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Leave Policy – Christmas / Holidays [Merged]

Topic: "basic training - Christmas Leave":
I searched for BMQ Christmas and had no problem finding answers.

The exact dates each year will shift by a few days with the calender. Until your course staff give you instructions or a signed leave pass, all plans should be subject to change.
Thanks for the quick replies, for some reason they didnt show up when I did a search of the forums using the parameters that I used, it seems the search function is touchy. Pretty much I gathered is don't make plans because it's not 100% for certain with the dates, etc. Folks will be upset, oh well!

Thanks again
Do not get the wrong impression.

You can make plans, but do take the advice and not spend money on something that may have to be cancelled due to your leave dates do not match up with your intentions.

Sure it is cheaper or easier to make bookings ect... this far in advance, but the work you have signed up for means things can change at a moment's notice.
I finish bmq on December 11 from Borden. I have heard that bmq shuts down for 3 weeks at xmas but was wondering if I will also get three weeks off from SQ?  Also wondering if anyone knows where an artilleryman would do his SQ?  Will it be in Gagetown or will I stay in Borden or something completely different?

Thanks in advance.

BARBARIAN :salute:





I will be starting BMQ November 29th... and I am curious as to how this will all work, I have been told we get Holiday leave and then continue on our training until April.

When does the Holiday leave date start? and when does it end? How will this affect how we are treated in the BMQ course, are we going to be pushed harder and restricted more because of the time we get off?

When we go on Holiday Leave what do we do with our equipment? Do we leave it in Quebec? Do we take it with us? What with our gear? and our CADPAT uniform? Will we get time to dust and clean up our rooms when we come back, because I am sure that they will be dusty after sitting for so long..

You haven't even started yet and you're worried about the dust that will accumulate over your Christmas break?
Being worried and being prepared are to different things,  Id appreciate some advice, your criticism yields no purpose....
Probably, you will secure your kit in the hermetically sealed environment of your locker, an engineering marvel that is the envy of the free world.  Most likely your return to basic will be on a Saturday, to give you a day to sort your area out.  They won't plop you down first thing day one back and start pouring the poop to you.  That happens on the second day.
I had the Christmas break when I did my BMQ so I can answer your questions.

The break started on Wed, Dec 16th, and I went back on Sat, Jan 9th. You can pretty much choose what time you come back as long as you're back before Sunday @ 6:00pm. We were pushed harder right before the break, and even had our weekend (week 5) taken away from us because we weren't "good enough" and were leaving in a couple days anyway.

You leave all your issued stuff there in your locker and locked kit bags/barrack box. We had PT the morning of the day we were leaving, and not everybody leaves at once so my Fire Team Partner was nice enough to do my laundry because I left a couple hours before him.

Surprisingly, when we got back, the place was DUST FREE. And nobody in our platoon had cleaned anything. To this day we don't know if they had somebody clean the place for us (highly doubtful) or not.
Lavitz said:
I had the Christmas break when I did my BMQ so I can answer your questions.

The break started on Wed, Dec 16th, and I went back on Sat, Jan 9th. You can pretty much choose what time you come back as long as you're back before Sunday @ 6:00pm. We were pushed harder right before the break, and even had our weekend (week 5) taken away from us because we weren't "good enough" and were leaving in a couple days anyway.

You leave all your issued stuff there in your locker and locked kit bags/barrack box. We had PT the morning of the day we were leaving, and not everybody leaves at once so my Fire Team Partner was nice enough to do my laundry because I left a couple hours before him.

Surprisingly, when we got back, the place was DUST FREE. And nobody in our platoon had cleaned anything. To this day we don't know if they had somebody clean the place for us (highly doubtful) or not.

For some reason that story about the dust made me burst out laughing haha.
owa said:
For some reason that story about the dust made me burst out laughing haha.

Haha. :P Thought somebody might like that. Honestly though, there was literally no dust anywhere.
Lavitz said:
I had the Christmas break when I did my BMQ so I can answer your questions.

