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Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

I wasnt allowed a cell phone!! .....Then again....it woulda been manpack sized at the time I'm sure!
Cellphone use, and other electronic devices can be used but it depends on the instructor. I have had instructors who had a no cell phone policy unless you where on leave and than you could take it from civie lockup. That being said The first 4 weeks are the most intense, this is when phone calls will be not as frequent after that depending on your instructor you should have plenty of time to make a quick phone call and if he is in the mega which i assume is the case since its St.Jean finding a free pay phone is sometimes hard to do.
Mandy55 said:
since cell phones are allowed,

Maybe, maybe not. As mentioned, this will be up to the course staff that he gets. He's not gone to some civilian education facility with a dorm room where he does whatever he wants. All 24 hours of his day are controlled by someone else.

Do you think he would at least be able to keep his iPod, so he can have a little break from the course to listen to music?

He will have plenty to do. Again, he is not attending some university. He likely will have time for that but you can expect him to go from work, directly to sleep more than willingly, at least for a while.
To add to what Scott said:

My DH and I have 20 years of military family life behind us. Don't waste your time trying to find out answers to the when and how questions. Useless to do so. My DH always calls when he can and always let's me know whats going on as soon as he knows for sure. Sometimes that means he calls me from his car to say "hey babe , guess what? I am coming home right now." Even his afghan deployment was like that. We have learned not to second guess or try to figure stuff out. It wastes energy and you always end up surprised anyways! Good luck to you and your sweetheart. Breathe!
CDN Aviator said:
Maybe, maybe not. As mentioned, this will be up to the course staff that he gets. He's not gone to some civilian education facility with a dorm room where he does whatever he wants. All 24 hours of his day are controlled by someone else.

He will have plenty to do. Again, he is not attending some university. He likely will have time for that but you can expect him to go from work, directly to sleep more than willingly, at least for a while.

When I said "cell phones are allowed", I was referring to the poster above who said they are in St Jean with him right now and cell phones are allowed. And the "break" I was referring to is after supper, before he goes to bed. I know his schedule is busy; I know he can't call me in the middle of the day.

Thanks for the replies everyone. I want to make clear that I'm not freaking out and it's not that I'm "unable to handle the separation". He got his offer very last minute (only a week before his flight to Montreal) so we didn't have time to figure out these little questions. I apologize if this isn't the place to ask questions about this kind of stuff.
Its the perfect place, one thing you might have to get used to is most military people don't sugar coat things to placate you.....it's blunt and 'right there'.

Good luck.
To expand on what Bruce said, and perhaps make myself a little more clear...

Many of us have seen all manner of things among troops while training. I have no clue what your relationship is like so I can only be presumptuous. It's not a slag against you or trying to cast doubt - just me covering all bases.

Just be patient and spend whatever time you do get to write/speak with him to talk about things that matter - not talking about when he is going to call/write next or why he hasn't called/written in X days/weeks/hours/seconds. Nothing used to piss me off more than working my tail off and finding a nastygram about how I was an asshole for not calling when she thought I should call.

I have a superstar in my wife. She never complains so long as she knows I am safe. She handles the day to day and month to month business items and she has also handled some biggies like the purchase of our house - she has POA for me and had to sign the contract because a competing offer came in...all while I was in a Scottish hospital having kidney stones taken care of. And that's just one example.

So it's not just some emails and telephone calls that make me feel good while away, it's how she goes about her daily life and how she has her own things to keep busy and pass the time. Yes, it sucks big bags of dinks that I have to go away, but the time passes much more quickly when you're happy. Miss him all you want, but don't be miserable.
Mandy55 said:
And the "break" I was referring to is after supper, before he goes to bed. I know his schedule is busy; I know he can't call me in the middle of the day.

There often isn't a "break" before bed, especially in the first few weeks.... Sometimes classes go until 7:30 or 8:00PM, and there is usually an inspection every morning for the first few weeks, so as a platoon they've got to clean all the quarters plus get their own stuff cleaned and folded and ironed and sorted out, all before 11:00PM (cause that's lights out). Then they're up at 5:00AM again for PT and a brand new day of awesomeness.

