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Lady Kicked Out of Theater for Texting


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Warning: Coarse ( censored version ) language
I agree with that policy abouut texting or talkking during movies.  I wish more theaters imposed this rule.  Nothing pisses me off more than whhen I'm trying to watch a movie, and you see all these little cellphone screens light up in front of you, or when you hear people, clearly NOT whispering, "So-and-so just texted me about blah-blah-blah..." and then the giggling that accompanies the conversations...

You know what?  I paid my hard-earned, highly-taxed money to get in here with my wife.  We want to be entertained by the movie.  If we wanted to be entertained by a bunch of little kids texting, giggling, and pretending to be adults, we'd go and sit in the local mall's food court around either lunch time, or close to supper time!

I'm only 29, and my wife is 25, and we just look at each other and wonder how the generations keep getting dumber...

Ok, this rant is over...

Join the crowd of us who wonder why these people need to be "connected" 24 and 7.  Makes you wonder of their mental condition, if they can not operate on their own, as an individual, without contact with some other 'source'?  IF an EM burst were to happen, would they suddenly become motionless morons?
George Wallace said:
  IF an EM burst were to happen, would they suddenly become motionless morons?

Given the rise of obesity in our youth, I'm not so sure that a lot of them aren't already George.
Agreed.  The other day, my wife and I were in McDonalds having a quick supper.  Two tables down where 2 teenaged girls, eating and chatting on their cell phones the entire time, drove me crazy!  And yes, both were on the large size and I'm pretty sure the only exercise they get is with there two thumbs when they text!  We see this type of thing all the time when we are at the mall.  If cell phone towers where to ever stop working, I am sure there would be a national state of emergency declared, not only for the kids but for adults as well.
mike63 said:
.........  If cell phone towers where to ever stop working, I am sure there would be a national state of emergency declared, not only for the kids but for adults as well.

I have seen it in W(R)ainwright while deployed in the Peregrine 7 (or whatever Bivouac Area it was) the same people standing in that "sweet spot", morning, noon and night with a cellphone glued to their ear.  I serious have my doubts as to if they ever did any work.
This subject is similar to the lady escorted off a train by police last month.
"Cops kick cellphone blabbermouth off train:
After 16 hours blathering, woman doesn't understand why she got the boot":

It's almost getting creepy.
More and more I see people everywhere either sitting or standing completely motionless and staring fixedly into a little rectangular black box. It's like something out of a Stephen King novel (and I'm not referring to Cell).
One guy at work was actually standing in the middle of a roadway holding his phone up, trying to get better reception -completely unaware he had wandered onto the road. I was waiting for one of our big CAT 980's to come by and squash him flat.
Would have made a hell of a statement about natural selection...
Texting and walking is dangerous:

"Fountain lady heads to court, faces theft charges":

Looks like she is going to sue!

We have had pedestrian-struck while texting fatalities in Toronto.

As far as the need to produce PSA's telling people that texting while driving is dangerous, WTF!?

Edit to add.

"The NTSB faulted the Metrolink train's engineer for the collision, concluding that he was distracted by text messages he was sending while on duty.":
mariomike said:
Texting and walking is dangerous:

We have had pedestrian-struck fatalities in Toronto.

As far as the need to produce PSA's telling people that texting while driving is dangerous, WTF?!

I feel bad for that lady, but, honestly???  I'm sorry, if you are gonna text, go and lean by the wall or something...

I've caught myself starting to text and walk, and I usually pull over, as it were, and finish what I'm doing.  It's not rocket science.

I think the common sense has been effectively bred out of human society by now...  we are ripe for the picking!

The whole text message phenomenon creeps me out too. However, I wonder if the reaction of us "old fogies" isn't just the generation gap repeating itself.

We dump on the kids for their texting. Our parents dumped on us for our video games. Their parents dumped on them for  television. Our great grandparents screamed before that about excessive radio. And before that, it was the shock of love literature.

Jane Eyre. Sense and Sensibility. Instead of spending their time searching for a good husband, today's young women just sit there motionless. For hours. Lost in fantasy.

I don't know if civilization can withstand the romance novel.
toyotatundra said:
Jane Eyre....

....I don't know if civilization can withstand the romance novel.

"Lfe apprs to me 2 shrt to be spnt in nrsng anmsity / regsterng wrngs....so FTW! :)"
- Chrltte Brnte, Jne Ere

Hammer Sandwich said:
"Lfe apprs to me 2 shrt to be spnt in nrsng anmsity / regsterng wrngs....so FTW! :)"
- Chrltte Brnte, Jne Ere


OK, so sometimes evolution ISN'T for the betterment of the species...  lol.

I think texting is a great way to stay in touch, but honestly, who needs to be in contact 24-7?  Unless your wife is in labour and you can't be there (oh, wait, that's me in a few days...), turn the damned phone off in the movie theatre!  You have dedicated yourself to being there for a while, so respect the rest of us, and WATCH THE DAMNED MOVIE!!!

As for the "using the cell phone as a flashlight" theory...  well, anyone that buys that excuse can buy my wooden nickel collection for $100.  ::)

And these are the future of our species???  We're doomed.

I know someone who handed in an essay back in the 11th grade that was written entirely in txt speak. Texting is a plague, and involving mobile phones more and more in the classroom will be the end of us all.
This apparent need for permanent connection is unreal.

My fondest memory of my early career at sea is that in those old days (mid 70's), when the lines were let go, our only connection to the world became the twice daily short print out posted in the messes by the radiomen or listening on short wave such as BBC international from time to time. The peace and disconnect with our own world ashore was just blissful. 
Oldgateboatdriver said:
This apparent need for permanent connection is unreal.

My fondest memory of my early career at sea is that in those old days (mid 70's), when the lines were let go, our only connection to the world became the twice daily short print out posted in the messes by the radiomen or listening on short wave such as BBC international from time to time. The peace and disconnect with our own world ashore was just blissful.

That was indeed heavenly.  Hiowever, during my last tour at sea, you would have thought the rapture had begun the way some folks went on when outside e-mail was shut down or when we were in that pocket between mainland North America and Hawaii where there is no satellite TV reception.
"The lure of the LED screen:
With smartphones all around, is it rude to text — but not talk — in a theater?":
Frig yes to the pic MM posted.....

I know it is convenient to text.....but it wasn't allowed, and IT ISN'T POLITE!

I'm not gonna go to the movies and piss in the aisle, or have a wank just because it's convenient, and I feel like it...and it's "not realy bothering anyone"

This "complainant" needs to stick it.

I think it's totally reasonable because it interferes with the ability of other people to see the screen. Pretty simple harm principle stuff. If you doing something interferes with the rights or abilities of others to do something you can be stopped or punished.

Thanks for the tip about the wrong thread. Got my tabs switched.