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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Target Up said:
Heretic! Sounds like you could use a summer at camp.

Yes - the "Re Education " Camp. Ask the Cambodians and a few dozen other groups how those went.

Government isn't making it easy to see where all that federal pandemic spending is going


Can't people just leave the LPC alone and let them spend money on whatever and whoever they want without having to answer annoying questions?
Jarnhamar said:

Government isn't making it easy to see where all that federal pandemic spending is going


Can't people just leave the LPC alone and let them spend money on whatever and whoever they want without having to answer annoying questions?

Right? I mean, what fun is it being the government if you keep having to face Parliament and face annoying questions all day long...
Good2Golf said:
Brad, by any chance do you appreciate theatre? 

For tonight’s performance of the old fable of ‘The Scorpion and the Frog,’ the part of the Scorpion will be played by the LPC.

It's in their nature.
Reading into this a little, sounds as if they are maintaining the 905 quota in cabinet as they reshuffle in advance of an election later this year.

That prediction, together with $2, may get you coffee at Tim's.

Justin Trudeau finds his conduct on COVID-19 management – especially vaccine rollout – under the microscope, but Canadians are also evaluating the performance of Conservative leader Erin O’Toole.

And while the Liberal leader sees neither significant improvement nor deterioration in the way Canadians perceive him, views of his main opponent are trending in a more negative direction.

New public opinion polling data from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds nearly half (47%) in this country have an unfavourable view of O’Toole – a 16-point increase since last September when fewer than one-third (31%) felt the same. One-in-five (22%) remain unsure about him.

These new data also find the incumbent Liberals holding a five-point advantage, 35 per cent to 30 per cent, over the Conservatives. The NDP receives support from one-in-five Canadians (20%).

Just a poll, but it's clear why you heard rumblings about a election in the middle of a pandemic.
I imagine the vaccine rollout struggle might diminish that opinion.
And yet, yesterday I saw a TV ad by one of the usual liberal astroturf organizations whom I'd never heard of before, demonizing Erin O'Toole on the health care file. Reading the entrails shows an early election call this spring.
And yet, yesterday I saw a TV ad by one of the usual liberal astroturf organizations whom I'd never heard of before, demonizing Erin O'Toole on the health care file. Reading the entrails shows an early election call this spring.
Yup. Counting on the blind non-fact checking nature of Trudeaumania types...
Yeah, but as much as Trudeau needs to wear it, it means little if the leader of the opposition is disliked more and more.
Exactly as Trudeau and his strategists would have it...demonizing O’Toole to distract attention away from the shortcomings of he and his government.
The libs and all their friends just voted down a private members bill that would have led to crackdown on the cross border trafficking of illegal firearms. Legal firearms? Hang the bastards! Illegal firearms? Have at ‘er boys!
Exactly as Trudeau and his strategists would have it...demonizing O’Toole to distract attention away from the shortcomings of he and his government.
Have they though?

Really, in a sense that the public would take note of?

This might have to do with the missteps O'Toole has had with the residential school remarks or the Derek Sloan thing than anything that Trudeau or the liberals have said about O'Toole.

• taking action against a party member who, inadvertently or not, received fundraising from an inappropriate group = bad...shouldn’t be the next PM.

• taking action against a party member who spoke out about concerns of another party member’s alleged associations with a foreign terrorist organization = okay...should continue as PM for potentially fourth, fifth, etc. ethics violation.

Got it. To think that folks felt so strongly about crowd/groupthink in support of a weak leader elsewhere...but at home...apologize, cry, repeat...keep the false virtues signaling... 🙄

• taking action against a party member who, inadvertently or not, received fundraising from an inappropriate group = bad...shouldn’t be the next PM.

• taking action against a party member who spoke out about concerns of another party member’s alleged associations with a foreign terrorist organization = okay...should continue as PM for potentially fourth, fifth, etc. ethics violation.

Got it. To think that folks felt so strongly about crowd/groupthink in support of a weak leader elsewhere...but at home...apologize, cry, repeat...keep the false virtues signaling... 🙄
I hope that this isn't directed at me, because I said nothing of the sort.

I just posted a poll that shows a growing number of Canadians have a unfavorable view of O'Toole while Trudeau has had no change in what Canadians think of him.

The reasons for this are up for debate, of course.
Just a juxtapositional thought...
In other business. Looks like Trudeau and his associates don’t want stronger legislation against illegal gun smuggling. His extended team supported his soft-on-illegal-guns/tough-on-legal-gun-owners approach to vote collecting.

Bill C-238 voted down by Liberals, NDP and Green.

For: 150 - Conservatives (all), Bloc (all), Liberal (2 - Suhk Dhaliwal, Surrey BC; Adam Vaughan, Spadina-Fort York ON), Independent (1 - Ramesh Sangha, Brampton Center ON)

Against: 171 - Liberal (142), NDP (all), Green (all), Independent (3)

Interestingly, the two liberals and one independent (recently ejected from the Liberal caucus) who voted yes are MPs for large metropolitan population centers with disproportionately high illegal gun use....so they feel that legislation was justified.

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