And it's very frowned upon by your peers to be in the hallway on the phone while the rest of your platoon is slaving away at this kind of stuff...
There are two payphones in each elevator bay of the Blue Sector - depending on where his platoon is, and how they are spread out, there could only be two phones for about 45-60 candidates.  If he's lucky they may have access to four phones (if they are spread out into two elevator bays/staircases)... so there's not a lot of access.
Also, cell phone access depends on the platoon.  This summer, my platoon barely had access to their cell phones until week 8 while the other platoons got to keep them from the get-go.  It depends on the staff, on the Warrants, on the Platoon Commander.  There was even a platoon that wasn't allowed to use the pay phones on their floor except on weekends...
megsy said:
There are two payphones in each elevator bay of the Blue Sector - depending on where his platoon is, and how they are spread out, there could only be two phones for about 45-60 candidates.  If he's lucky they may have access to four phones (if they are spread out into two elevator bays/staircases)... so there's not a lot of access.
Also, cell phone access depends on the platoon.  This summer, my platoon barely had access to their cell phones until week 8 while the other platoons got to keep them from the get-go.  It depends on the staff, on the Warrants, on the Platoon Commander.  There was even a platoon that wasn't allowed to use the pay phones on their floor except on weekends...

Thanks! That was very specific and helpful! I appreciate you telling me all this. :)
Hi Mandy;

I had a very difficult Staff on my basic.  We had a Warrant that had just received a Cellular phone 2 months prior to our BMOQ so Cellular/computer use was off limits(even in the Approved sectors) during the weeks we were there.

We were allowed access Friday 5pm - Sunday 6pm.

Now as for calling we were a platoon of 60 candidates with 4 pay phones to use.  I was able to call my wife almost every night I was in Garrison, and only periodically while in the field.

It was extremely nice to talk to my wife while I was there but I will warn you now that you may not like what you hear from your spouse the first 5 weeks as they will stress out the candidates to attempt to break the ones who are not there for the right reasons.  Try and I say this as I don't know your situation, try no stay positive when they call you, try to not impose your feelings of wanting them home with you and not there doing what they want to do.  I hope that makes sense.

When it came to visits, we rented a hotel in Montreal downtown and had one of the most memorable weekends we've had together, it was simply amazing seeing her after being apart.  The worst part is she drove 9 hours to see me and was waiting outside to pick me up before I even knew if I was going to be leaving the Barracks for the week end.

Life post BMOQ is nothing like Saint Jean.

SentryMAn said:
We had a Warrant that had just received a Cellular phone 2 months prior to our BMOQ

SentryMAn said:
so Cellular/computer use was off limits(even in the Approved sectors) during the weeks we were there.

Color me stupid, but I don't see what one has to do with the other.  ???
SentryMAn said:
I was able to call my wife almost every night I was in Garrison, and only periodically while in the field.

You were able to call home from the field?! :o How??
Field as in While in the hard shacks adjacent the Showers and Mess in Farnham.

I was not able to call home during Pre-vimy and Vimy Field EX. 

Cell phones and computer use were counseling items if we were caught using them during Monday-Friday the first 5 weeks, even using the Computer stations in the common sectors.  After the first 5 weeks we were limited to using Cellular phones to the week ends and they were locked up Monday-Friday with our Civilian attire.  Some platoons were allowed their phones/computers after working hours during the week we were not.

I look back on Basic and think it was a wonderful experience, you quickly make friends and find out those you can trust in the first few weeks.  We had a great section that worked extremely well together.  One of our Section is currently serving a tour in Afghanistan fresh off his phase training.

Best of luck.
Please let me know if you have any other specific questions.

One last thing too, Send candy/chocolate bars to him.  Make sure there is enough for the platoon and staff.  It will get him some really good brownie points with everyone, lol
I am going on a weekend 'holiday' or what have you inside of Canada. There will be a fancy night on the town (fine dining, casino night sort of thing) and someone asked me if I could wear my Navy whites for the evening.

I scoured the QR&Os (http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/qro-orf/vol-01/chapter-chapitre-017-eng.asp) and CF dress instructions (http://cs.uwindsor.ca/~fitzpatr/A-DH-265-000.pdf) for some answers but nothing referenced wearing uniform inside of Canada.

