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Login Problems

Changing your username is certainly an easy and quick attempt at trying to solve the problem - there are no restrictions on changing your username here.  It would be worth trying out and it's easy to reverse the action if it turns out to not be the problem.

As for installing the additional browser - Google Chrome is very light on resources and installs (and uninstalls) quickly.  Without having to go off and count, I have at least 7 browsers loaded on my machine right now for testing purposes.  From the symptoms you've described, I think you're going to see the same thing happen, but it's worth trying.

It's possible you may have some spyware/adware/virus actions going on.  If you take the above steps and the problem remains, I can walk you through the process of getting the necessary tools/programs to check your computer out.  Feel free to PM me if you like.

Downloading Chrome did not work- same stew, different pot.

I tried changing my user name, but couldn't... the system ran into errors and then a message which said the following, "The user whose profile you are trying to view does not exist".  To re-log back in, the system doesn't recognize SARgirl (the user named I switched do) and so I had to log in using the original user name, 'egy sarvedo', but after logging in as the original, the system displayed SARgirl.  So now I'm to log in under the original to have it display as the new user name; needless to say, I'm getting thoroughly confused and I'm still having to log in multiple times.

If my user name stays changed to the new one vs. the original, then I'll make a note of it on the applicable thread, but posting something now about the new user name is premature because it very well may go back to the original as things sit currently.  Hope this makes sense.  If Mods would prefer for me to do otherwise, please let me know or if not, I'll just hold back on posting anything official until this gets sorted.

Occam, I'm going to send you a PM; hopefully you can help me get this sorted.  Thank you.
SARgirl said:

Downloading Chrome did not work- same stew, different pot.

I tried changing my user name, but couldn't... the system ran into errors and then a message which said the following, "The user whose profile you are trying to view does not exist".  To re-log back in, the system doesn't recognize SARgirl (the user named I switched do) and so I had to log in using the original user name, 'egy sarvedo', but after logging in as the original, the system displayed SARgirl.  So now I'm to log in under the original to have it display as the new user name; needless to say, I'm getting thoroughly confused and I'm still having to log in multiple times.

If my user name stays changed to the new one vs. the original, then I'll make a note of it on the applicable thread, but posting something now about the new user name is premature because it very well may go back to the original as things sit currently.  Hope this makes sense.  If Mods would prefer for me to do otherwise, please let me know or if not, I'll just hold back on posting anything official until this gets sorted.

Occam, I'm going to send you a PM; hopefully you can help me get this sorted.  Thank you.

Your user name (what you log in with) never changes.  Your DISPLAY name (what everybody sees) is what you changed.

I'm not sure that you CAN change your user name.  Mike?
Roy Harding said:
Your user name (what you log in with) never changes.  Your DISPLAY name (what everybody sees) is what you changed.

I'm not sure that you CAN change your user name.  Mike?

Roy's right.  You changed your display name, while your username remains what it was when you signed up. 

SARgirl: Did you sign up with a user name that contained accented characters?
Occam said:
SARgirl: Did you sign up with a user name that contained accented characters?

Yes, she did.  See the last paragraph of reply #39.
PMedMoe said:
Yes, she did.  See the last paragraph of reply #39.

I saw that, thanks.  I just wanted to confirm it given the confusion between username and display name.
SARgirl, I've just changed your username to match... you should have an e-mail about re-activating your account (required after a username change).

Let's hope this helps!
Hi Mike,

I clicked on the new password link which came into my in-box (mentioned above in your post) and this is the message which appeared:
"An Error Has Occurred!
The user whose profile you are trying to view does not exist.

So I tried to log in using the original sign up information, 'egy sarvedo', and it said, "this username does not exist".  Hoi!

So... ... ... Not using the link in the email (since the link gave me an error message, mentioned above), I went to the site log-in page and tried logging in under the new user name and temporary password mentioned in the email which arrived in my in-box and it worked.  Yippee!

I'm going to log out and try logging back in, to see if the multiple times log in is still a problem and I will post either way on this thread in just a few minutes giving an update.
After I logged out (mentioned above) I logged back in using the new user name (SARgirl) and the password mentioned in the link which arrived into my inbox and I only had to log in ONCE- Oh so happy!  ;D

Next, I changed my password to one I would remember and then logged back out (wanted to make sure it would work w/o any further problems) and again, everything worked AND... I only had to log in ONCE.  Halleluiah!  ;D

Thank you for all your help everyone- for a while there I thought I would have to re-log in multiple times for everything forever.  :-\

Alrighty- so I guess this means I am now "SARgirl"... which 'fits' with what I'm doing.  :nod:  ... now if I can only get the ELT to stop going off in my head from Saturday's tasking  ::), not that I mind too much, it's all good :).  It was a FANTASTIC day on Saturday; went great and I was so happy to get back up in the air. 8)

I should be able to get around the site much more quickly now that I'm not having to re-log in multiple times every few minutes for whatever reason. 

Again- thank you for your help everyone... ;D :salute:

Edited for grammar (as usual :)).
Glad to hear it's all resolved now SARgirl! Thanks for your patience.