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Login Problems

You need to develop a more streamlined and foolproof method to register for this site. I finally managed to get myself logged on after a virtual easter egg hunt fro the registration page.
More streamlined and foolproof? The "you are not logged in. Login or signup" at the top of every page is an easter egg hunt?
I‘m talking about a new user looking to sign up. The registration page is kind of obscure.
And as matter of fact, it only says login, if it said sign up there would be no need for this post.
You‘re both right... On the main page, there was no "sign up" link, just a login box.

However here in the forums, there‘s a "sign up" link on every page.

I‘ve fixed that, so that the "sign up" link now appears on all pages.

Thanks for the feedback!
I had to create a new login today for some reason.

My Old Log in *CDN* Blackhawk was not working.
could one of the admins help me get this fixed.. thanks
Ok, I've renamed your original account to "CDNBlackhawk" try logging in what that userid. I suspect that *'s are not allowed...

Sorry about that...
I did a search and I thought this was prob. the most applicable thread.

I have been having problems logging in; right from the start, but it's wearing thin.  I thought the problem was a glitch and it would resolved on its own, but I'm still having to keep re-logging in at least twice each time and some times it doesn't accept my information at all, even though I'm certain the information is correct. 

Also, when a thread I have subscribed to, arrives in my in-box, after I click on the link, even though I am already logged into Milnet, I need to go through the whole multiple logging-in if I want to view/post on it while logged in.  I can understand having to log in if I am not already logged in, but when I'm already logged in... .   

Any thoughts on what I can do to fix this? 

No hurry, just when someone from DS has time is great.

Thank you.
egy - I am not the expert, and we'll probably have to wait for Mike to get a definitive answer.  However, a couple of things come to mind:

I don't know what browser you're using, but IE, Firefox, and Safari all have the ability to "remember" your login info and fill it in for you.  Additionally, they all have the ability to accept or reject cookies.  If you're not accepting cookies, the site doesn't know who you are when you reappear.

When you log in, are you setting a time limit, or checking off the "remain logged in forever" option?

When you're logged into Milnet.ca, and attempt to access an Army.ca page, you may need to log in again (applies to all four iterations of the site).  This happens to me once in a while - I'm usually on Milnet, but receive "Reports to Mod" and other notifications from all four "boards".

As I said - I'm not the expert, but one of the above points may "twig" something for you.
Hi Roy,

Thank you for the reply; much appreciated.

I use Firefox; I didn't know that was called a 'browser' until reading your reply, I thought maybe that's what it was, but wasn't sure... so now I know. :) 

I don't know anything about 'cookies', but I did read information about them a few times (which went right over my head). 

My internet skills are very basic; my computer skills are more than basic, but I wouldn't say intermediate either.  When it comes to computers and the internet, I'm such a girl; just one of those things, but I do try... I'm learning, slow, but sure.

When I log in, I leave the box check marked which is suppose to leave me logged in, only it doesn't leave me logged in.

Some times while logged in, during the same session, just going to a different thread I'll have to re-log in the usual multiple times like when I first logged in earlier in said session... maybe this is something along the lines of what you were mentioning about the different boards, not sure.

If it is a cookie problem, then I'll need simple step by step instructions to fix it.

Must be a way to fix it so I'm not having to re-log in multiple times every time.

Thank you Roy.
This link will take you to the Firefox help page about cookies:


One note - that page is specific to the Mac version of Firefox (which is what I am running) - if you're using Windows or Linux, the instructions will be slightly different.

I can't seem to get to a Windows version of the help - I suspect that the site is "sensing" what I'm running and directing me to the applicable topics.

http://www.mozilla.com is the top page for Firefox stuff - click on the "Support" tab, and you'll be able to find help for your particular version.
Just to add, if you look at the first link that Roy posted, you may need an extra step.

Click on Tools, the Options and the Privacy Tab.  Right underneath "Show Cookies" there is a box to click for "Clear history when Firefox closes".  If that box is checked, click on "Settings" and uncheck the "Cookies" box (upper right) if it is checked (or just uncheck the "Clear history" box).  Firefox used to ask every time you logged off but now does it automatically, depending on your settings.  I only clear Cookies when I run my weekly scans, but often forget to go back and uncheck the box again.  :-\
egy, some security software such as personal firewalls or anti-virus tools will also block cookies. Unfortunately there is no "one size fits all" help for that, the steps to check those settings (if they exist) are unique for each software vendor.

In a nutshell, the cookies are simply little bits of information that the server sends back to your browser. It tells your browser to store them, and present them back any time you re-visit the site.

So every time you visit, your browser is supposed to present your userid and hashed password, allowing you to be seamlessly logged in to the site. If your browser fails to present those cookies, the server doesn't get your login info and shows you as a new visitor.

I know you're concerned about Internet security (a good thing) and there are a lot of settings that will affect how your browser stores and sends cookies. If you've tightened the security on one of those settings, it may be preventing your browser from using cookies the way you're expecting.

I know that's not helpful from a step-by-step perspective, but hopefully it gives you the 1,000 foot view of what might be going on. Sometimes just understanding the overall process is enough to trigger an "ah ha!" moment.

egy...if it is your anti virus program blocking the cookies try puting the army.ca address in the exceptions list....the program will not block it anymore.
Wow, you all are being a great help, thank you. :) 

I followed the steps for cookies (mentioned in Roy's post) and I added in the exceptions list (mentioned in GAP's post) the following:

... and I un-checked the "clear history when fire fox closes" box (mentioned in Moe's reply or at least I think I un-checked the right box, not sure).  I also went to the "show cookies" list to check that all the above listed sites were indeed listed and they were listed in the exceptions list.

Next I used the drop down menu' and clicked, "Go Milnet", and I was asked to re-log in multiply times all over again (same thing with navy etc...).  I followed all the steps (mentioned above) and it looks like everything is as it should be. 

What am I doing wrong... how come it didn't work???  What do I do next to get things fixed?  Maybe I have to re-boot???  ???


Someone else usually 'mans' my computer (so-to-speak), with regards to keeping it up and running.  I don't know anything about firewalls, other than they are meant to protect the computer.  However, since I need to be able to do things on the computer on my own (keeping it running and doing what I need it to do), I asked about the firewall on my computer and I was told the firewall is built into the hardware being run through something called a router and there is a secondary firewall through windows software.  I have no idea what any of this means, but I'm guessing you do.  Also, there was mention of 'avast', not sure what that is either.


Thank you for the direction everyone, very much appreicated; I'm learning lots.  Please let me know what to do next.
What happens if you log into the site with Internet Explorer?  Do you experience the same problem with needing to log in again frequently?

If you're not comfortable using IE, Google Chrome is a good lightweight alternative for a browser - download at www.google.com/chrome

Thank you for the reply.

I have both IE and Fire Fox on my computer, though I almost always just use Fire Fox because it is faster and I like the bookmarks on a tool bar option. 

I tried logging in using IE... same problem; I had to re-log in multiple times and actually, the problem has gotten worse because this time round I had to re-log in multiple times to post a reply to this thread, which I haven't had to do before as long as I was already logged into X thread, which I was. 

Rebooting didn't help; I thought it might, but it didn't.

Okay... so I'm to add a third browser to my computer- hoi.  Before I do that, I have a question:  Could the accents in my user name be causing log in problems, by where I need to log in multiple times because when I log in, I don't use the accents; even though the accents show in my user name from when I originally signed up with an account... light bulb moment perhaps???  Would changing my user name help or would this not make any difference? 