I could ask my CO for permission but the event is this weekend and I doubt I will get a response by then (I'm attached to a large armory while attending civilian college)

I'm an Ordinary Seaman if that has any effect on the matter.
(1) Except that an officer or non-commissioned member may wear a military uniform of obsolete pattern that is not likely to be confused with current dress, no member shall wear any part of military uniform at a fancy dress ball.

This may not be with the times (I've never attended a ball), but it's interpretation may be applicable to evening public gatherings for entertainment.

My advice is that you've gotten to the point where you need to ask and in the future, it's far easier to simply say "no" or at the least ask permission from the chain.

Since you're running out of time - I would tell myself "no" unless someone here convinces you otherwise.

If you're a reservist - the answer is pretty clear under QR&O 17.06 (2) - No.

[EDIT to add reservist info]

M2A said:
(1) Except that an officer or non-commissioned member may wear a military uniform of obsolete pattern that is not likely to be confused with current dress, no member shall wear any part of military uniform at a fancy dress ball.

This may not be with the times (I've never attended a ball), but it's interpretation may be applicable to evening public gatherings for entertainment. . . . . . .

So, you've never dressed up for a Halloween party.

The common use and understanding of the term "fancy dress ball (or party)" has declined here in Canada but it does not mean formal dress.  In matters of definition, I (like the military during my service) always go to the Concise Oxford Dictionary - ". . . fancy dress  fanciful costume, esp. for masquerading as a different person or as an animal etc. at a party . . .".  In other words it means a costume party and thus a member cannot wear any part of current uniform as part of a costume.

To the OP.

There are probably no regulations (unless you are a reservist) that would absolutely preclude you from wearing your uniform while off duty.  You should deservedly be proud of serving and should not feel uncomfortable with being identified as such in public, but (as someone who lost that brief urge to dress up decades ago) why would you want to?
It is all about perception and this may not necessarily be specifically addressed in a reg. Consider, however, how people unfamiliar with the military may view this: A CF member in uniform at a casino. I too have worn my uniform in public to many locales but I generally steer clear of the bar/casino/fancy restaurant scene as the perception is generally, if you are in uniform, you are on duty and why are you on duty in a casino (or a bar...)? I applaud your desire to 'show off' your uniform and admire your apparent pride in what you do, but think about this carefully even if you do get the nod to go ahead on this.
This is nothing more than my take on 'ethics' in the CF and admittedly may not be shared by others.
As for specific 'Reserve' rules, I am not familiar so will not say anything on that.

For those who have been around for a while, the old 'Rigger Runs' of the past are frowned upon.
Pat in Halifax said:
It is all about perception and this may not necessarily be specifically addressed in a reg. Consider, however, how people unfamiliar with the military may view this: A CF member in uniform at a casino. I too have worn my uniform in public to many locales but I generally steer clear of the bar/casino/fancy restaurant scene as the perception is generally, if you are in uniform, you are on duty and why are you on duty in a casino (or a bar...)? I applaud your desire to 'show off' your uniform and admire your apparent pride in what you do, but think about this carefully even if you do get the nod to go ahead on this.
This is nothing more than my take on 'ethics' in the CF and admittedly may not be shared by others.
As for specific 'Reserve' rules, I am not familiar so will not say anything on that.

For those who have been around for a while, the old 'Rigger Runs' of the past are frowned upon.

I have to agree with Pat about wearing your uniform at a Casino or at a bar without being authorized.  As for a rigger run, even though they are frowned upon they certainly do still go on and authorized by the COC in certain ports. This summer with the war of 1812 celebrations, in certain ports pers will ONLY be allowed ashore in whites and i'm sure there will be plenty of bars and other seedy locations sailors enjoy patronizing. As long as they don't disgrace the uniform of course and act as they should.
My personal experiance on the matter:

I am in a reserve regiment, in Southern Ontario. I have a little cousin in the cadets, who asked me to wear my uniform to his annual. I asked permission through my CoC, and was approved over the phone (I called the BOR asking for regulations, and instead was put on hold while they asked). I was basically told the following: as long as it is tasteful, you are not mis-representing the Army (Navy in your case), and you have permission it is acceptable. Now, this may be just my regiment, but from the sounds of it, as a reservist, you need permission from "higher". I don't know what qualifies as higher- whether the buck stops at your section commander, platoon officer, or CO (sub in Navy equivalents where required :P)