" of it.
topo4u20 said:
A simple metal scan prior to boarding might solve this issue. Minimal carry on, and all luggage to cargo hold. Yes, it will take longer to board but in the end make all bus travellers a bit safer. It sucks as ticket prices would inevitably go up as most everything dealing with public travel is doing now.
Anyway, it will be interesting to see how all this plays out in the coming weeks and likely months or possibly years.


What good is that against non metallic weapons, like this.

Edited to fix link
milnewstbay said:
Careful, now - would you ask that if he had an Italian or Finnish surname?

This web page has a history of cutting/pasting news releases verbatim, and I couldn't find any statement yet on the RCMP national web page, so here's one early version of the RCMP statement. 

A bit more detail on CBC.ca, CanWest, Canadian Press...

Similar events have happened here in Canada as well - I remember this one, having been a reporter @ the time, and the National Post highlights a couple of more here.

Also, a bit of a warning from 2001

Edited to add latest media mentions....

When I was on a rotation in Winnipeg last fall, some local yahoo slit a dude's throat in front of a whole sidewalk full of people at a downtown mall bus stop around noontime.  I looked after a guy in ER there as well that went a bit (well OK, alot) beserk and euchered about a dozen cars pretty much bare handed and hurt a couple of cops as well.  I could go on but won't.  Lots of crazies around - Manitoba has a fair share it seems...

topo4u20 said:
A simple metal scan prior to boarding might solve this issue. Minimal carry on, and all luggage to cargo hold. Yes, it will take longer to board but in the end make all bus travellers a bit safer. It sucks as ticket prices would inevitably go up as most everything dealing with public travel is doing now.
Anyway, it will be interesting to see how all this plays out in the coming weeks and likely months or possibly years.


or we could just arm everybody with knives.
topo4u20 said:
A simple metal scan prior to boarding might solve this issue.


Greetings Mr Topo,

May I politely ask how you would solve the problem at rural locations and along highways, when buses pick up pax outside large city centres. Personally I can't see walk-thru metal detectors and the like at the Esso on the No.6 Hwy at Dafoe Saskatchewan.

Even handhelds being carried by drivers to scan people, well then there is the issue of searches the opposite sex in the every sickening world of PC'ness nowadays. People must be vigilent, and for years, even over 30 yrs ago, knives and etc were banned from being carried on STC buses in Saskatchewan, because of vandalism on seats etc. I think if people dig a bit deeper, large knives etc are already banned, and to be carried in luggage stowed in the compartments below the cabin. Thats how it was in the 70's in Saskatchewan

Security cams etc, are not going to stop someone who is determined to stab someone. A 'knee jerk' reaction aint going to solve anything either.

2nd point, your quote  - "but too me the first thing that came to mind was a landed immigrant that was pissed at the government for not allowing a work visa or refugee status and decided to take it out on one of our outstanding citizens." - Well this is got you nominated for a local Darwin Award, Jeebus Topo, think before you post such bull shyte". This is one of the most foolish things I have heard on here in a while, not attacking your, or gawd forbid, attempting to humilate you, but just look what you wrote! Fell free to remove that Mark III size 10 combat boot from your mouth at anytime.  ;D

On another note, a charge of ONLY 2nd degree 'M'? What a load of crap! Lets hope thats increased to 1st degree, as it sure looks like premeditated to me anyways, even if teh guy is a nutter. A lesser charge is nothing but an insult to the INNOCENT young man who was MURDERED in COLD blood. Our justice system is literally a joke!

Greetings from a cheery, but early Saturday morning in paradise.

Happy days,

I apologize "overwatch" if I offended anyone. Just and opinion...freedom of speech. No doubt, there will be a million possiblilies of how events like this can be handled good or bad. I think I will leave this post alone.

Again, heartfelt feelings to the victims family and I cant wait to see what the history of this murderer.
Hi Topo, I just thought it was a stupid thing to say, not offended at all.

Happy days,


2nd degree murder still carries a life imprizonment sentence with no chance of parole untill at least 10 years. While I think this is way too light for what the murderer has done at least he will be locked up for the next 10+ years.
Ninkendo said:
2nd degree murder still carries a life imprizonment sentence with no chance of parole untill at least 10 years. While I think this is way too light for what the murderer has done at least he will be locked up for the next 10+ years.

But 'life' in Canada is not like it is in the States. Life here usually means 7-10 years thanks to the revolving door, hug a thug mentality of our social welfare & left wing dominated justice system. Stateside it means life.
So let me get this straight? The life imprizonement with no chance of parole for at least 10 years is not really a law so much as a loose guideline that a judge can interpret based on his own discretion?

It's times like these where I wish they had capital punishment or they should at least enforce these so called life sentences.
What the law says :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_sentence#Canada


Life imprisonment means that the offender will be under supervision, whether in prison or in the community, for the rest of their life. The maximum sentence is life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for 25 years, but this number can range from only a few years up to the maximum. There is no guarantee that parole will be granted if the National Parole Board determines that the offender still poses a risk to society. At the present time, the so-called Faint-Hope Clause, which specifies those serving a life term have a chance to apply for parole after 15 years, as opposed to the maximum of 25, is still in force. However, the new Conservative Government, elected to a minority in January 2006, has pledged to repeal the Faint-Hope Clause. Moreover, the courts may apply a dangerous offender designation, which is in fact an indeterminate sentence: no minimum and no maximum, but parole review occurs every 7 years. Current sentencing guidelines, provided by the legislative leaders to judges of all levels on an annual basis, ensure that both a "life" sentence and the "dangerous offender" designation are very rarely used, even when the offender is found guilty for particularly grievous offences. Second degree murder carries a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment without parole for between 10 and 25 years; first degree murder carries a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment without parole for 25 years.

