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London teen dedicated to peace

Surprisingly, I've resisted the temptation to enter an argument with any of them. The group still makes for entertaining reading.
Sorry - I tried to read through some of this and it was like listening to a bunch of children fighting. No interest. Perhaps some day they will grow up - or they'll be talking when they should be listening some day, and the obvious result will ensue.

Recce By Death said:
You do realize that you're arguing with (David Heap included) children don't you?


Roger that, I try not to get sucked into these things, but I am thoroughly irritated by Op Objection, though I don't recruit anymore it brings a smile to my face when ever these goofs are called out for the fools they are. I expect these fellows will get shot down by the community at large a la U of Vic.
Here, folks, is the next step in the campaign:  spreading the word OUTSIDE London.  I note in this piece, they didn't even bother sharing the fact that there's another side on Facebook. 

Shared in accordance with the "fair dealing" provisions, Section 29, of the Copyright Act.

Student aims to recruit support
JONATHAN SHER, SUN MEDIA (London Free Press), 12 Jan 08
Article link - .pdf permalink

A student who's led protests against military recruiting at two London high schools has set his sights on banning the practice across Canada.

Martin Schoots-McAlpine, in Grade 12 at South Secondary, wants to set a path for protests he hopes will spur activism nationally.

"London may be an embryo of a group across Canada," he said.

With protests already at South and Banting secondary schools, Schoots-McAlpine, a self-described "non-denominational communist," is inviting those concerned with military recruiting at schools to meet at 3 p.m. today at William's Coffee Pub by Victoria Park.

Some may not share his interest in Karl Marx, or his belief Canadian workers are being exploited, but he says he welcomes them just the same.

"It's going to be interesting to see how anarchists, communists, socialists and liberals come together," he said.

It's the second meeting of a group he calls the Student Network Against Recruitment in London -- SNARL for short.

He hopes to build the strength of the group so it survives after he graduates in June.

His efforts have benefited from the guidance of a much more seasoned activist, David Heap, whose first exposure to protests came during the Vietnam War.

"I was in the peace movement before I could walk," said Heap, a French professor at the University of Western Ontario.

Heap's parents housed Vietnam War resisters in their Toronto home and he followed that tradition growing up, by protesting against the testing of cruise missiles in Canada during the 1980s.

"I see myself as a resource," Heap said of his assistance to SNARL.

Both Heap and Schoots-McAlpine question whether Canada would be better off without a military -- an opinion those in the Canadian Forces say is part of a democratic dialogue they are duty-bound to protect.

"They're absolutely entitled to voice their opinions," said Capt. Holly Brown, a spokesperson on recruiting for the Canadian Forces.

Cpt. Paul Teremchuck, who heads recruiting in London, says it's absolutely essential to a functioning military.

"We have to maintain our numbers," he said.

Recruiters in London try to visit every area high school twice a year -- 120 visits in all -- seeking recruits generally and those to fill positions that often need academic technical skill.

"It's very important for us to have access to young men and women in (schools)," said Teremchuck, who says he's seeking a post in Afghanistan.

Both Schoots-McAlpine and Heap claim recruiters make questionable promises that lure students to join.

Teremchuck disputes that.

"I'm confident recruiting staff will pass on accurate information," Teremchuck said.

milnewstbay said:
With protests already at South and Banting secondary schools, Schoots-McAlpine, a self-described "non-denominational communist," is inviting those concerned with military recruiting at schools to meet at 3 p.m. today at William's Coffee Pub by Victoria Park.

Some may not share his interest in Karl Marx, or his belief Canadian workers are being exploited, but he says he welcomes them just the same.

"It's going to be interesting to see how anarchists, communists, socialists and liberals come together," he said.

The kid hasn't figured out that communism doesn't work.

His efforts have benefited from the guidance of a much more seasoned activist, David Heap, whose first exposure to protests came during the Vietnam War.

"I was in the peace movement before I could walk," said Heap, a French professor at the University of Western Ontario.

Heap's parents housed Vietnam War resisters in their Toronto home and he followed that tradition growing up, by protesting against the testing of cruise missiles in Canada during the 1980s.

"I see myself as a resource," Heap said of his assistance to SNARL.

This Prof is the puppet master, plain and simple.

I thought universities and schools were supposed to be an outlet for logical, well contructed ideas and ways of thinking.I guess I was mislead by all those UWO students that held a seminar at my highschool, they should be the ones banned from schools  ::).
Unfortunately, all too many people who attend University confirm their world perspective, not challenge it.
Both Heap and Schoots-McAlpine question whether Canada would be better off without a military -- an opinion those in the Canadian Forces say is part of a democratic dialogue they are duty-bound to protect.

