I kinda like the looks of it but: the M37 3/4 ton begat the Chevy 5/4 ton which begat the LSVW 7/4 ton which now begets the LVM(Light)
44/4 ? ton Zetros.
I've tried to find specifications for the new Zetros based 4 x 4 LVM(Light) and the only thing I've found was the manufacturer's rating of 11.6 ton max payload. It sure looks bigger than my old Deuce and a half gun tractor and a lot bigger than my old 3/4 ton TPU command post.
One more bitch from an early slide deck on the LVM project which showed only 12 "arty" CP versions of the light truck. That exactly equals the number of RegF arty gun troops - nothing for the ResF gun batteries. I presume other ResF corps will have the same limited access to these vehicles. Not sure where exactly that stands now.