United States

Determinate and Indeterminate Life Sentence

There are many states where a convict can be released on parole after a decade or more has passed. For example, sentences of "15 years to life" or "25 years to life" may be given; this is called an "indeterminate life sentence", while a sentence of "life without the possibility of parole" is called a "determinate life sentence". Even when a sentence specifically denies the possibility of parole, government officials may have the power to grant amnesty or reprieves, or commute a sentence to time served. Under the federal criminal code, however, with respect to offenses committed after December 1, 1987, parole has been abolished for all sentences handed down by the federal system, including life sentences, so a life sentence from a federal court will result in imprisonment for the life of the defendant, unless a pardon or reprieve is granted by the President.

WRT why people did not intervene. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they were shocked/scared. Psycho with big knife versus passengers. Unless the psycho was gonna hijack the bus and crash it I don't think the passengers would do anything but stay in self preservation mode.

On Canada day however I learned that people on buses are sometimes just lazy selfish people who only care for themselves. I was in DEUs on my way to garrison. Some drunk aggressive guy gets on the bus and starts arguing with the smaller female bus driver. Anyways he refused to stay behind the red line and was in the bus drivers face. The bus driver stops and says she's not driving anymore until the aggressor backs off. I'm just sitting 6 feet away waiting for him to touch her. The other passengers on the bus starts b--ching to the bus driver "Just drive already why are you taking it out on us?" Anyways a big guy behind me gets up and says "Driver please open the door" He then throws the drunk idiot off the bus. Then some passenger on the bus starts b--ching "Hey go easy on him you don't have to hurt him. Naturally the whiny passengers shut up when the big guy turns around to face them. Turns out the big guy was a bouncer in his younger years. Its good that there are still good people but that day it seems most of the people were selfish little whiners.

On the bright side shortly after an attractive young lady in loose fitting clothing that left not a lot to the imagination stood next to me and asked the driver how to get to Wreck beach (clothing optional beach). Took a lot of will power to stop at the garrison and not follow her to the beach.
tomahawk6 said:
I wonder why the other passengers didnt try to intervene ?

From most of the news reports, after getting all of the passengers off the bus, at least 3 individuals (Not sure, but IIRC from the reports) one passenger, driver, and a truck driver who stopped, went back into the bus, only to find the accused hacking off the head, then walking towards them head in one hand, knife in the other.

The fact that a) the bus was stopped, b) all remaining passengers were removed from the danger area, c) the bus was disabled and d) the accused was contained on the bus tells me; that certain individuals actions not only prevented harm to others, but also allowed authorities to detain the accused.

Regrettable that the one life was lost, but from what I gather, the actions of these people may have prevented an even worse tragedy.

My uneducated 2 cents
tomahawk6 said:
I wonder why the other passengers didnt try to intervene ?

"Passengers attempt rescue

Caton gathered a small group of people to go back and help the victim, said CTV correspondent Murray Oliver in Winnipeg.

"They returned to the back of the bus to find that the person who was stabbing the person in the neck had now sawed off the head of (the victim)."

The man, with the head in one hand and the knife in the other, then tried to attack the other passengers, said Oliver.

The group was able to exit the bus and slammed the door behind them. "

What would you expect them to do? 
I'm sure when it first happened they wouldn't even of realized exactly what was happening.  Going after some obviously unstable nutbar with a huge knife in a confined space with only one exit and limited defense, no matter who you are and what you training is, I personally think, would be a suicide mission.  I'm sure it has been very traumatizing for the other people on the bus and they have to live with these pictures over and over again everyday in the heads.  I agree with Beadwindow 7.
You have probably heard the saying.....Until you've walked a mile in their shoes.......
Unfortunately, there is much more than one exit. All the windows can come out for emergencies. Fortunately the guy was too stupid, high, deranged, whatever, to realize this.
Ninkendo said:
So let me get this straight? The life imprizonement with no chance of parole for at least 10 years is not really a law so much as a loose guideline that a judge can interpret based on his own discretion?

It's times like these where I wish they had capital punishment or they should at least enforce these so called life sentences.

If this happened in Texas, he would get to use the Express Line
Yes, i think it's time Canada went back in time and fixed what Agnes Mc"fail" screwwed up when she made canadian prisions "garbage friendly" . Victims rights should supercede ANY rights of some scumbag like this EVER!

Bring back the gallows and do away with human garbage that has no use breathing let alone rottin away in a cell for the rest of thier lives while we foot the bill.

Bring back the gallows ?

Umm.... so what happens to the people who are found guilty and sentenced to death.
IIRC, there have been a fairly large number of convictions overturned in the past little while...
How do you propose dealing with them ???  or do you propose simply saying "$hit happens"
geo said:
Bring back the gallows ?

Umm.... so what happens to the people who are found guilty and sentenced to death.
IIRC, there have been a fairly large number of convictions overturned in the past little while...
How do you propose dealing with them ???  or do you propose simply saying "$hit happens"

In cases like Bernardo/Homolka and this waste of fresh air Li, there WAS/IS no doubt about what they done. Those 3 should be hanged/shot/fed to animals, whatever you like, but they should NOT be sitting in a cell or walking about freely after thier actions.

Just my 2 cents on the current state of our dysfunctional justice system.  :-[