MODS, do we have some news people quoting us again, as it is a statement that we keep making on the sight.
"It's going to be interesting to see how anarchists, communists, socialists and liberals come together," he said.

Hopefully they get them selves on the RCMP, or CSIS' watch list (just like the Canadian Communist party  ;D)
I'm in London and frankly, this disgusts me. If they come to my school they'll be in for a real fight.

I wish it were possible to overdose on weed, then these guys would all be hospitialized at the very least.  :P

As my earlier quote from those wonderful people at UVic prove, Universities often make this outlook much worse.  Professors often narrow students already unrealistic view of the world.  I hated being the lone dissenter in a class that often had people bashing or discrediting (often with incorrect or out of context facts) military and political action.  I hate this world view because whatever the Military or Government does, it seems to be wrong in some fashion to them. >:(
NL_engineer said:
MODS, do we have some news people quoting us again, as it is a statement that we keep making on the sight.

They are on here all the time. Some are even members.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

The Army.ca Staff
CSA 105 said:
Maybe these guys need to be called in on scene in London...

Where can I buy it  ;D

I think this sign relay fits

We had a guy come to speak about afghanistan at my school- He was working on his masters in pol sci. His eye liner and long hair were just screaming left wing/anti war...but that is the spin that the teacher wanted to use to "educate" her students.

Pte.Butt I have to say that while I disagree with this facebook group I agree 100% with their right to ban members and posts they dont like.
We have freedom of speech of course, but the group is theirs. Here we can ban and deleate people and posts we disagree with.

Freedom of speech (which we dont have) and demo doesnt mean that people cant delete what you post on their website or message board.
FascistLibertarian said:
Pte.Butt I have to say that while I disagree with this facebook group I agree 100% with their right to ban members and posts they dont like.
We have freedom of speech of course, but the group is theirs. Here we can ban and deleate people and posts we disagree with.

Freedom of speech (which we dont have) and demo doesnt mean that people cant delete what you post on their website or message board.

You're right.  The internet has blurred the distinction between "public" and "private" space.

I'd argue with your contention that we don't have freedom of speech - we DO have freedom of expression, which I think covers it.
FascistLibertarian said:
Sorry Roy, Im just bitter over these HRC's (which isnt really what this topic is about, so I should drop it)

Don't be "sorry" - it's a sign of weakness.  ;)

I'm bitter about the same things - I'd LIKE to confine the little creep to a chair and present FACTS to him until he pukes.

BUT - I don't have that right - I have a right to contradict him publicly, or make slimy remarks about him.

I refuse to do the latter, I doubt that I'd make much headway on the former - so I choose to ignore him.

In my experience - which I'll grant is limited - young folk are easily lead astray - they are ALSO easily lead to facts, IFF those facts are presented in a calm, non-judgemental manner.  Give them the FACTS, let them process them, answer their questions HONESTLY (even if those honest answers appear to contradict your point of view) - and see what happens.

In the case of this particular young fella - I'd suggest that he hasn't had his questions answered HONESTLY, but has instead been fed a line of bull from his professors - and perhaps, his parents.
Making friends all over......


Student aims to recruit support Saturday, January 12, 2008

Although high school student, Martin Schoots McAlpine, doesn't specifically state the reason for his infatuation with "non-denominational communism", it surely cannot be because of any historical pacific nature of communism itself. Communism is responsible for the deaths of upwards of 100 million people at the hands of those, who supposedly knew better than everybody else the nature of communism. That total doesn't include the cost in human life suffered in stopping the expansion of the Hitlerian version of National Socialism.

Being coached by Professor David Heap, the offspring of Viet Nam era "war resisters", whose parents housed those who resisted the war by fleeing their country to come to Canada. But Canadians that served in Viet Nam did so voluntarily, so those "resisters" would probably be more at home resisting directly in their own country, no?

That UWO students would actually pay money for lessons in the unreal world of the Professor Heads of the world says a lot about how low the bar has been placed in academia today. Does Prof. Head also explain that the collapse of the USSR and Eastern European tyrannies proved the absolute failure of Marxism in practice?

Students today that swallow unquestioningly the teachings of leftist sympathizing elitists learn nothing about individualism, freedom of choice and capitalism since it is those concepts that need to be eradicated by those academics who should know better.

POSTED BY: W. Holstenson, london
POSTED ON: January 14, 2008