I was going to post over in the CPC thread in response to some of the comments about Carney, but realized this is the more appropriate place. On this forum, reading the comments of both ardent CPC supporters, and those who lean towards the LPC, one gets the impression that Mark Carney is the de facto winner of the Leadership race. Comments fly back and forth about MC vs PP and who will do what to the country if they win the next election.
What I haven't seen much of is, what happens if someone else wins the LPC leadership race? Not knowing who the actual voters for the LPC leader will be at the convention, I'm not sure what that outcome will look like. But if I put myself in the shoes of the stereotypical left leaning Liberal voter, who am I actually likely to vote for as my new leader? Is it the older white guy who everyone says comes from the same stock as the current PM, with the same supporters and advisors, or am I going to vote for a left leaning female who is trying to set themselves up as someone at odds with the former PM, and has a portfolio of work to show how they made life better for Liberal voters?
Its not like leadership races in the recent past have seen the front runner always come out on top right?