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Legal Officer Recruiting [Merged]

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The process varies from time to time depending on the need for new Legal Officers. Back in the 1990s and earlier there were often years between intakes. Since 2000 there has been a fairly large expansion in the branch with several DEO and MLTP candidates being taken in mostly annually.

I've been away from the branch too long to know how things are going at this time but generally expansion seems to have stopped and attrition is low. The recruiting office should know what is going on or at the very least should be able to find out.

csers said:
What are the chances that my file could have been closed without notifying me? I applied over a year ago, and have heard nothing. Because the Legal Officer process is outside the regular recruitment process, the recruiting office hasn't been able to advise me of anything. Now I'm wondering if I was rejected for some reason and they forgot to tell me...

I recently found out that they have about 350 applicants and they will be interviewing 10 people in January. Good luck!
fata morgana said:
I recently found out that they have about 350 applicants and they will be interviewing 10 people in January. Good luck!

Are those 350 applicants are DEO, MLTP or both?
fata morgana said:
I recently found out that they have about 350 applicants and they will be interviewing 10 people in January. Good luck!
I got a call and was told this as well. I assume that a number of the applicants have moved on in their careers/personal lives and are no longer interested. It has been about 18 months since I applied.
To the people reading this post - and applying to JAG - are you already in the CAF?  Do you have army experience?  I’ve heard they rarely hire anyone outside CAF and wondering if that still holds true.
I applied as a current military member for this year competition.

The forecast for F/Y 18-19 is to hire 11 external candidates and 5 internal via MLTP as the information seen on Director of Personnel Generation Requirements' web page
Yes, I got the same call, and he told me a little about their marking grid... points for legal experience, strength of reference letters, and personal stmt, and I *think* other experience. I don't know where I'll fit- I am in more of an advisory role atm, so not really practicing, but I have prior military experience.  :orly:

Any idea how it might play out in an offer, if you are already commissioned?
Hello again everyone. It has been some time since I posted. I recieved phone calls similar to the board members above regarding JAG recruiting - how assessments are made, the number of applicants and so on. I was called last week by a Major from the OJAG, and was invited to an interview at NDHQ Ottawa. Naturally, as excited as I am, this also leads to a few questions as to where this fits in the process etc. and I would appreciate any help anyone can provide.

1. The Major indicated that the positions were highly competitive and that about 400 applicants were in the system (at that point I was waiting for her to say, "and unfortunately we are not proceeding with your file") and that 12 had been selected for interviews. I noted in the DEO intake list available elsewhere on the site, that 10 DEO officers are expected to be hired this FY. Am I correct in my interpretation of these numbers? Essentially that it is 12 finalists for 10 positions? Or did I misunderstand the Major?

2. Following the interview, are the applicants re-listed in a new Competition List ranking? Last recruiting period, I was ranked 28th out of that year's applicants and unfortunately did not get asked to interview with the JAG. I am just curious as to how the interview interacts with a potential offer? Is it used to create a new, final ranking?

3. Are there any additional steps following the interview similar to civilian practice? I.e. a second interview etc?

4. While the information above has been very helpful in anticipating questions that may be asked, and things to concentrate on in the meantime, If anyone has anything to add, that would be fantastic.

Thank you in advance for any information anyone will be able to provide. As noted in my posts prior, this Board is an invaluable resource for those going through the recruiting process or contemplating a career in the CAF.
Please appreciate the fact that its been nine years since I was with the branch so things may very well have changed since then.

In my day there would be several candidates short-listed for every position. twelve for ten positions sounds a bit low but twelve is what one could reasonably expect to be interviewed in one day.

Candidates will be ranked during the interviews and at that point I would expect that after that offers will be made to the top ten candidates. The ranking is necessary as sometimes candidates will decide not to accept an offer or fail out on one or another final enrollment criteria or even the basic officers' course in which case replacements are sought from the list in order of rank (that's another reason why I think only 12 candidates being interviewed is a bit low - you do not want to reform a board to pick additional people in the case that there are drop-outs)

There is no "second interview" per se. The board makes the ranking and unless something unusual happens offers are based on the ranking.

As an update, there is currently 3 of an initial 10 positions still available for DEO Legal Officer (RegF) for FY 2018-19, according to the  current Strategic Intake Plan (SIP).

Current outlook for FY 2019-20 is a SIP of 4, which may change.
Thanks TGO2. It is only the interview. Don't have an offer in hand yet...

Winds_13, thank you for that additional info. It raises a couple of questions:

1. I assume the SIPs are tied to the fiscal year? Would my interview be for the 2018/19 intake or 2019/20?

2. Given that some of the positions available have already been filled, I assume that the positions are filled "on-the-fly"? -  rather than interviewing all the shortlisted applicants, ranking them, and then selecting a few for further processing all at the same time?

3. Does the info also provide the number of potential applicants for the remaining three spots?

Thanks for any help you or anyone else is able to provide. Hopefully with the generous assistance of the forum, I can maximize my chance at further processing.

Magisterjuris said:
Thanks TGO2. It is only the interview. Don't have an offer in hand yet...

Winds_13, thank you for that additional info. It raises a couple of questions:

1. I assume the SIPs are tied to the fiscal year? Would my interview be for the 2018/19 intake or 2019/20?

2. Given that some of the positions available have already been filled, I assume that the positions are filled "on-the-fly"? -  rather than interviewing all the shortlisted applicants, ranking them, and then selecting a few for further processing all at the same time?

3. Does the info also provide the number of potential applicants for the remaining three spots?

Thanks for any help you or anyone else is able to provide. Hopefully with the generous assistance of the forum, I can maximize my chance at further processing.

Magisterjuris, to answer some of your questions:

1. There are currently 12 individuals selected for interviews by the JAG Board this month. Next round of JAG interviews should be in June. According to the SIP, 9 of 10 positions for FY 2018/19 have now been hired, so there is currently 1 position remaining, as far as I am aware. This means 12 persons added to those already completed their interview for 1 remaining position. Current outlook for FY 2019/20 is 4 positions (RegF DEO Legal Officer), which could change.

2. I am unsure how the JAG Branch ranks the Legal Officer applicants for selection. Assumedly, the interview with the JAG Board has significant weight along with one`s experience and qualifications.

3. If found suitable by the JAG Board, you would complete the remaining processing requirements for employment in the CAF (Medical, Interview with an MCC, Background Checks, etc.) before being placed on the Competition List for potential selection.


Best of luck.  I am also interviewing this week for a legal officer position.  But this will be my last one-I will be age restricted if I don't the job this first time up to bat.  I will serve in the reserves in whatever capacity I can if I don't get it.

And to echo your sentiment-thank you, thank you, thank you !! to all who give of your time to answer our questions on this site.  I do hope to be able to pass on some wisdom should I be chosen to serve.

Sincerely appreciate all of your time, past and present service!! I have consulted this site often as I worked through my CFAT in summer 2016 until now, and was always amazed at the time you all give. Merci.

Congratulations! I saw on another thread that you got your offer :) I'm still slogging through the process :p
What do you mean by age restricted?  Are any applicants being considered without law degree who have been accepted into a law school?
Chad.wiseman, by age restricted he assumedly means that he would not be able to complete an initial service contract, called a Variable Initial Engagement, before reaching mandatory retirement at age 60.

For your second question, the minimum Entry Standard to apply as a Direct Entry (DEO) Legal Officer is to have already passed the bar in province. To be competitive, you will likely likely need several years of experience practicing law in a relative field (ie. Criminal Law, Administrative Law,  International Law, Labour and Employment Law, and/or Human Rights Law.