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Leave Policy – Christmas / Holidays [Merged]

Just wondering if anyone knows if your BMQ happens to run through a holiday (ie. Christmas), do you come back for Christmas or do you just continue on with your BMQ. I would assume that you wouldn't come home for a holiday just because it would be "interrupting" to say, your training. However I have no idea and my BMQ starts the 29th, thus it will run through Christmas. So if anyone has a definitive answer that'd be great

Check around the forums a bit before asking a question,  you will get your answer quicker.  I believe this exact question was asked/answered recently.

Yes,  if the course goes over Christmas,  your course will get XX amount of days to go back home.  You will return and continue on with your course.
On Christmas you get between 0600 and 0630 to open presents, and then its back to the drill hall maggot! >:(

GnyHwy said:
On Christmas you get between 0600 and 0630 to open presents, and then its back to the drill hall maggot! >:(

For some reason reminds me of this.

"Annual vacation leave with full pay is granted according to CF regulations and policies." - http://www.rmc.ca/adm/rotpretp-pfofrpfi-eng.asp
i read in topic:paid vacation that you get like 20 days annual vacation, but is that it? do you get holidays off? i'm talking about like after university. thanks for any replies! ^^
You will get stat holidays plus 20 working days (4 weeks) to start.  Other than that, the CF will employ you.
The topic says 'in rotp' and your post says 'after university' so I'll go ahead and answer the question implied by your topic.  dapaterson has already answered your question about vacation after university (and effectively after the ROTP, because by then you will be commissioned).

During ROTP you will have vacation during the Christmas/Holiday period and the length of time will depend on your exam schedule.  I had over 3 weeks.  You will get reading week (assuming your school has one) and you will get some time during the summer if your training schedule permits it.  Some courses are longer and take up more summer time and might reduce/void your vacation time; personally, I had 3 weeks vacation over this past summer.

dapaterson is correct that you're entitled to 20 days + stat during your time in the ROTP; however, you will receive additional leave consistent with the academic schedule of your institution.
I was wondering how leave works for Thanksgiving.  I am guessing that leave begins after last class on Friday (October 11th) but not sure what time we need to report back to the college (October 14th).  Can any current RMCC student advise me as to what the leave parameters are?

Well, if you are leaving the local area you will need to fill out a leave pass.  Chances are this is your first one so ask you section commander/leader/whatever they're called there now how to fill one out.  At this time you can ask when you have to be back.
I can't remember exactly, but I think you are permitted to leave Friday after class, and have to be back Thanksgiving Monday by a certain time.

You do need a leave pass to actually leave the college though (as you may already know). I believe to get one you have to write up a memo requesting the dates you want leave for, and pass it on to your Flight Commander.

I've been out for awhile though, so my memory may be a little rusty, and I could be completely wrong, haha.
Good day,
My classmates and I at CFNES were just hit with duty watches over Xmas leave and we had a few questions regarding entitlements.  I've read through the CF leave policy manual and found a few links to aid us, for instance, Section 2.2 states from my understanding that because duty watches are from 1430 to 0730 the next day that we absolutely are not required to burn a leave day for either of those 2 days. We are on a career course for another 7 months so all of us will have to burn our 25 days before April either way (being as we are in school and cannot take leave whenever we like)  So the question is since say my leave day is on the 21st of the month can the CO authorize the school their 2 special days as per Section 5.9 and withhold them from me and my classmates as to stop us from being able to accumulate the 2 days.  Basically I am wondering if i can argue favoritism by withholding special from a few members while giving it to the rest of the unit.
Along with that, some of the guys were wondering if there is a circumstance where the school can force them to make 2 leave passes and take broken leave as to burn off days.  So someone with duty on the 23rd who refuses to take leave until the 25th because he doesn't want to go on a broken leave period.

Thanks ahead of time for any helpful comments.
Thanks.  Yes I did read this before, answered some of my questions, unfortunately not the ones I currently have, although I take from it that the school can make us take split leave around a duty watch but, i'm not 100% sure on that.
Apologies, if this should be in a specific thread, but am wondering what the policy is for taking more than the 9 annual days at Christmas time that most units want you to have left by December.  I've been on sick leave for almost two months due to severe vertigo ( had condition since May) and the doc keeps adding more sick leave every time I go in for required weekly check-ups.  My problem is that since I have 25 annual, I basically have 3 weeks to burn and am wondering (given my medical circumstances and sitting on my ass because of it, if there would exist the possibility of taking 15 annual during Christmas to go to Ontario to see my dependant children and family.  I'm wondering, I guess if anyone has ever been allowed to take that amount of annual at that period if on heavy MELs, and in a static unit?
Its your annual leave. Some units may request that you do a memo to take leave outside block leave periods (Christmas, March Break, Summer), but if you're on MELs, the operational impact of your absence shouldn't be a big deal. I've seen it fairly regularly that people take the week before and/or the week after Christmas block to burn some leave off, and you have a great case because your Adjt will be very concerned at your remaining leave balance come January.

Just make sure that your Doc knows when your Christmas leave starts and ends, so that any new sick leave wouldn't override the annual.
Its your annual leave. Some units may request that you do a memo to take leave outside block leave periods (Christmas, March Break, Summer), but if you're on MELs, the operational impact of your absence shouldn't be a big deal. I've seen it fairly regularly that people take the week before and/or the week after Christmas block to burn some leave off, and you have a great case because your Adjt will be very concerned at your remaining leave balance come January.

Just make sure that your Doc knows when your Christmas leave starts and ends, so that any new sick leave wouldn't override the annual.

Thanks PuckChaser! I was a bit worried about what to do....especially as I'm on sick leave already.
PuckChaser said:
Just make sure that your Doc knows when your Christmas leave starts and ends, so that any new sick leave wouldn't override the annual.

Why worry about sick leave overriding annual?  If the Doc decides you should be on sick leave then sick leave it is,  how much annual you have has no bearing on it.  If you have too much sick leave for the unit to let you take annual then it is a case for accumulating.  Sick leave is for you to recover, annual is for you to have some down time and enjoy life.

If the Doc is giving you sick leave ensure there is no restriction on travel or requirement to see the Doc again during the period you want to be away.
Hello all.

My partner is being sent to basic training soon and We had a couple of questions about benefits?

1. Do you receive separation pay during basic? Some say yes some say no.
2. When do we qualify for health benefits?
3. Since this BMQ goes over Christmas will he get to come home for that time? 

We are new to all of this. Thanks for your help!  I have searched the threads but couldn't find a definite answer.

Thespiceguy79 said:
1. Do you receive separation pay during basic? Some say yes some say no.
2. When do we qualify for health benefits?

Are you Married/Common Law, or Dating(and each residing in their own residence)?

Thespiceguy79 said:
3. Since this BMQ goes over Christmas will he get to come home for that time?

Yes, there will be a leave period during that time and he will be able to go home.
For reference, perhaps,

Benefits during BMQ

will be merged with,

Allowances / Benefits during BMQ 

Thespiceguy79 said:
Since this BMQ goes over Christmas will he get to come home for that time? 

Thespiceguy79 said:
I have searched the threads but couldn't find a definite answer.

BASIC - Christmas Leave 
3 pages.

BMQ over Christmas 

basic training - Christmas Leave 

Christmas Leave (merged)
6 pages


Thespiceguy79 said:
Common law

Common Law Marriage in the Canadian Forces - Mega Thread
15 pages.
