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Liberal Party of Canada Leadership

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Thucydides said:
Wow, Elizabeth May is too whack to handle:

Yes indeedy.  She is too whack to handle.  I get a kick out of her FB ads (God I hate FB for spamming ads on us.) for the Green Party.

The question is easy to answer.

Yes! She is simple.
"Women's issues....."

Is that, like, how to make the perfect sandwich?  >:D
Technoviking said:
"Women's issues....."

Is that, like, how to make the perfect sandwich?  >:D


Wimmen otta be barefoot, pregnant an' in the kitchen ... makin' bacon sandwiches.  ;)

:oops:  :sorry:
So, the future leader of the nation needs his mother to stick up for him?

Margaret Trudeau says she dreads 'bullying' attack ads against son Justin
CBC News

That's a touching picture of the bond between mother and son....beautiful!  :'(
One wonders when the CBC will invite Prime Minister Harper's family to complain on-air about the slaggings to which he is, routinely, subjected.

Don't get me wrong ... a sitting prime minister is, must always be fair game for criticism, even for the vituperative slagging that journalists like Jeffrey Simpson and Terry Milewski hand out.

Notwithstanding some hostile press, I think it's a fact that this prime minister still has quite a few friends in the media.

But the Margaret Trudeau attack was a bit over the top and CBC should have guessed that it would be before they agreed to let her promote her book on their network.
"'You know why grandma has those lines Xav?'" Margaret quotes Justin as saying, "'Because she's laughed her whole life.'"

"I wanted to say 'I've cried too,'" she added.

And let's not forget her nights out with Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones, probably added a few lines as well...
Technoviking said:
And let's not forget her nights out with Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones, probably added a few lines as well...

Awh.....but they go away with a good sniff....
Technoviking said:
And let's not forget her nights out with Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones, probably added a few lines as well...

Remember when the Trudeaus built a new patio?  Pierre mixed the concrete, and Maggie laid The Stones.
Kat Stevens said:
Remember when the Trudeaus built a new patio?  Pierre mixed the concrete, and Maggie laid The Stones.

This woman is an embarrassment.  :facepalm:
Hamish Seggie said:
This woman is an embarrassment.  :facepalm:

And she had to write another book and spend a lot more time on TV reminding the country how stupid she is and how she shares those stupid genes with Justin.  Thanks Mom.
Remember that explains this poster as well. BTW, I have shown this around and am losing count of the number of keyboards I now have to replace..... ;D
Thucydides said:
Remember that explains this poster as well. BTW, I have shown this around and am losing count of the number of keyboards I now have to replace..... ;D

I have residents - inmates - who are far smarter than our dear Justin.
Surprise, surprise. Justin doesn't wanna play second fiddle to Mulcair in any coalition.

Canadian Press

Trudeau might be open to forming coalition with NDP, but not with Mulcair as leader

By Melanie Marquis, The Canadian Press– Tue, 14 Apr, 2015

OTTAWA - Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says he would "maybe" be more open to the idea of forming a coalition with the NDP if Tom Mulcair was not running the party.

Asked on Tuesday whether having someone other than Mulcair as leader would change the dynamic in terms of a coalition between the two parties, Trudeau replied: "I don't know....Honestly, I don't want get into hypotheses. Maybe, but maybe not.

"There are no problems in terms of personality," he told The Canadian Press in an interview from Oakville, Ont. "Mr. Mulcair is a veteran politician who has proven himself.

S.M.A. said:
Surprise, surprise. Justin doesn't wanna play second fiddle to Mulcair in any coalition.

Canadian Press
Covered here: http://army.ca/forums/threads/101972/post-1361923.html#msg1361923

... And further down that thread  is his "clarification" that he is not open to a coalition even without Mulcair.
E.R. Campbell said:
This article, which is reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act from the Ottawa Citizen suggests that the Liberal Party of Canada needs a real (small l) liberal like Margaret Thatcher. I would go a bit farther and say that Canada needs a real (small l, Gladstonian)) liberal political party:


I've plowed this ground before, commenting on the tenets of liberalism and the drift away from them, in the Liberal Party of Canada ever since the Kingston Conference of 1960.

Gladstone stood for individual choice, limited government, protection of the individual from the government, fiscal prudence and equality. He was the antithesis of Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Jean Chrétien and Stephen Harper all of whom ran or run too large, too intrusive, too expensive and too privileged governments.

E.R. Campbell said:

          The default for soft-core conservatives has always been the Liberals. There’s just one problem – Justin. Even Liberals secretly admit that if their leader’s name were Gaston Tremblant, he’d still be a high-school drama teacher.
          “He has good people around him,” they insist. It’s not clear who they’re trying to reassure – other people, or themselves.

That's the dilemma: we dislike Prime Minister Harper, we're tired of him; we want the Liberals to take over for a while, but they need a grown-up leader ...

I repeat what I have said many times before: we, Canada and Canadians, need a Liberal Party, an alternative to the CPC, a "government in waiting," but the Liberal Party we need, in its own turn, needs a leader ... Justin Trudeau is not it. The CPC is right: he's "just not ready", and, in my opinion, he's never going to be "ready," he will always be a high school drama teacher. Tell me, honestly, all of you who are fed up with Stephen Harper: do you really want Justin Trudeau in 24 Sussex Drive?

The LPC needs new leadership ... soon, but in any event before it takes over the reigns of government.

My fervent hope is that in the next election the Liberals finish third again and Justin Trudeau resigns and goes back to whatever rich kids with no particular skill set do ...

There are some good choices for interim leader while the Party reorients itself (in policy) and picks a new leader: Carolyn Bennett, Irwin Cotler and Ralph Goodale all come to mind.

For the next leader, the party also has some good choices (only a very few of which I would support) including: Judy Foote, Marc Garneau, Ted Hsu, Kevin Lamoureux, Dominic LeBlanc, Geoff Regan, Judy Sgro, and, my choice, hands down, Scott Brison.

I could well imagine being happy to see a Liberal government led by Scott Brison ... I might not vote for my local LPC candidate but I can see myself being happy with a Liberal majority government, while, still,  supporting a CPC which can and will provide an alternative when we need it.
It's too bad the Liberals alienated John Manley.  He would have been an excellent leader and the Liberals would likely be in power today if he were.  While Harper is fairly smart economically, Manley would have run circles around him.  Trudeau Jr. just doesn't cut it.
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