The break started on Wed, Dec 16th, and I went back on Sat, Jan 9th. You can pretty much choose what time you come back as long as you're back before Sunday @ 6:00pm. We were pushed harder right before the break, and even had our weekend (week 5) taken away from us because we weren't "good enough" and were leaving in a couple days anyway.

You leave all your issued stuff there in your locker and locked kit bags/barrack box. We had PT the morning of the day we were leaving, and not everybody leaves at once so my Fire Team Partner was nice enough to do my laundry because I left a couple hours before him.

Surprisingly, when we got back, the place was DUST FREE. And nobody in our platoon had cleaned anything. To this day we don't know if they had somebody clean the place for us (highly doubtful) or not.

Thanks buddy, the most informative piece post in this entire thread! I know everyone laughs about the dust shit but really, I know how anal they are about it...
I’m hoping a clerk can help me with an annual leave problem. I am posted to a warship and my primary next of kin is in Manitoba.  I was given leave to go home to Manitoba, but they told me I have to stand a duty watch in the middle of my leave, because ships don’t take ‘block leave’ and it is an every man for himself situation (Ie. You want the day off you pay someone to take it for you or trade.)  So I then asked if I could submit multiple leave passes so I didn’t have to waste leave days while on duty and I was told that I can only submit one leave pass for the holiday season, because it would be too much work for the admin people.

My questions:
1 Doesn’t a leave pass mean you don’t need to report for duty?
2 I thought it was mandatory for my unit to allow me to go to my next of kin for the leave period, am I wrong?
3 They made us write ‘Member responsible for duty watch’ on our leave passes, is this allowed?
4 I have heard of, but haven’t found, a reference that says members taking 15 or more days of leave are to be taken off the duty watch
5 Do units have to have ‘block leave’ at Christmas?

I know this is a lot of complaining, but I was in the Army before and I never had a leave problem until I joined that Navy.

Slow Down!
First off, you should be taking this up with your Departmental Coordinator (AKA The Chief!) through your divisional system. Second, it is illegal for someone to take money for a duty watch!! What you are saying is and has been the norm on major warships for over a decade. Find someone on the opposite leave period in the same predicament and swap watches with them. As for multiple leave passes, THEY are wrong. If as an example, I am on leave from 10 Dec to 17 Dec and am duty on 13 Dec, I MUST submit two leave passes (10-12 and 14-17). If, while on leave and duty, I fall down a ladder.....you can see where this 'could' go.
1. Yes unless there is a condition in the "Remarks" block
2. You are incorrect though you can get LTA
3. Yes
4. It says 'should' not 'shall'
5. Again, they 'should' - see #4

I am not a clerk but have submitted/ proofread/recommended/declined/approved my share of leave passes in 30 years. Don't rock the boat on this one. Try to resolve it among friends/coworkers before taking it higher but don't waste your efforts looking for a reg. I suspect why you had no issues in the Army is because policies and procedures were well known to you. In the Navy, for a variety of reasons, things are done differently; not better or worse just differently.
I do hope you can resolve this peacefully and enjoy your leave in Manitoba!
Your best bet is to find someone who is staying in the local area and offer to take two of their shifts some time in the future (Easter maybe?) for this one of yours.  I've done this, my brother has done this and I'm sure many other people on this board have done this.  It shouldn't be too hard.

Note: I'm currently filling a position that doesn't take duty because I'm always on call.  I volunteered to hold the phone for a week since I would be in town anyway.
Do you actually have a pass that says you are on leave on the day in question? 
OH OH!  Eurowing is about to go somewhere dangerous me thinks.  ;D

You should have more than one leave pass - can't be on leave and on duty the same day. As for the excuse they gave you of too much work for the admin staff - $%#^ them.  It's our job and it only takes another few seconds to post a second leave pass so whats the issue.  Damn Navy clerks starting to act like they are Bos'ns  ;D. What ever day you have a duty watch for should not be on your leave pass unless you trade duties as previously mentioned.  That should not be a problem, I was always able to find someone willing.  Might have to do a 2 for 1 but if you want it then you have to anty up.
