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Languages you know

How many languages do you know (enough to carry on a conversation/understand a newspaper article)?

  • 1

    Votes: 27 31.0%
  • 2

    Votes: 35 40.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 19 21.8%
  • 4

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • 6 or more

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
Primary - English
Can struggle through French both Written and spoken but only Parisian they don't seem to like my accent in Quebec. ;)
Romanian - I can get by in but only like a go cart at the Indy

I guess based on the makeup of the forces, the better question is, how many of us speak bay? ;)
English. Obviously.
And french, due to the fact that I am forced to learn it for a university entrance in B.C.  But I only know enough of it to pass.  Hehe..
mother tongue:  English (of a redneck variety)
French in highschool, although I'm quickly losing it.
I'm getting quite proficient in Spanish here at uni
One German class....Der Himmel ist blau???  (that's about all I remember)

Use it or lose it.

English... hopefully SLT this summer will add functional French to the list.

I was thinking of trying to learn Arabic but I don't really wanna mess up my GPA in my last year of uni.
"I was thinking of trying to learn Arabic but I don't really wanna mess up my GPA in my last year of uni."

Good call.  Lots of people take languages as an 'easy' elective.....I ended up studying more for my 'easy' first year Spanish course than for my third year theory courses......

Cantonese (a Chinese dialect) = mother tongue
Spanish (learned in university)
French (can read and write pretty well, still trying to improve my oral interaction)

I also know a smattering of other languages...but mostly only phrases/simple greetings...  Italian, German, Gaelic, Dutch, Finnish, Stoney (a Sioux language).
English is my primary language.
French in elementary school.
German in high school.
Arabic in University.

A minute amount of Serbo-Croat, Farsi and Pashtu from deployments.

I tried to learn Irish but realized it wasn't practical.
PPCLI MCpl said:
I tried to learn Irish but realized it wasn't practical.

Welll of course it is, even the Irish don't speak Irish......

English well,
French not so well,
Spanish about the same,
Dad tried to get me to learn Irish, didn't bother.......
French = mother tongue,  although I am always speaking English now (happens when you've been going to English school for 4 years  :P)

At some point I would like to learn Spanish and Italian and possibly others, depending on how quickly I catch on to those
English-my first choice
French-was in a french school for 7 years
German-its there, but not to the full extent
Even though I was born in Canada, Turkish was my first language as a kid
Then came English when I got into school
And elementary/high school level french
English, Canadian French, International French, small smattering of German, Estonian, Hungarian, Latin and Japanese, and how to politely excuse myself in Chinese  ;D
I can speak english (duh right?) lol...and I used to be able to speak mandarin(chinese) but I'm losing it really quickly because its much rarer out here in little old NB than out in Edmonton where I learned it at school.