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Legal Cannabis Use in the CAF

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BinRat55 said:
Here's a friendly neighbourhood question mark ...    ??

If you can still find enough of the MC threads to read them, you'll understand rather quickly.

It was not a comment directed at you, or anyone in particular. But one that recent history says needed to be made.

Feel free to PM me if you need further info, we can keep the thread free of it  :)


BinRat55 said:
Thanks Recce... I am almost as passionate about medical marijuana as I am about supply! I was THAT guy 3 or 4 years ago - the major sceptic. I had run the gambit of meds, and I truly thought I was a lost cause. I was completely sure that I would die alone and friendless. I said "What the hell? What do I have to loose?" So I went there. It saved my life and more importantly relieved much of my loved ones' pain - the pain I was causing not knowing - or even caring. I still have a lot to learn about MMJ, PTSD and how it all fits together - we all do. But for right now I want to shout from all the rooftops - it works. It works.

I echo that Brother. 37+ years, retired MWO (TQ), never touched an illegal drug the whole time. Tranquilizers and sleeping pills, mixed with copious amounts of alcohol. Always in a bad mood and yelling at everyone.

I was convinced to give it a try after a friend gave me some, after I retired, and I haven't looked back. No more overeating, went from near a case of beer a day to less than that over a three week period. My physical pain has been almost completely diminished to where it is hardly noticeable. My wife, of 43 years, is very happy with my transformation. The last few years are some of the best we've had.

I've watched too many friends die by their own hand and seen enough saved by medical cannabis that I'm a total convert. So much so, that my doctor has now decided to start researching it and is referring patients to a local doctor that does prescriptions for particular strains and oils, including dosing. It's taking hold and even professional practitioners are getting on board. My doctor is an ex pharmacist who now prefers to give her patients access to cannabis rather than prescribe pharmaceuticals.

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea and some will never change their minds. However, for those of us that it works for, it's been a godsend. I'm on record as saying certain trades, jobs, positions, etc, require certain considerations. Much the same as the CAF has made for other drugs.

I think the key might be to treating it the same as alcohol or other prescription drugs. If you are not allowed alcohol or other drug, then no cannabis for you.

Thank you for your posts - they've been very informative to an observer with no stake in the game (yet)

I will say that I think back to the bad days I've had in my career where I looked to alcohol to escape. Some great times, but some pretty awful times too. Curious how things could have been different if some of us could have had a joint after a rough week, a crap exercise, or a stressful tour.

Maybe one day I will get to (legally) test my theory.

Until then, I'm glad this is helping you guys.  :salute:
Spectrum said:

Thank you for your posts - they've been very informative to an observer with no stake in the game (yet)

I will say that I think back to the bad days I've had in my career where I looked to alcohol to escape. Some great times, but some pretty awful times too. Curious how things could have been different if some of us could have had a joint after a rough week, a crap exercise, or a stressful tour.

Maybe one day I will get to (legally) test my theory.

Until then, I'm glad this is helping you guys.  :salute:

Cheers Spectrum, it's appreciated. I'm only interested in passing on what I know and dispelling rumours. If it helps someone make a decision, either way, I'll be satisfied with that.
Spectrum said:

Thank you for your posts - they've been very informative to an observer with no stake in the game (yet)

I will say that I think back to the bad days I've had in my career where I looked to alcohol to escape. Some great times, but some pretty awful times too. Curious how things could have been different if some of us could have had a joint after a rough week, a crap exercise, or a stressful tour.

Maybe one day I will get to (legally) test my theory.

Until then, I'm glad this is helping you guys.  :salute:

Thanks Spectrum for sharing and your sentiment. Just like Recce I too am only interested in helping people understand and hopefully remove some stigma attached to this course of treatment. I always say - my results are mine and mine alone, but how can 10 billion molecules be wrong!

I am always ready to share my experiences and how I cope.
One interesting development I read about was one of the companies working on a patch for a time release.  I think the major benefit of the number of states where it is now legal is the investments where they can finally do the research required to figure out what effects are of the various compounds found in the different strain and what can benefit who.

I have dealt with more motor vehicle collisions causing injury where a person admitted to or was found to have used marijuana within a hour prior to the collision than I have cellphones or alcohol.

Washington​ State is also having the same problem. For them, it's well exceeded their rate of collisions causing injury over drunk driving.
LunchMeat said:
I have dealt with more motor vehicle collisions causing injury where a person admitted to or was found to have used marijuana within a hour prior to the collision than I have cellphones or alcohol.

Washington​ State is also having the same problem. For them, it's well exceeded their rate of collisions causing injury over drunk driving.

Genuinely surprised by that. I've read elsewhere that places that legalized pot saw an increase in traffic accidents but difficult to believe it's a bigger ratio than alcohol or especially cell phones. I wonder if being legalized in the CAF will likewise lead to more accidents (despite the bottle to throttle rule).
LunchMeat said:
I have dealt with more motor vehicle collisions causing injury where a person admitted to or was found to have used marijuana within a hour prior to the collision than I have cellphones or alcohol.

