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Manitoba bus stabbing/ beheading

16 Feb, 2011
"On Wednesday, two other passengers on the bus, Debra Tucker of Port Colborne, Ont., and Kayli Shaw of London, Ont., each filed separate claims in Manitoba's Court of Queen's Bench. Both women are seeking $3 million for a range of alleged ailments, including severe anxiety, nervous shock, and severe depression.

They claim they are now being medicated due to the incident, are unable to work and suffered loss of income.

Shaw said she can't work or study, and her marriage and other personal relationships have failed.

"I have a hard time hearing ambulance sounds, police cars, I freak out," Shaw told CBC News. "I have to literally go through so much anxiety just to go out and do things." :
Vincent Li, the man who beheaded a traveller sitting next to him on a Greyhound bus in 2008, will be allowed more time outdoors at his Manitoba mental health facility, a review board has ruled.

Last year, Li was granted the right to take escorted walks around the Selkirk Mental Health Centre after he responded to treatment.

They were limited to two hours; he'll now enjoy up to 12 hours a day on the unfenced grounds.

As well, Li's supervision will be reduced to one minder from three, the the Criminal Review Board of Manitoba decided Thursday in Winnipeg.

However, Li won't be allowed off the grounds of the facility, the board ruled ....
Source:  CBC.ca
Vince Li should never set foot in society again. The rest of his natural life should be spent under close supervision in a secure facility.

To those of you who say I'm being to harsh, you take care of him when he's freed, if he ever is.
To those of you who say Jim is being harsh, you can sit next to him on the bus he catches back to Edmonton when they let him go.
Infanteer said:
To those of you who say Jim is being harsh, you can sit next to him on the bus he catches back to Edmonton when they let him go.

Next to Vince Li.......not me.....I don't take buses much anymore.
No, I meant sit next to you on the bus.  Then there can be be discourse as to why you're so harsh.
Infanteer said:
No, I meant sit next to you on the bus.  Then there can be be discourse as to why you're so harsh.

OK I guess I could sit on the bus for a bit. I do like a lively debate...
Infanteer said:
To those of you who say Jim is being harsh, you can sit next to him on the bus he catches back to Edmonton when they let him go.

I thought you meant Vince Li as well.  That to me would be my first response to anyone who feels that Vince really should be given more freedom.  I will grudgingly accept he was not in his right mind while the act was committed.  But there needs to be punishment metted out for crimes in general.  And as close to a 100% guarantee as possible that if a person is being given more freedom after having committed a heinous crime will not commit it again. 

Not a punishment, per se, because he was deemed mentally unfit.

This is a precaution, pure and simple. The doctors who say he will not be a hazard should be compelled to have him board at their homes for a year after release.
krustyrl said:
Good call Jim, maybe he (the Sr) might suck back slightly.?

Not likely, but I am going to follow my own advice and shut up about being an "expert"...oh wait, I'm a correctional officer as well....there fore I am......
"Sr "meant to read "Dr" as in Mr Li 's examining doctor.  My typo .  :facepalm:
helpup said:
I thought you meant Vince Li as well.

It was; the subsequent post was a bit of humour for Jim at the expense of my poor grammar.
Greyhound bus killer Vince Li is now allowed to go on short, escorted outings from the Manitoba mental hospital where he has been committed.

Li, who has schizophrenia, was sent to the Selkirk Mental Health Centre after being found not criminally responsible of beheading Tim McLean, 22, a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus near Portage La Prairie, Man., in July 2008.

The Manitoba Review Board ruled on Thursday that Li can leave the hospital grounds for supervised excursions into the city of Selkirk, Man., starting at 30 minutes in duration.

Those excursions can be increased incrementally to a "maximum of full days," according to the board's written ruling.

He must be escorted at all times by one hospital staff member and one security or peace officer.

"The treatment team is of the opinion that his condition is stable and it would be appropriate and safe for him to leave the locked ward," the ruling states in part ....
CBC.ca, 17 May 12
Wow, blows my mind. Hasn't this member been convicted? Look at the mental hospital down the road, and all the issues they have with this practice. Not really a great idea in my opinion. Once a member has offended, they are likely to repeat. Hopfully at least they won't let him on a bus. Or sing wheels on the bus.
Jim Seggie said:
Not a punishment, per se, because he was deemed mentally unfit.

This is a precaution, pure and simple. The doctors who say he will not be a hazard should be compelled to have him board at their homes for a year after release.
:ditto: :goodpost: :trainwreck:
I listened to Talk Radio on this subject this past weekend.  Everyone I heard call in, including parents of children with the same illness and persons with years of experience with people like Li were unanimous in their opinion he will without question offend again and thus cannot be trusted amongst the public.  They said all it takes is for him to not keep up with his medications and he'll be a cocked revolver waving at the crowd.
Update, for anyone still interested in the case.

May 8, 2015

WINNIPEG — The man who stabbed to death and beheaded a fellow passenger on a Greyhound Bus in Manitoba has been approved to move from a mental hospital to a group home in Winnipeg.

Hamish Seggie said:
The doctors who say he will not be a hazard should be compelled to have him board at their homes for a year after release.
Sorta like this?

The latest ...
A man who beheaded a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba has won the right to eventually live on his own.

A Criminal Code Review Board has approved a plan that would allow Vince Li to at some point move out of the group home where he now lives.


The request for more freedom came from Baker's medical team, which said he has been a model patient and understands the need to continue to take anti-psychotic medication.

Even living on his own, he would be subject to several conditions that would include daily monitoring, regular check-ins with mental health professionals and random drug tests.


Supporters say Baker and other people deemed not criminally responsible for their actions deserve the right to rehabilitation and freedom. But opponents, including some politicians and McLean's mother, have opposed the board granting Baker increasing freedom.

"The Crown has the ability to view Will Baker ... as a designated high-risk not criminally responsible person, but they have chosen not to," Conservative MP James Bezan wrote in a statement this week.

"They have blatantly ignored the rights of the victim’s family, and compromised the public safety of our community in (their) decision."