Washington​ State is also having the same problem. For them, it's well exceeded their rate of collisions causing injury over drunk driving.

Not discounting your personal experience, but I'd like to see some certified statistics on that before making any further discussion about impairment, method of ingestion, type of cannabis and active ingredients. Your statement is just too general and personal to really have a point.

I am not advocating driving, impaired by anything, just that if we're going to discuss it properly we need more than personal anecdotes. They're welcome, they just don't make a good start point :salute: Cheers.
The statistics from Washington state are discussed here: http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/may/10/marijuana-related-fatal-car-accidents-surge-washin/

Roughly 10 percent of Washington state drivers involved in fatal car crashes between 2010 and 2014 tested positive for recent marijuana use, with the percentage of drivers who had used pot within hours of a crash doubling between 2013 and 2014, according to a new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
recceguy said:
Not discounting your personal experience, but I'd like to see some certified statistics on that before making any further discussion about impairment, method of ingestion, type of cannabis and active ingredients. Your statement is just too general and personal to really have a point.

I am not advocating driving, impaired by anything, just that if we're going to discuss it properly we need more than personal anecdotes. They're welcome, they just don't make a good start point :salute: Cheers.

Here's scholarly article about it



About roadside testing

Fatalities double after legalization (Washington State)

Fatalities increase after legalization (Colorado)
So we are finally getting some research for veterans with PTSD. We already know there is benefits but this is hard data to back up what vets already know.

Military, Veterans Affairs to test effects of medical marijuana on PTSD in clinical trial
Clinical trial will look at 'efficacy and safety' of marijuana in treating PTSD

Tanks! for the links everyone. I don't have time at the moment , but I'll get to them soon.

Chief Stoker said:
So we are finally getting some research for veterans with PTSD. We already know there is benefits but this is hard data to back up what vets already know.

Military, Veterans Affairs to test effects of medical marijuana on PTSD in clinical trial
Clinical trial will look at 'efficacy and safety' of marijuana in treating PTSD


I wouldn't say "finally getting"... there's this:



BinRat55 said:
I wouldn't say "finally getting"... there's this:

I'm sure there's other studies out there as well, this one is by the government. Perhaps the government didn't like the validly of the medileafs study? I thought veterans would like the fact that the government is looking into this closer, perhaps it might lead to more access and a higher limit?
Chief Stoker said:
I'm sure there's other studies out there as well, this one is by the government. Perhaps the government didn't like the validly of the medileafs study? I thought veterans would like the fact that the government is looking into this closer, perhaps it might lead to more access and a higher limit?

I'm all for studies, research and the like. But if you're going to do a study, do it right. Determine the correct variables, establish the correct baseline and impartiality must be present. Most of us just want the opportunity to prove once and for all that we are not "pot heads" and "dealers" and "scammers looking for free dope". It's sad, really, when you have a group of people who are truly suffering and they are made fun of, called liars and shunned. All because of a stigma. Sorry... off topic.

Yea, so I'm all for these studies if they are done right but I think what people are afraid of is that the government (more closer, VAC) will cease coverage or suspend it while certain "studies" are going on.

And you say "Perhaps the government didn't like the validly of the medileafs study?" ... so there's another point. Who's study is acceptable and who determines that? I don't think veterans want more coverage or less coverage - we just want what we need whether it's 2 g a day or 13 g a day. We are all different.
BinRat55 said:
I'm all for studies, research and the like. But if you're going to do a study, do it right. Determine the correct variables, establish the correct baseline and impartiality must be present. Most of us just want the opportunity to prove once and for all that we are not "pot heads" and "dealers" and "scammers looking for free dope". It's sad, really, when you have a group of people who are truly suffering and they are made fun of, called liars and shunned. All because of a stigma. Sorry... off topic.

Yea, so I'm all for these studies if they are done right but I think what people are afraid of is that the government (more closer, VAC) will cease coverage or suspend it while certain "studies" are going on.

And you say "Perhaps the government didn't like the validly of the medileafs study?" ... so there's another point. Who's study is acceptable and who determines that? I don't think veterans want more coverage or less coverage - we just want what we need whether it's 2 g a day or 13 g a day. We are all different.

I guess the obvious is that medileaf has a vested interest in MM, i'm not saying that's the reason but it may be part of it. I would like to think the government will be impartial in any research it commissions. I have a question for you do you think the access or amount of MM will change when it becomes legal and becomes as regulated as alcohol?
Tonight on Movie Classic Sundays, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers MMJ Discussion!"
Chief Stoker said:
I guess the obvious is that medileaf has a vested interest in MM, i'm not saying that's the reason but it may be part of it. I would like to think the government will be impartial in any research it commissions. I have a question for you do you think the access or amount of MM will change when it becomes legal and becomes as regulated as alcohol?

We'll have to wait and see what the individual Provinces enact first. Wynne wanted to see it in the LCBO. The Feds legislation says it CAN"T be sold where alcohol is.

There's too much flux right now to even determine how much recreational bud you can buy. Access and amount will be determined later. Then we can have that discussion, unless I missed your question.
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